<br />g .-- 100745
<br />t9 8Z-
<br />THIS DEED OF TRUST, made and entered into this._ -qSh_ - -_day of Zebruaty.__.___ -. - -- —19-M--
<br />WIT 'NESSETH: That the Trustor do by these presents grant, bargain. and -,ell. convey and confirm with Power of Sale
<br />Unto the Trustee t'he -folio vin$ dCWTibed Real Estate inclu ing. all buildings, improvements., a4d -fixt! iris of every kind now or '.
<br />hereafter eres.Hed or placed on the real estate, situated in _ .IlAi i ____, _ County in the State of Nebraska.
<br />Filed f(ir Rtcort:,.___," _ __ ____ at
<br />in Bciri1— of
<br />Page"
<br />and possession of ~aid premix°* iaow o#clivered unrct said -1 ry aet:
<br />r
<br />TO HAVE A %., D If) HOLD the same. whir all rights; pre: Rege:, and irpparenan.: es "theter belorquag aante the Trustee,'
<br />`
<br />h:s executor <.. trators,'beirs, and assigns forever- And ,hr Tru. ,t-i hr€etix expressly waives, releases. and retinquiAws
<br />- - ". -unto the Ti'aistee all right, - title. i "eaten. "interest mn a3 fF the 8%C1- CeS%i]f - pr'Ynt #b1:.s and eacch -
<br />arid eery Bart thereof, which is .given by or results from all ;aw, ; t the State If 'tie! ra k-a Mtaimng to the evmmprkm of _
<br />.. homestead. And the Trustor co'veoaFit5 with the Trustee that he will w- in-aru and defend zhe title To €:be s82rre agamstt ie -
<br />lawful claims of all persons v himsoeyrr.
<br />TRUST HOWEVER. ER. for the tolle%mg de<cri%ed purpa* : AA HERE:LS. ibc` 7 rustor did on this date Cxmme a
<br />-
<br />- Pfoa3iassclry -'dote evidencing -a- loan tL!'. the t?rtnc`iliat arnottrrx a'33 S and interest dwTe
<br />- according to the terms_ off said P -rorn ,"oi% Z3?tK: *.:ai'd P om yiy-? Note bewe pa.Sabk- 8fd.:t ontkdy msiallmems ar saath pL3c'ras
<br />: -. fat s -may '4j32e - # writing from time ii ter. '£iails2�3E s� tc2i3-t C5i3Eii1 � Wine hereut or in -.:saw
<br />- FaftinL ..4lr! >:t}t.. ?.3 The t ,t,.: y., if not, a: "si'.eT Paid, all _ :,. .'- aQ - ;'+';s . x ". e �v� ,C i"`, -5�u -1 d':T {r':. °5 z '- ''sz'me"zl tg tom'
<br />_
<br />Paid on i2r before _.
<br />It is agreed bs and ?between the parries hereto that until €iisike, ^t Nionce via Dcfautt ->.oe T*ir~to�r shag: (It pay an rrcsm
<br />and future !axe,, and ssnier ts....gerae a. and 4peclal, arTaan;t f , iVc bet e "tom sane bccolnes de ice: �.
<br />(t) keel, all impro%ements rrected on the land imurrd ar max hr roqutatd ._.v*ni time To inne by betaef' ary apaartst lusts by fire "
<br />and cKher hazards. :a #o aides and coat ngi irate-,, :tt u. h JMOUJIZ liW Wit* pert . a!- al' reasonable and iaa` be eqFdt "ed
<br />by beneficiary. and to !Deep all pcgiiiti.: ,fit :•€ ch . %£:F,�.ia.2 ,.n_. *�... ra_ s.:.:, efeet u4por thr property herein Ei'9'.`i'c. Z
<br />'
<br />assigned and delixered o beneficiary, f *t ;ray art ad ,'Pr. % -h a£I _m Th't <etrn', and c- Mditions of arts" Fin, c-Imm or
<br />indebtedness that may be ?emir ic, or take l Feied Cis Y ice t 4sT i-rusz lam a': sons as an i s+.ich payment oil such fim "U"`t+3 m of
<br />mdet7-tedne- >353all $-ecomr. dries Arid upiwr4 f ailurc am T Ti i.c r Ti :, "sCC'y+ anx - <W agr r-- s?!"Ldti Et-sarc'mas pay V'u ch 1&%. Pali for
<br />such insurance or pay ¢at f such'liens or ::aims of m 1.ibiedt -: ->. as ine caske inai tv_ and in,- mcaetey ` qo mp'ended a" ,. F €'iron
<br />as pravided by -the term, of the aioremen coned- F'. i3mi,sory ,'x ole. ? tali tv e3.` -red bN- -this, Trust Deed, and "!he Trustor agrees -
<br />- -
<br />io repay the same upon demand. and u.^+in tw1ure to tic +,i ihr fia,anct of atta d note "shad be:-ome immedfiattii- due an
<br />payable at `_fir ;'of the i`etiii3:x�2ri; i ":i3::y"'q^'� s....,. §, :: ; .. _e st°on ,.c i _tc °`e ,f ?3.e: i-,ei' _ace a., prty "ded in'- -t -:'ski a'W._.:
<br />.
