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� R ,tar �(�[Ry /y^}�a, <br />- - - UNIFORM COVENANTS - Borrower ind Lender coN"am and agreeas follows. - id7��1006-• 5 <br />1. Payment of Principal and interest: Prepayment and Late Charges, Borrower shall pforriptly -pay when dur the <br />pr rtpal = =f 40.1 inrcres• nr rl r del r t -} itfenied f r the yi „re and an}'rre ax te, : and i3._ l r{ es e rdL r rE c i\.r, <br />2. Funds for Taxes and insurance. Subiecr it) applicable law ur ril a writ ten waiver by Lender_ Borrower shall pay to <br />Lender tin the day monthly payments are flue under the Note, until the Brine is paid in full, a.surtt i "Futak tival its <br />one- iwelfthof : "a- I yearly Taxes and a ssessmenis which may at rain prio ity,3yerthis5> mrityInsrrumear -, bryearh- leasehold <br />payments orground tents on the Property, if any; tc) yearly hazard insurance premiums, and cd F yearly mottgage insurance <br />- premiums. if any These items are called ""escrow items- Lender mayesti mate- theFurtds- dueonthe basis t;fcurrent data and <br />- <br />... reasonable'e5tlm3rCS ill future "Crow ILEITIS. <br />- <br />The funds shall be held in in instirut- <br />lo the deposits or a.CKriunrs of wW hieh are- imiured or guaranteed by a federal or <br />state agency t including Lender if Lender is such an institution 1, Lender shall apply the Fur?ds To pay' the eescrow iresrts. Lender <br />May not charge for tuilding and applying the Funds, analyzing the account or Ve rif ying, the escrow items, unless Under paa s <br />Borrower .interest vin the Funds and applicable law permits Lender its makr such a ftarge. Horrow'cr and Lender may agree to <br />w°riring that interest shall be paid on the Funds 't: hies an agrecavot is nIA&4,�r'apF4ical lr law mquires ityteresrrobe pa4 <br />Lender shall trot be required to pay Borrower any imeresr"or earrunks on the Funds, t&oder shall give to Borrower, withota <br />charge, an annual accounting of the Fundis shtawing credits jod derlos rn rbir Funds and ncc� purpose f €ar %hich each debit std <br />Funds was made The Funds are pledged a4 additional security for The cun-w secuird I y this -ScevFa#p lttsrnitLtenc. <br />If rite arnounr of the Funds held by teoder. rogether with The #utari :zt srtrtals payments of Funds payable priorforhe <br />" due dares of (lie escrow , Items, shall eXCCrd Like arnounr required to pry rte' es4t i,- -VIM 4 when due, the excess shall be_. at - <br />.. Borrower s option, either promptly - repaid to Borrower or L:fekf ➢re:'l' on uTonthly payments of Funds If *W <br />- <br />- 'atlixwnt of the Fun& lie!,' by I..ender ,s nor sttltiiienr rt) pat the EY£: \'4w' S(m? Lire n dot,, pwrr31wer shall pay Ex7- Lendt s ::t }' <br />- - <br />- - Amount necessary to make up the dk'ficiency in�orw r tnirrie pa'�cnents 'as .. "ekf's xLiti.; ni'. l.k °t# -t _ - <br />- Upon payment in fullol all SUrtL' iX' f: Utcy l' ty' tn4S ':1[y "tlr €?'3tR'SrrM1SrE'�es7rt t.CSidershallprtlrtp -dy retund rufku- rlwet,%tt' }' <br />. <br />Funds held try Lender 11 urtdrr paragrapl? :'3 Eric Ptiiperty'is sai3 *it xK nix} by Lend" Lender s"I appit, no idler thin <br />- iAY2Inedaarriy prior to the kaSk'ot the ProWl!yor it43cquistrionbc, Lit 4tYd .'3!