<br />100838
<br />UNII-OK-M CrntiN�Atit's Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as follo%vs, .
<br />1. Payment of Principal and Interest; Prepayment and I ate f%arg2 ,. Bnrrniyr -t s'.,:tll pr'+ar ntlt pat "xk hen c ue"
<br />the Principal of and interest on the debt evidenced by the Note and any prepayment and late charg[-s due unifer fire Ntxce
<br />2. Funds for Taxes and Insurance. Subject to applicable law or to a written waiter by Lesdrr, Borrow er shad p i
<br />t£) Lender on the day monthly payments are due under the Note, unfil the ?ante is paid in full, a ,uan {" Funds"') equal To
<br />one- tAcitth c,f (a) %earl }"taxes and assessments which rota ;u attain priority riser this 5ccui'it� Instrument: ti; seirlj
<br />Ieasehoid payments or ground rents on the Property, if any`, lei yearbe ha%Ird insurance- prermuniy; and (d) ttariv
<br />mortgage insurance premiums, if any, These items are called ` c -rrw` uemn ,: Lender may t ,iimate the Funds due (To the
<br />bass ofcurrent data and reasonable estimatc sof future escroi&itenia_ --
<br />The Fund, shall be held in an Iit inLition the deposits oraccA ants ofcs`hieh are insured or ; natant OM by a federal car,
<br />~Fate agency' oncluding Lender if Lender is such an instirution). Lender shall, apply the Fund,, to pay the escrow iteins-
<br />Lender may n;t +, charge f -tr holding and appiying the Funds; anal 7ini tip, account or verifying the escr A itemms unies'::
<br />Lender pays &arvmer interest on the Funds and applicable law petxruts Linder to snake suc ii a ehaia . Borrower and
<br />Lmde: may agree in writing that merest Shall be paid on the Fundsr t'niecs an agTeetnent is made or applicahle 137.
<br />requires interest to be paid. Linder shall not be rewired to pay Wrro er airy interest or earnings sari (he Fundy. L4trsler
<br />shall give to Wrrower. wtthoin charge, an annual accounttr}p;*.Ci2 tbe_Funds Ili -tit CFed1t grid debit-, -tCC tlt� FikndS #tSi die . -
<br />-
<br />V urptse farr which each debit to the Funds w'as made. The Fund, are pk a¢ed as additional security fur the sums sez_ured lsa'
<br />.his SLA urity Instrument.
<br />If tl}e amount of the Funds held h% Lender, together with the future meanthly payments of Funds payable pru)r to
<br />o
<br />the due dater rf the e Gros. items. hail exceed the any aunt requircd fc* pay the escr ka hems when due. the rx ass sltail -lye.
<br />option. either proniptiy repaid it) Bftrrover - <Tr Ti"i?I ?FYI i:? �.'?3'ZL?ltier att rilotlt� lit payments ii{ FfRT}1'Iw. I' -+ $'`vc'
<br />amount •.f the Funds held by Lender is not sulliictent i<, pay the escircm- items when flue. &NIT wer shall pay to Lender Ieif r sits
<br />!mount neccssar'%' to makeup the deficiency in clue or more Payments &, requared-by Leader, - -
<br />L psn payment to full of :311 suns secured by this So; u rs :kn,,ra "ms's, �. —ide"r #hall I f-imptly refund to Boary we
<br />;illy Fund% held by Lender_ If tinder paragraph 19 the P. -e. y r�+.;*oWSx ac:cpatired err Lender. Lender shall apply'. » zater
<br />than imm ediawh prior to the sale of the Property or nN acclutN ten wbn, Lender. any Furt& held h} Lender at the time ,-4
<br />upkplicaEtcm 35 a crcd }2 against il3e surnl Srtiured I y Ilitb Sciurity ffiStZi�ti'r-
<br />3. Application of Payments. Laniess applicable law I*ro -. s k -Aiwru e;e. At p aNxitents r ceiyed by I.md r utuier
<br />raragraples I -and 2 shall he applied: firii, to late;:t- :trges clue under rise Now SeLontl; ul el?ayme€3t Charges cash a� the
<br />Nits. third, t o amounts payable under paragraph 2, fourth. ts� inlet � t :and Iaot. tc' p)rlrtct t duc<
<br />A. Charms Liens. ilforrower Shall pay ail Iaxes,` axs suety_ -AWOM fines, impositions 3ttributaik 10 O
<br />- . Pr£aperty which may attain prK)rit1 ewer thii Securiti, - lastrutnewx area' -`skid p aymie€}ts- In grovivId rents, ti' any.