<br />45) retain pra±sesm vii" eat the prrtii.se5 rime ii?tiex't "xne "lent, and revcoLi =' -- hercta'. rs:
<br />Upon payment of all the shires secured fey this Trust Dom. the Benefaeian ~half request the
<br />Trustee to recouy y the
<br />Deed t � ths,
<br />party and shall surrender this .Trust Deed acd all L ix E-- evidencing ��s �ay this Trust
<br />_
<br />- Trtrctor- Trustee_ Shall reconvey the propertx- %ithou -t warranty to the peon or perrsti,' riss Ic`gal]y tntiusieq a v'-k: Aitit- self
<br />defaidt be made in the paysrerit of said now iii any partt thereof or any of the mterc -t - hereon w-hen die aa- in the iat*a"ji
<br />_
<br />of ani- to either of �d agreements ,a s aforesud. then the wh 4A said e -:hhaR bee"roe du#e a_nd be pates.
<br />yperrfform;ance
<br />hereinafter provided and this deed shall rY+mam it, flame- She Trustee or his a_.t{_krDeV M2-,- o e3ed t,F* +fll dhe p-rC4* t y in
<br />-ivs entirety or in parcels at the opt-ion of the Trusiee hereiT'before de'cnibwid at pubh+C` allCti(XI. TO the highest bidder, fi.-9
<br />_ cads. Howevv -x, they ower of salts h en confi,rs `in tl� Thug --hai #_not i s x,� p
<br />aI sasritl sI# t1€. - -' ?)rail tirNFt
<br />- fir'. f the � � -
<br />5 - '. ` ci.�. - �3C" -x - F o- , c' - -x`_ - _ -
<br />"
<br />t:herei) is situated, ai notice-of default., identifying the Trustee by ut rg the the Tr ur -to ram manse therk-nand
<br />giving the licook and gage where the wane it ttx-tu`ded, a desirilitiitrt tit the trust prci(it :. y- and cf-mtaining y cetareicfat
<br />that a breach of an obhgatwin for which the trust< propert ;3 was aetaity °es s : t t iffy has occurred, and _'siting, ftrch'Ifie,
<br />na ure.of such breach and of his election to 11 or cause to tie sold such profy to sati, fy the tab4,atsc#:. ant! ;2t after
<br />�.
<br />o f � than one tmimth, the Truce shall xo notice of sae a= saa ax+. After riotict' of
<br />� �[. gi Pt�r,'fuird 1. +i \Mara_
<br />default and lapse less them Trustee
<br />t
<br />of "riot fine rromth, the shall a'ive rt'StfYii notice cil the tune w-6 pacv Stf sale
<br />particulerly describing the property to he sold bV' publication ,if f=it(' ="` "..,i. *t. °.,`"V" a.. 1_?. :i. '. R ,.yss.i•£ :`� 1..a. 1. ;'>s ,a "£4.?ls. f ?F ;�_
<br />-
<br />"
<br />='."oarSAtht°ut+iA'i," "ilk t*ks, the last '1}vWicati n tf) bo, at least. 10 t ays hut not "tT1{`A -e than :'.) diiv' lxnu . t o 3. �C' z,iC. M w *r'IW
<br />-
<br />-
<br />'abiwsfwlw tw% -t!W a Rvaerai vi
<br />