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�2i}iaal`RLh - . - _ �?y?!+i�... • , . ,. , .. , . , , ... _ f "Pre >pirti' =leidrA1a�`"l; _ - ' - <br />. To,,ET7tER WITH all the itnprorements now or hereafter erected on the t{ rco_ and all easements, rights. appurtenances, <br />rents. royalties, mineral. nil and gas rights and profits, water rights and <tock and zii Pxtures now or hereafter apart of the <br />property. 2111 replacements anti additions shall a6a beaorrered by this Secuiiry Instrument_ All of the foregaing is referredto to <br />this Security instrument as the "Property_" <br />Rwtw) vR L.€tv F.N An'rti that Aorrou er is law fully seised of the estate hereiav vcg =t d and has thenght to grantauzf zura±as <br />- - <br />the property and ilia€ the Propt rte as utti nruiitl c red. ext ept for encumt >ran ci ti ofreti#rct: #3arruiscr warrants and Will defend <br />r generally the title to the Property against all claims and demands, subject to any e_acurabrances of record. _ <br />TmsSEvvt iTvINSE'RUAtENTcombintsunif rmcorrnaatsfornationalis-A-anndnoo -uniform covenants with limited vAr <br />by jurisdiction to constitute 3, uniform security. instrument CUYering real property. - <br />f <br />l \1ti4:lA� f t' %'t .A NTN Borrower anti l ender ievenant anti agree as follows; - <br />1. Paymont of Principal and lute »r"_t, Prepayment and bate t'harges 11orrower shad! proms *tly <br />Pritaolm! of and ikxTeM on the 40A 4 =Vidcr_oJ icy the NCte wntl any priq+u meet And late e harge., dut urn er the Noto, <br />N941MAS%A r�4e ewer+CZ.exsrnwr resrrsUMer+r acs ° ..».e.. sy <br />