<br />-
<br />florrower shall pay these !obligations in the manner pin -td At$ ag�z 2 �r t�z paid ti tiis2 iciaritsnca: SCt si p€ s 'Ll
<br />�Y
<br />. par them ;�kn trine direct!%" to the trxr%,on ovied {?ayment- Borr€3is'eT slf�ak jpro ptl ': furnish .'3k? Lender.'tlI i4ExiiL"£'S o o- unnts,
<br />i„
<br />'tI be Paid under this paragraph. If &)rr(raer makes these payer.. di,rtxilt , I#tkrrtktaer shall pvotr3p}ti±" fairy sh to Leader'
<br />recerprs etsdmcing the payments-
<br />'
<br />'
<br />lkrreswer shall prcarnptl %° discharge any pert v hich :ha_`c prxvorxly i+yer this +founts Instrument unless Burrowff, €sae
<br />ag €ec ; to vy, .tang I,) the pay meni of tIt e r}bII gat ion a tlrcd to the Isea ir: a maiainer Acs zp to Lend,. Ib) co attest'. m good
<br />-faith the lien By. or defends against enforcement of the c5., lepa ps g+whs t to the Lender=% e 0 perae to
<br />przt- gut -the enf�erare£it of the inert 37 f *r inure of anx Part` n tr, or to si�ii3ies torn the holder of the an,
<br />'
<br />agrcemeril Sans actitry to Lender $utIordinWin& the Bert cis Ibis Security �F tai L. ifL Ci Ieie[r#27rIi T that a#i }`?731'. o f
<br />N F
<br />the Property- is Subject .I {)ahen wl:1Cli £t1aV" 3ifarn I4ip"lrir4 c`yyer tiro= i'z 'nkrlt{ -- ; 7ri .',tttttX`Ir;t,'L:.[3fIC2 -YOa_k give I�ixtr9 wim
<br />ncitict identifying the lien. fpranosyer +hail sall'A' the leer. or take asst or rtairre 4tbr a.-ticAis set forth abo%v within 10 days
<br />of the giving of notice--- --
<br />or
<br />' 5. Hazard France. I3t)r -m-cr shall keep the ± aproverneints exist me �r hereafter cin the Ptc cc
<br />- ;.-
<br />sp
<br />- insured aga.rrit loss by tire, hazard. aic4utw z.itfnn the Ier rl -C%Tended avveirAze and arcs c-,t3ter hazaardsRw alt : Lam*
<br />r Itures Ins3uan e. This, Insurance shall ''ie r. niamed ill £he ari}enintr and let the periods Thai Lxntder rcxsl3 «rcw °Eire
<br />tar's apvwl I insurmet Carer providing the ansura ti e shall be ch.»i be flo toaer a a n o Atall not be
<br />unreasonably' ajihhcM-
<br />All insurance policies and renewals elaapl be acvvNablic tci Leander asst shall iI a standard mortgage eI_
<br />Lender shall have the right to hold the px:ltcies'and venewais It` L ender t eft firs & ra`c uetr shall prrnn.ttlt, gr_ ra y L
<br />" 3li rece", 5 o p* IsreinIums and zcrew41 nI Tzo2 " Ire Ih`e event i�'lo S� , $- n— i,'tA'�i S�c°a. II `e'}ror ip£. tuxict ro, the" ins'cir"aU,eL-
<br />-
<br />_ -.- 'carrier and 'L -miler. Lender may make - prtxifof,l+?SS if rti.0.°;t'i:#dcK .wnptljr b, Wwrov.Cn
<br />` Unlc s Lender and Borrcmcr othersk ise agree In knitir g. insorar—ce prkceed -s Sh I be app Itod to rest ixrartem yxr re in
<br />Of the Property damaged. if the restoration: or re -p-mr is eaxxr omically fe3s** aucl.Leader`s Security, is not Ies zua; dd, If the
<br />'
<br />restoratusn or repair is not economicalk feasible or Lender's sev uniit would be Jessene& the insurance proceeds shall be
<br />applied to the sutras secured by this Serums Instrument. whether or nm these dui tkillt'any cxccss pad to Bmsowery If
