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$7-- 100750 <br />The undersigned hereby acknow4edy�s tint Iai the document to be executed u a Trust Deed and not a morunge and tbl: the power, of sale provided <br />for In he Srusx !]end provides substantia v different rights and obligations to the Borrower_ than a tnatsgage in the .seat f a default of breach of obit - <br />da prefe -, and - ees that this teriitictcion has been read and executed in connection wide but -pnoc to the undersigned t <br />Linn. The uad eel further re <br />c cation of the fpil��S'nu t <br />f TRUST DEED <br />THE$ TRUST DEED is made this -29th = day of _ 1987 by and between e*. Ttnstar <br />3'.erry L Vrzal Nancy Vraal (husband f, wife) (herein `sortawer <br />whore mamilog address is 3214-W..-15th Grand" Islands NE 68801' a <br />std F1.rsTier Bank N.A. Lincoln (hetsFa."rrmau <br />DC OIT- a 1TzW* Rr Serena, P O r <br />.` Box 8I008r Lincoln. fiibnsira 68501 (3eref s "Leader "). <br />Ur <br />DOIt3tOFMt, in consideration ai the indebtedness'herem recited and the sass aerein spud, trevocabiy guar and cottvgs to Trustee, in <br />= a a <br />WITH iii£ POWER OF s ALE, the foltawing described property Soured in the County of Hall : sate etf Nebraska <br />Lot 19, Island Acres A. City of Grand Island, mall.- Gaunt � <br />AM 3214 W.. 15th, Grand Island, NE <br />TOCETIMR with au buildings, : §atures and impco"er eau now. ar hereafter erected sharers -and ail tsghsof mv, casements antes. lames. Y.v&s:., Fr ; <br />u cements. hereditameam. pxirs%gm appurrenetes, royalties. and atinco . mL $s and water titptts thermata- belooSiag, used or sH}a}id wixb saaEi <br />or any pare thereof,- nit of which, invading repiacements and additions iner'eto shad be deemed to be and remain a part of the pooPasy'nv ev <br />-uod <br />-Zhu Trvsx Deed; and ail of the foregoing together with said property are bared retffieti to as tffi <br />- r To SECi.IRE to Lender zhe reaarment of mdeba dniss tvidmced by Borrawees now dared 3anuarY 28th - - - . 19 87 i <br />- <br />"noyzzha- With my and all rene «acs- modifications. and - extctsstons thereof and spbsu:az3o= of ezdtaitges-`"s'�enes�, Inevem retes'res ui is�ses' ''�ftxe�'tre p <br />i <br />"'.aht principal sum of S._._gj.L31 .. ..sage:aer nrirn interest ar the rue pro ided thercift- a6fi -a tma[ <br />a <br />,�atmdty. 8: nor sooner paid,.. of - .Toll 16th -_. a� 45 aid ai nzz�mT- #or nay ntstsc 3d,ance sins sitar Eye acv's .i 4 <br />_ <br />.� <br />Lender to Borrower tram time to runt =4 as secu ncy #oC -tie P. y eat at atty tam :�s �tC :S3'de{}S[tlneS a[ ilte B�Otr9(Ii�'ta ibt %s�Cir a'S3� <br />_ <br />,� ante, ali of said sums not to exceeds the tiggzei, . sum ens a -a t.� arses de o-n- sa: � amoncr of �as above teemed Nom <br />a <br />BORROVWER ray eanrs that B -".-cr s iawi"� seized of the P-,spe .w bcc$s --no yed :rasa has the niftit to game and cornmy the f r>< � - <br />,..xhe.PrapertT a snencam trod bT aSr :- no.rage, niece mctd_ canaacx .a - rurthaw. or otherwise. rsc<gc t'aca " %".'1S3 t" - <br />- + <br />fasgr of Firslier Mortgage - <br />.w•nteit tit. unpaid t,s - _n no this am. does nor ts-.ed S - - --- i7f - - - - - smrQwQ tts.e9smts rD Cant'Vify�thfir. tic <br />-ri! <br />-Oman 2=4 �QRS� O SnC rrmDT :RCtrt2a2e vSL rseed err it2tiitla {t to JtirC`a3e_ vp`t"'tl�'w'.tiTi °.'OOGif- 2=4 ZO lira <br />�',RijrntttSS Ltere6!