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j 87- if 4 <br />- STx-m or NM, YORK <br />- <br />- CouNTY or NEW YORK <br />On this j')� day of October in the year 1986 before me personally came R E SraRRCtw to me <br />known, who, being by me duly sworn; did depose and say that 'he resides at 496 Dorchester Road. <br />Ridgewood; New jersey; that he is a V ice President of !durgan CAiaranty Taut Company of New York <br />one' of the corporations described in and which executed the above instrument; that he knows the seal <br />of said corporation; that the seal affixed to said instrument is such cogxw-ate seal; that it ums so h$Ixed <br />F <br />in behalf of said corporation by authority of the Board of Directors of said corporation, and that he <br />signed his name thereto in behalf of said corporation by like auttmrita _ <br />s <br />(Notaiai mil) t <br />r <br />2 <br />- _ <br />T -5 <br />