<br />. - Borrower Abandons the Propert %`, w does mA answer w-ahm 30 dayN, a notkct trout. Leader that the 3nsuratice carrier hair
<br />-
<br />- ollered to Settle a claim. i hen Lender may collec't,t he insuranc -c p rmcee%. Under ay, B3 a the Yrocreds to repair or ees2tx'e
<br />the Property or u, pay sums sect red b% this Security instrument whether or tot Own ,due. The _30- clay' period will iNM,- s
<br />when the nv.giee rs,It'en-
<br />-
<br />- - I.:nfris Lender and l3or rower z theral,e':a ,Fee in writing, any. Applicant Lt+"pkr remit t s. princ: al Ship ni=t ea.tet_id l:r
<br />per-, -,xjne the due date of the uhnuhly payments referredd "irk in paragraph-,. :,and =. E r change the amount Qaf ilae payments, If -
<br />- -
<br />- under paragraph N the Property IS acquired by Lender.- I3r7rro -5er's -right To any uhut anLv policies -and r rCxzee€is resunTifg
<br />from damage to the Property prior to the ficquistnucm sits pKi�.:. . I.erit�.: to' t. e e„Lterrr of Il:e €atnS . e`k` -1rY.d bey tlir+, �}it:ty
<br />Iltstturnent mimed €stele' prier to rite acquisition-
<br />6 Preser+atictn aid Maintenance of Pty ty ExasehoW, $orrowes alt riot k txt y. eiasn3gr oar Snt?stan: <i
<br />_a bangc the Property. allow the Property to detect- to or co22 m t -waste ff this Smurety' Ins! luny i2 r" on a IeaseboitL
<br />. - -
<br />Borrower sluifi comply with the pro%Isions of the lease. andif florrtl'owr 3it'Xpiktres fee Utle io the Pr =.4vrii, the leaseI' old an3s
<br />-
<br />fee ritle shall not merge unless Lender agrees to the merger in writing.
<br />Protection of .Lender's Ripiats in the, Proper[}; MortwAge Insurance. If Boraeiwer fait' I; TICK r: e hz
<br />Cove #Sahli ',trod agreements contained in this Socurtty Irstr"'ument. or llwrr Is a 'refal pm_± vc ding tf:3t may 1Igtaf:c:L a3R affa :t _
<br />-
<br />- I,Clicler'S rtghti in £he Property 2 #i3.ili aS -a pyrCx:tetlinf', it, bankruptcy, psro ter. f nr mdeninA tin 'x)r Y . fkn^ ,c I
<br />regtriauon%). then Lender matt der -and pay' for whareter v.s necessary ty, protect The value -O life Pr(nXIIA and I..tY2ifet r€lzras
<br />- tit the Ptf- p-ny,. lender's Hiti1mS 'nay include '.paying any sums secured by 3 lien which has prtortl,4 otcr this Ss. `.time
<br />- - - InStrumcr t" appearing n1 court'. paying' reasonable attorneys fees and enrenng (-It the Iaroperrt .i'+Inake reTairs.:lithouteh"
<br />_
<br />Lender may take azoon under this paragraph 7. Lender rives not have in do sty- .
<br />n." a.,a,;tt nip, di,b atsed h> Lender uiUfrr ihi9 paragraph' shall t+e.s itc adtimcii -I dc*7t ref ft vo�c!',ecured hs rfii
<br />- W r, .iF ++ 1 ^;'.i. , -3 •?'. ;t, t, ,l:t =`.< i1c)irt ?wet :iitd l :,nil„r: ?x,..c t.:';'44 h, iC7F b4:. r.t,1e: . "..., 5
<br />- the Ome 3�' {l4 Isulwltw Iii it Itti \-,TV r.ttC and shy Iat Ii pa R,tHu. l ,xa Mt:'? -,T. ,..$° S9 - +.?T<S_ r -z �t.•J ..:, -x' i ;,., 'M1k:'?
<br />- -
<br />=t`c ; tieatyng!^:iy e,iEtFa,
<br />y..
<br />