( �@tt tiles' <br />ricib,.quntt. If no name or amgnn[ LS =*reed m this paragzapti. there Boua -er ^`°•.• «•° Chat an-re re — prior aiens, of any, kind Span tae Praserre <br />' <br />- farmer cotenants to warrant and defend the tide to the Ptopaaty ail t3aeeshs and semzmds. <br />- 3orrawcr and Leader further coy nancand agree as foiil_eWS: <br />- <br />• . F tower snail promptly parr prim due tht and inter - >- an <br />- - 3. ;At ' -.east � dais before they become JcJhmuenz, Bortcwc so„ i. a :aces -d a. -::,'- ..:era eau :c.-d ec _ '. t <br />- <br />.;o< any part ttLG*tot.. And all taxes, kites aria assessments icvwa upon =14 Trust 1�'I&L�d .ir rIIt iaa( wnrcn ti SKC'^�re5. - - <br />- <br />1_ Borrower sham !eel the 9aproy minis and buildings, 3 zvY- 2PDX .3` MMO- `Jh a rampmy Or to -Pa6GS '^. W <br />= Lend6, for as atuount t[a[ -less tail the Hapad balance oo the mdebteet set"" -ref' Zy S".3 T^>t25L Dteti° ,rit1= a s".ittdaid tAgF a .loos+. wart SoSTr x.asab6e <br />w <br />r <br />the *Codes. Baaownr vitas( deh er said A-F or polices to sire, end "_ <br />`.- <br />av <br />- In the avert of a loan. Borrower shall gtre prompt name to day m(E' .[aaoe carraer and :ne 1X.Air and Ear a ptoor „<.zf loo -If to Barxo.� a hue • - <br />�.. <br />- �ot=xtivfse .M defaait. tae 30apWer maT elect to apply the' Ivbceeds r s; r a< r c t sfamra�e 'Pteaesi?. #e(anomzsaii7i for - <br />3ecoxity of tss Trost TJeed wand nor- lie im If the Borrasrer s as 3eia't err m tepaa err septa.. -tiesg Psopetcy err <br />ire <br />sepia ement world turf Be ccomomfaFli feasibto +w tax zee+srity of T^us<t'3eml agasesf as ate a'mstraace gtacscaF bcii ei.SO else: <br />• last mararnie paymea s doe as the Note. If the i ere r''rocceas set escrsa of t _m,•.� o tad *io(e, dmc .sizes s be paid to ills <br />Sot rawer. iamrance proceeds for repair or.replammsat sha8 be plated as rscosr r'rat tie& L,sapesaod 4abossen by Lender dormg or rapao tompkaoe of <br />- <br />-' <br />such retract or repiacemeas If the Leader acemnres tide to the Ptrspery b'v crercasmg power of sou. �seciasvre or oibcr -iw. is �_ xranioa of me <br />`!i <br />.vtsaebedaes xectit"� ItC[e'1Y, :mt WlFOte or K part. then -Y i'tn -0., �e a2ia taterest o the LibC'AWG" :n 33A :s3 %C3 ir�t St dDBCCg 6Jr ] DC<St t6, <br />R $. <br />the Linder_ <br />- <br />A. For � Purpose of arol4 [Tipp 3 Brno rar 7th ;.yenCY' 3t. 2xes, Spe=i x3sn Vbcols, ana "aaerance- premm=9, 1rXMOwG." sTast€.deposst wffira. <br />Lcadet. JD the dares t;ac 3ayments are Elbe an the '�tiate, arm anto.-�n tC -�t3i tC :2ne ta3[et, = `•:•••wrr.z. a:iYi .Y "rCIDNif�YS FdZt tfiSY raL'�t ZS �aovah <br />- <br />- - me Lender, :CS( a.unsts already devoslreti tharef'ort d£yated by ^wt n,Y,a^nttCP of Paytnen(a � tare.v eta tza[ a.''JeGaax gt2G tarot '.lice wmess serer <br />- <br />- tart,, aaRffiIIenti and ntst AcCe Rremfcros wul ?tecome due a:d payable_ Said ^atuia w7t.. be the I ender us a a*w- m-,vaa : beautsg esiaote aeiCKt<± . <br />.err tee pdipos(s set forth abase_ If tae amounts Of dcgmrzs are ant ss'�x�cu to� -, 'sxv. assessmeatz a d Msurancc Prear umes as they become . <br />Joe, then Bor_o,rc sn a Zpan request, pay Lcedl t the —oust neccoa.'ry to make op :he d.ecteocT_ <br />- <br />- i7ess sagscioia :a - - - proides oerwrise, tai s:aysaersra received Sy LesiQC sad+c std' C *lane asst paragraphs P -tad z hereof be tip <br />- <br />-bc Lender 'test :a pa'graear �i a, founts payable to ;,e:sdc v. Borrower parsazapa t `ascot. taco err maims Payable, axe � ,:4ae. set to z - <br />- <br />.. . p=ccp ai of time ?ate., anc then ;a wartst and priacpae Or. an. f=ier yr advances or miner mdebtazaas seed he. -ehy_ <br />6- Btisrower slut kelp ere Ptoperry ;'uxi celaa and stat'l mat GoIEmD wax or pezoit ^^^-a° err drtciotaron ofe P.' alerts. - - - <br />: <br />If Borrower talc rw ai - taantaln or Sway the 'p mattalf ifix the regmrod msammte at va bi pa T ta= b ime dekaiqucvC. -fir C: pw-, - <br />anyataount due under a ;Ti= mortgage at trust Seed beret. AeW- C. at d i mamram the prtst' p as good 'regatr -or C; pCm any orrfine co -esnsat as' - <br />'- !Arventmta ofd Trust Deed, then Lender may at .:s aation pay such - privanons taxes, ascramate o;_rsar A-d paym��„ or make xegaratsmai <br />�. - n`ms5iute sot& sums and tate such acaoa as t ateataaetessar #. -ter prot� as iaoexsst airss next arat(rag .st.trecxiisg m tmat siecsare or desatit arc atv& <br />-- <br />-"- <br />:Icraw IME d6z wcwei '.R•e+ZF- aa ---.Any R.z3,= aa:%are c';f" Its. -P+: Aay 3zoo'�.iS 93 sr2-ca..A.x idzBaorm, <br />neu of Bea -ower secared ay tan -Tryst *Deed ate€ st^.s hay ere. -ese = +^..^t the &e -- ;::x3o .ement s: the ate'.hio �etrchsg Coaxw° ec- <br />,'!i?t this P Pa snail -.mite Leader ra rnake amt sent as b'a_r=.crus ar take LL`s atone h - - - <br />. <br />• <br />Lt, may 1!;ake a1r souse to p}t '.Wade tCaS(4rr:;ft,°:t ; edtLTSa upon and tnSiit:_�.,ran of t"St Pr=n arTT_ <br />f j _2e 7ECtYed£ ^'a i*]Y 2sb'3Z13 L: - .aa..?I ';fir +Sa'33$tY. '�'"_'^ -L" .+-' �rvnxL=�3Yi.'at83:. = Si...- .�JC.� =" "�"' a1K : = -v r. ....^Saz!i -.Yi '__ne, mk_... - ...• elra,_. <br />-rty, at part, titeteof, or Stir CnnyeVSnGe i+i IieL` 7t gtitietxtria^: . iY err -�. x ass:yta,:..::.a sr� to ]asp: ':n Lender -a .mss extent at -'+:*;s�;:^ +:. <br />rtrai3tag unpaid ;raie7reu!htXS srcuucd bv tizs Tr'� r Daea.. <br />7f the •"'�rr�opertT 15 aband£,[t td by $uC[owC.. � %:S, aster no=t aY'tder -:.� ,t�f�at'tStie. � ,Il:.7iC tw .2e�'L -:.:r ._. t ^S t.« "iEaS'.:Tt aat';M.. !f !�CSL't - <br />- <br />" <br />.:_e_ _ ^e :ate s'ra»s n. W.r '.i Masa'd. Lena s ....��w.n__m �_ .: 3 .s4x� <br />".i��t' dorm alas. Bo- �ti'.et .add to Tesab'nd to it ^.titr. - a,'< ?S.. :.0 w'+3 - <br />'iTocetar tt9 =:ere ar:;:Ft 'ietiiitn 5y phis Trust heed.. - - <br />Et, <br />a*�.hns <br />xdt a :ao PT: ens *, a xrds - mt be arts- eel t.4e .as. - s-x=C rszs,:s - -:, .� -'teas t v.. S ..c. xa,s; "- v» a. 7 ^* . • ., - <br />mt dur act ,_ ...... rs.a.... -...._ i s e : -,:. r _tea = s .... - e...... , ti..., .t .. -� ...a._. _ <br />- <br />-.:Gray -,r .;s..-s .:s, v:. .a.. . -_ :.:...c.. if .._cc.:, <_ ..: _,.. .,x_ ._ <br />' <br />:'..:, , •,.ct . , >r:..0 �'< , '..- -- r_rs., »r _,....era - . , - <br />. ._, e.usn .. .._, �.a.:: _ _ .ear.,, ?. •e =•a < <br />' „ke., } • ..n ...,,w ,. ,», .,c•. + ;.:..use :�„ +:-,. .., ._g <[;a,' ,; ._. :...a,�A „a. ,c ;.. -�; ':,. s � _ ^< . »t- -.. . �:� - <br />- . °ia rv: _r- �,•.rtt an,. ..,. :s .s :'-;.t: ..r..,..�::x ,:w.. ., .a, ., C.,r ss .,- ...tx.- -^ ... '' _ - _ <br />