%4 �S 11E&l?i fti:teiJL tiiC �et�left.i itci.YiirA <br />" a5 -:i tiridid again }t Elie 6tim�', seeurt'd tay- rhtY S.ek'tirrtg .Instr'e;irtiein. - _ <br />- <br />Appficat on of Payments, t;nii+- applieal iE Sa k' pro-Aes orfx-rwist, Ail gistmeors rece- ed by L&Tukrr anger <br />paragraphs G and ' :zhsll b' applik ? f trsr_'t,m tare cfiarac± sf iiY ' 1!, tz: tx ±i, ttrrpa.`meitt'rhargt s due cram es tom' <br />%our, third, To atta wnfs pavalsic under paragraph ,'V iourti., To _r, t-sev c e, Lodi 14-at. oi przttc tai due. <br />'t. C :hArges: ;<..tCrtat B++r tY,3wkr shall pat all takti§_.S , - Tarom: filr- situ T€3 "dire <br />'Properri-which" lM,aiff pit #i.ri4'atttf.£ttt3 ieX "itt'tr'Y instrurne4Yr_aiy:s <br />, . s:na ":l l-ty ffle'/P. i��ml�"@ {i4.H't§ in -Jw ?art(wr f r,wikkxi #r) pa'40,Til`.:Fi Shixl p3.R 'r •.sLt <br />€ tintdirectR fit the perst3t?, svi'€J pa}# tienr -,hallpr�tsnpE} fit,-: nu 4� :ii.Lr�,L`frail'Li4°ii't_'st? emotion e,ro$?E'f.%3.6�r;.r'rc'�et- <br />tslr- paragraph it W wn,wtr "raga "t (.twsse I'f3yukfirs dirt rty" wm t 3t£'i+ I' fur_ush to lk-nder ritiCtprs C`9 <br />The pa3`m"a'a - <br />. - - it;Kirr :.�a'kcr Sha =i _} r *trnpt7y u`tas.Irdrgz any Iten whIL i Fi - -f"f N.'i tl d¢T] �i S t33't`: fri5ii31i25i.d7r iinEC;",5 -s ba-ri,: iii",'[ - <br />a>a„neia in writing f €'x'rile pry #iii fit t f tft# s }tzsif,aria.r?Yttiii;t".c. tl°ii ..#£:fiTS c ";'i.cs7cki;,���(-f*",s.'i� `us lA"Yif1E[� - f? wcxn3C'S *c zn �e9.t� <br />1 � <br />- fart af`- *.ItC lien Isy'. iYL dEteltds a *Bert -f k'#ilc Yri:CaTw at .r the heY 3., ��,. '1""- -=.-'i k'X'.+- r t.°% "�i'• 43 - :.IIt^ Le'radtf 4 oplown ojievaltC -.-E <br />�- <br />Prevent the cnforce#riew itt Lhe Tie" or YLrttiturr .rf fn pact as a rkr.- +er I t , srs arts grit hoiuer of the-teen At. <br />_ a =YY3TtC£3t saf istActory ti Lender subur 4€tar2Lt fhw ?ii€1 i 3 ,SeLEI_'3 fFY+- , -._?C9 _i? t "r i° :' i....ri�_:a $I :'pie =x 0 k <br />-L <br />- Ptuporry is sobiClt to a lien w°riteh mdY artatLT t Fix'ar�tr4 tk+,t't i"r::! �?`�FEiY li is4r Ymew, I,.ender may give <br />i*rnlfi <br />log the lien.. Borrower shall arrtsfy the lien of t$t.Y' rkd5r'.14 Mior'eA The b3ia air ti'<.t'Lh 3fi1JiC wrth:n 'SA) x;3ys xki ri^ye, <br />_ HBZitt'd kiSUMOCe_ lsorf )wtl Iii.11 keep the d1'Tm- f'?t45 }'i 'i-iE^ 4s :bit ki Ttnf or iot-fritAtter efCi3.ix.,r on tkie fi k,`v. :: <br />_l5_ <br />TL35#iLSa ap,"ain3 #lis>i uy�3yfFFf.i13- Z.irlS's 3iK2t$deu il�il'i :t7 LnE"f- L`"'I3; - -Y2 i8 s"3,= Et'e,'l isii �i'T�c"'e<d`E9.„aSlz ih'r:taZ3�ui 5�V`Srs35... f.ati'rSt!k.3' -- <br />_ TetuliftY insurance his inSlir:atKY 5ti3r1 rte Tn.d }ntairw`h.� iy,k'. 3'tye ,ax{#�".YL'!ri -0 .li€. ffit P,,r ws thin .I,rrwe: TTw <br />. iosuran e'cirtier prx�i }�'4mg the insutao -t .shall fie; Chosen'bi,1 &A-uw-tr ".iubItek'E Z;:` E.t`d5' '.'.+:: apprceval- wtilkh 4utii rlxG be - <br />E33lc 'a an} fi #iAll tlE3it3e Le ta. 1451.i;lfl I'i4" aY:1S"}`ta « tik act 'fir' - -zsxj n ir3IIb..3 <br />silali ha }Y rl4t ik lit T}e iitkld the IS iSik >k aria rEtitw a.J lE fxnr t i .Fi-. I £sY sires f1 f _ Fk ii r 38; L'n u'!$ +sC`F . Lt 9 p . <br />' - of flaw prermtvrnt nd rt ww"a3. notxrs In -TfW ' vent of lv' SS: t?irsaake'.r:4IUi: vtrr pk"r "+ti2� x.Ctici <br />x : <br />tcx€eier. Lkml r may is Ae proof of ki ,s if semtnp wer j �3 <br />r <br />Lift ➢ESa L.fiiiifC[ and tii'srrs3wit aatLae:Y'wt».i agt'cc na w 5 4rng t'1 ratscr pr,-Lee.