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87- 100666 <br />MORTGAGE <br />MORTGAGE LOAN NO.. 24,739 <br />KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PMENTS: That Patrick T. Towey and �.tean A. TOwey, each in his and iner <br />awr, right and as spot:se if each other, <br />M«tgtgut,+rhether one or bore, in wm3detuim of the main of <br />7 AV—,_ ",lafi3F —nd - and Sv��i�r't�.�T _._�...._.— ~ <br />loaned to said nmdpgw by The Equitabk Building and Luso Asaoaabon of Grm d Imo, Nebra", Mmqnm, upoo iiti �n of atneic of <br />nia ASSOCIATION. Cendkate No, L 24,739 do l7efC� giant, O°°7ey nail ttow the said ASSOCIATION the inSo+ritag ' <br />described Hail County, <br />read estate, situated in 4ieAnska <br />- - .,...t .,.: tie l9 )y C: Naar azi Subdivision, City of Grand <br />s an , ..u..'. -O,:Iat y Nebrasica. <br />-- ttoetltee writ all the ttMi[Kirtt„ krrediumrn'.s and app.�rtrnancc Fherrun �. mcbxbtag attached fluor ���. a8 vr�w aaean, <br />i <br />- <br />window d"ci s. bbnds., store[ wool.", awni€igs, beat utg, art .xmdittonrng., and phi aratd rra[er rquipmen[ and arm thereto, per. --a. <br />rdrigrrattxs_ and oilier fratns£s and egnWrttent xc w to fiintatw arached to � � oled n, conwectioe v thi:nisi real <br />And w9sereas the scud - aartgagsat has agreed and dies htretl ` agme that the m[maV ,nor Ong and will pay all tasen and amts levied cir <br />-- :>s9G'nLd [Eplin Silid peewits and irpt>at {lets :tort aqe and the bored rnm��}vd t- taeTrt♦y be oft the same shall beextmt dedt nest . to Samish <br />sPy-- <br />msraance upon tie buildings <in said preauses situated art the sum nzf S Y r payable to said ASSOCIATION mad to deriver to sacs , <br />- _ASi(X_jAT60% tat po66es f(X W' d tianrac"X a-Id tuft to Loos tit to persut nif magic :m rir abi.W Sint p[aanhes; <br />In terse of default in the petforman.x of any if the remits and ,mdoxims of rtbm rucirtplge or the bond sxmed hereby, the mmtgqm Sha. <br />-- <br />';,. .. <br />on demand. be ensiled to n mfediate possession of the moripatped p[rmors and the moregapw hereby atlas . h=eft[: and errs oats to the <br />. <br />all the tents, mien= and incimm to be d"wed from the in"nSWC6 Pennill= Am n4 atsdt tint as thea>artgige intlebteduen Sind tvmmt <br />vnpmd and the rooftilpm shall haute the power to appoint ant agent w attests x; rutty dune. foe the <br />a_ <br />pmpoae of rig said pages and testing <br />The nine and axe the remts, reveovtr and toorsne. =it a may pay am : f sand nWa0e all sapennea of repaning said and <br />-' and expeines micurr+ed m nm mg and marmsging the unit and rf matitS tom: Beale bab= teatRmg, if be <br />-ag"Ing any, to <br />applied toward the drichatilgr of said mortgage indebtedness: IN= rights W tine morl-ram rate be esememmid at any tithe idwwg the of sigh <br />default, virsprtim if nay tanpurmy wai+rr ui'the :antic <br />These PfTsents, tom. art upon the Cimdttian T asst it ti&ie sud Writ -epay sand I ' . [tt before the maturity of said stl�a <br />- <br />pavntrrtt; lay monthly to said. ASSOCIATION ��# tat shalt :prat *tai is °iw Wind scored heuby as- allemu and pnecitah w said loan, on ow bye <br />- <br />Abe aimunt said pirmims and ant this es, <br />-:and the Bind secured theietrt, before debrsquen ,: lurnob aupravaf ;- ,mizanix upon the boifidimp dievem mitrht into of$11 P",Ab[e <br />- t0Q0.i50 <br />to sod ASSOCLATW,%ti repay to sacra ASSOCIAT10% upon aertara3 iL a avn:y -?n• it paid for itch tai ms. assmmsats sari with mmetew at <br />r. <br />- - the rmai[orsot legal rate tixrttat from date is?' pal meat ad of v hieh'tt.,atraptt bri eby Spun to._pay =pester no vie ousod pre .va: tarp and saw <br />with all the arm eemeois and canditaom of ti t[ -mil f t a u g day by the sad Mor4mm to said ASSOCfo IMNK and compiv <br />- <br />with aff the reel -urmenn of the Cmmitutkm am! -Laws­ said ASSOCIATION: then time pmsmm - became unB and void_ otherwime they - <br />.... <br />shall remain in full fmce and nay be foreckmd it the opttxw of the sand ASSOCiii71014 after fainte for three mumbs ter zta$c any, of =W <br />,- payments at be dffw mmtbs in attean to making said tni mhhv psi- and CO mph with tie R - - <br />� -� txt sr�ia[d', B`�._.. <br />- - <br />and Wwtgapm agrees #O haw a nellen a appoanteil f0fthWitil in salt :careclourre- procee4�_ <br />- . - <br />- <br />- If thette a any change in ownerAnp t,f the real estate niortaage l here=, b* sib or cidwrvne_ then the sense ,e.innu r. mdekadeem hereby <br />soared shall, at the option of The Equitable Building and ninon Amx1mtxm ist Gnmd [sh=ah „*:ebrastat bm[®c riy �e and payaW vertu <br />ftsthm notice, and the due <br />an"unt [etmttting undet said bard, sent! am cxher band for any adriiionad a hana m made tom. AudL fwm the <br />:date of exertxae of said option, bear kite” at the roaxont m k egg rate. Am, that mortgnpr may titre be Invidemed to saft#p the ate doe an send <br />bond, and MY svttmer band for additional advances, wvrt3tet with nil suers pail by sod The bVidaMe Baal and Lam Avocation of Grand fedawt. <br />-' :Ilebrastca fit amps ate, taxes and sssessawnts, anti abstraetatg enter on ararprs, with minvesa O em m, from date of panne t -- at the <br />- <br />- - - <br />. <br />- k9ld rate'.. <br />- <br />- As Provided inn the Boats seturtd'Weby -, wine t#xns :;•grief rr.—..m v� etfixrt the tnorte may i ewafter adva addsioetal sums to the <br />�� <br />- tankers of said tlttnd_ ShtL'ar ass ors [i 3[tt:Y'.CSSOet tai iattMta iw #3MY, iuins "39r(Y iYl at'[tdSmS t Y' unity Vt [iaii s'b3rf -Lire S2tnC 35 t�3E {i'•lldS ,?r i�Y - <br />idcraed [t/etlbtt, the total arOtRmt2 D,yr�irKlOii debt }T4t LL Y4YG2 $t aPV t_'.i3! L--S m t. Swami O, <br />. <br />Dated taus day of A D - <br />1v <br />vea� a. <br />STATE OF tdFjgkA1__KA. <br />C X N'TY OF HA f <br />. <br />to s1F this law •,d dc? � i - . brturr mr, <br />. <br />T. _,a eV and "eon, -_ .,, -x 3;;• , like ummdctswftd. a It oran Public to and few Saw County. pemnally C=w <br />c13;: $s`f_'P ;k,._: _ `. n'- area .dry.. <br />-Ira are Fcmvmdlp known is <br />tine rrt he rho identsiFi pensuu - - wtsc3se nantte sttsxed t,, the �bovte uWroww"t as 4.rtea r„ - And <br />a iwook41get tier uni trtaronienr ris be It, v Yitintan .-I and 40c3, <br />WIINI�Nli reap hand arni ,a,jar,Al :heat the Blare a €:tnesaid <br />t!p Commrmtxt exprrl <br />a <br />ea>v,sr yr <br />IVA& ��+� • <br />Vottw fail i <br />