87— l o Q'7 12a
<br />'this Mortgage is entered into betwrpn . 3effYy_.� .f?IilittiY Susan i2. ganrrs+r, -- --
<br />�_ (herein "Wirtgagoe'") and
<br />_ FLttP nts aank Grand !clata�, - Ial�+hracka rein
<br />Mortgagor is indebted to Mortgagee in the principal sum of $ 4. 000 _ U4 evidenced by mortgagor's ante
<br />dated February 2 t9tl] ( herein "Note j. providing for �aa }�aents of gducipai and itr Brest, with the Balance of3b er.
<br />Indebtedness, if not sooner paid. due and payable �Pltf �rY .2. 1�itjt]
<br />To secure the payment of the dote, with interest as provided therein, the payment of all other sterns, with interest, `
<br />advanced by Mortftw to protect the security of this MwtgW. and the of the eovsenaafs atixl its irf
<br />the XmtVigor contained herein, Mir, does beretsy wor£galle and Convey to Martzagm a following &scribed
<br />try located in Nafl _ County, Nebras a-
<br />tot Thirty (30) Westwood Park Second Subdivision, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />Tageitu- wmaY ~Wrots notes privileges amrf
<br />a,
<br />I.
<br />appurtetrattrns located thereon or in amwise pert�sie tberieto and tar._=arnta- aww- aaei pi�fits rrnsand.
<br />r,
<br />tttertofa including, but not limited to, hes ng" and cooling p property that is a£�ciied to klre
<br />tsand additions thewe -'b � t
<br />its so as tc) corstitatt. a fixtures, €at wrlttch. =r?eitrtai �_
<br />.: to lie - apart of the -reAt estate secured by the Val astl r
<br />"-
<br />- l
<br />Mortgagor furthef "covenants and agree -. woh MvrrpW,, W, favte•w "*
<br />;
<br />I _ Pagtaesit To pay -kale indebted mad the anwrre.it t 'r-ma as praswwded at tiao, Mongor and titer' Dirty_
<br />'
<br />2 T -11tu2gagor tt,the owner of the erC�, Irnei, the rigluarutawthwity tom the Property, and
<br />warrants that the lien created hereby is a first and pritw ites oft tAir Paogrrty, *� as igati otherwise beset forth bevvian
<br />Die Property is sub ect to a Mortgage whetei°
<br />r Is We Mortgagee, recorded at Hoot _.__v , Par €+t r Of.
<br />Nebraska. which MortgW is a lren poor to the lien cmU4 bereb% _
<br />l lrer prior taersorenrumbraarc :___,._
<br />3_ Taxes. Assessvrierrm `To par wren due alt taxe,. special ° b, and al= either charges against the Property
<br />arid, upon aerinen demand ray mortgagee. to add to the payments regmr% under the %ote securveilievehy, such amourit a-
<br />way be suf rent to enable the Mortgagee to pay such tax, -- teats or other revarges- as they become dire _
<br />3_ tram aure- To keep the irnpise:riaertts --eery or hereafter rotated oa the " eAste described hereto instued
<br />- - against damage bt' fire and SUCb other haZards. ay Isortgegee may iC quern_ to amounts and with catu tame -s acceptable to the
<br />Mortgagee, and with pay =mare ro the Mortgage*- is, taw of dos under such ;icdicus the Mortgagee is authorized Ea -
<br />adjust- collect and compromi ee. , its d uon- all etaftns therntmder at its gole opoon._ authoried to rither ap _ the
<br />ph
<br />proceeds to the restoration of the Propeny or upon the mdebe rd rss secured hrrrby, but payments hereunder shade ceo-,
<br />tinne antil the sums secured beneby are paid irr foll.
<br />5_ I Escrow for Taxes and lasurimm 'iotw<ithstasdin g �rytttiaig cxustaured ut �iaragtaph "s 3 aseel �4 hest co resit
<br />-.,
<br />Contrary, Mortgagor shall pay to the Mortgagee at the time of paying the rang installments of miucipal.and interest,
<br />one4wetfth af" the yearly tames, a meri%- hFG' d insurance premiums and grotmd.n4it, (if anyiwbtcb may attain a
<br />priority over this Mortgage all as reasortably estimated Pram time to time try the Mortgagee. The amounts: so paid shaft be
<br />he'<d by tint Mortgagee withort ioWeA and applied to thepawtziettt of the items rn respect to which surer amounts were
<br />deposited. The sttms paid to *Wtgagee heaeundei girt pledged as addtiosd se ity for t#c indetpt� secured by this
<br />±�!B?_ �tx shall pay to Modpgr* kkte sasnunt of tieficreta y be the act £axes. - ks. 'iwcrrraaitx
<br />prsatlams srtd ground rent and the deposits herestitdrr Rita#tn lit da} after demand trade upon Mortgagor requesting
<br />payawok thervoF;
<br />&. Repair. Maintenance and Use. To promptly lrpair. restore or rebuild any windings or impros rurents now ear "
<br />tune n" on the fYoperty . to steep the Property err goon condition and mpair, inthout waste, and free Crory+ urechanir "s or
<br />ettlaor oor" n et 4,xprrwy "' botd4ontrd to ftwr heat learnt; not to matte, suff%t .'rr prrmi: any mti arrtc to rxht, nor to dirnin
<br />cote or itnpalr the value of the Property by any art ter fxncaini; 10 act: and itr ccatrt�y. w�lh all ' rFrriP.ttts ref iaa with
<br />olpcc-t to the Pr"perly
<br />� #
<br />i
<br />