-b, be aF-pi T'o eC52 'a+.Y 'k. f3 ,Mt 'repIlLf. <br />St The Prof"e"tV "` LEJS a E, Ir If,ce iks Sfrra(keit! fa 3Li ,cSi c r > io 'YK r.3 is Mn t se XW. If ...�: <br />- Testoration of re}art' as iNJt Ydi2# 3 lit { :3[lY'.f asit4t to IA`t'nftf z 4muruv 3 t3 i be G � X `.. -ht i- Ur i i piL4{i1 s .i {s be <br />- Applied EK: the earns stsLLkd by This re Instrument, w.s-tius =,if rxtr o uftlh aait estess pa--d To &vr- -s'r. If <br />-. <br />- - t}i.)TrCaVY:'r .ibaigtatn? `f&.' Propi Cr \`. v ?t i" s..tC's: nor .ifESwY7 w:Il -iiL ^x!, "1 day at 'N ticc' ,,..zt -, t'1`.9'ie# -. IL'.3t The = --Is yr we L..a. t w- halt <br />.- <br />"ittirekY #E. #Ei- :a.s!ref rk Creaf -. {lC fsn._';'3S 'sC''- `C'f.3;3Kt'iti #5- s's :i -at l*3'.' "e. tf.:'+ »=L:'f'AE' <br />- <br />:pEYikpkY,�£d'4iteapa }Street -s{ryi. CI FZ'3 -{fiK a lit #- .'4c;`L7i'a. r.,.5aS v'Zgt.�Cd.. 4'?1Ca iaf'7'i -tTflf ITfritf:_a -.isle That' ;ti-s'i. -- :'e:t€idwk.. t W3i:= -°? "Se `+T>,.. "z <br />l'ni b Ee R ic'r n._ El srissi:ea'}setw tr akscr = s :t_'a :.+, , t . ln- Pt _,,.r cr.'i r+', <br />}.� t _ x l" r'Fa' _.31 sh r ke'Cra EK"S. =r <br />pusrpisiu ;ttC;3e ;late a3F t ne*t4' pa }`mi -art- rrtiTrt °3 tip Szt p.:if�y.,tapf3..: _k.: ^t'- �: <br />- ,. <br />_ <br />- <br />.. - <br />iirldter paragraph N The Priiperty- s ackl :: _ <br />.�..trid tw I..eih &'t, Borrowers p,iti r.4 it tt it'Sut3t2 -iE' p5Y PL+aL"s SEbt: pr {heed. <_ rt'Sl S. Ck3t <br />5e _ <br />t'r,m.5fa#L?Sieiia Lfie I °T?alat rEY r €Set <br />2nstrui :nr u'i9 i?Y:§33te1*e I;Th }T tie PSiC - Ctt".tt5ti.�ti€t. _ _ _ _ <br />Preiwen'ttrt m and Maintenance of Progeny- Leaseholds. 41,rr _A e <br />change rift Propct_ y, aliitkw the Prt)p rrA' yea dtrrrifit kri tit L )mvit f A'3F£C d R: a4 : <br />a <br />flaa- oot roergv unless Lender agaecs t,J the iurrizer in writitii;. <br />:. `. Proft"LIYcm of Leader's frights in the <br />Property- i * M sstrgaKeInsurance. cr fa `..= 2e ,k ia ['ade ?.�_ <br />- - "- Arid agr"n -writs ctnratrd n? this Stivriri instrument, of there is a ki`` ai pr jc-e4 -amg r „t ;1;is t 3i x,i'b42'?* .} - _«rice, �.kodcC - <br />. ri�* 11151 #3£en,'l"i£"S.T €'tC'rt4.t5:iLh S53f`f +IC1t'ti14nt4T in{'FiiYlsTrf'r:l� " :pijabiCi.l Y.'ii�tkG?Y EI :a,� <i? S.: CF??': "Sat';�w'S :;r-r ka,,�t -:[. F', `;i. "^iC3s- _ <br />. <br />le'S4ifCi' tLtay� dLi and paa' for whatever is OCAVI]}ari' t�0pf0,UeCt the N auie tj j thtC Prk pe t ant Lx't? It r - <br />- t.tridtr`r)Kifx3n5 Yn8}1CrKiUdL 11"dS`9 nk�any- Utnskt.E,Irn,i l?y a 1wow'hih n3_I'Y'''t <br />"::toff, paying re,;Siandbif atiotnCy} tees dntl enterin-° tbn rhk° Prx t. r. Ai t.,ri...It <br />IwKfr }' make felt;:i,-4 ,<� :,i C .,ry. ttl:k - <br />tinder this par.graph 7- Leodet allies tier# ha}K , kx =(. <br />Any ariyi Unt$ a1EXl dYS l b}` Lender' under (1i:.a pLragraph ihaj ix-,: ri n,! h l} i# -. u t Y <br />- <br />1£Y::kttli lit,tt' :itEtt=t }t i iiii"ss Botrl cr cote i:.Cn4er .;3t', Ct a. ..Y x.,t Fii'i , tta.ti e>t { €, , t rn.r.,r t1{ .t. i..i. a , .. 5_;i t*t a= .'.:r {`ti i tt• - <br />- <br />„ »4';. <br />. he. date €. t,"Isbul ie'Lrieot -it the l ole rare lld s ail tw pay' ibl,, is sett t i, . _ r _ .. r, .. , .. $ L' a':,' ..: 1?�r. ��f,"r ;- C`:y.. :SK <br />pai'oteni <br />