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i <br />87 100665 <br />JOINT SUTRVIVORS IP DEED - NEBRASKA <br />KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: <br />TART Sa111?7el R. Pierce, Jr. Secretary. of Rousing and urban ileVeiopment, <br />of waahiagton, Vi; C., Grantor, is consideration of the sum of ONE tOLLAi? (Sl.00) and <br />other valuable considerations its hand paid,, does hereby rant, bargain sell and niveY . <br />unto Patr'icit T. Towey and Jean A. 7owey �Flusband Ex Wifej. <br />of Grand :Island,. Nebraska <br />as joint tenants, and not as tenants in common, the following described riasal propert <br />sltuate:in the.Gooaty of Nail State o €`Xebraska, to wit, * <br />L-Ot Mine (9), in !Martin Subdivision, City of Grand Island, Hall Ceirnty,;; <br />Nebraska <br />F <br />summa AVWIM ''- <br />SAu,.' the same property, acquired by t e ranta, - r�uant - v w -it pr:xxisix ns of t. e <br />Sationai idsism, .Act,; as armed . {12 VSC 173i. a sue. and the ,mar €,meant a€ 'Ro sing anc <br />'Urban Devtiopme%t Act (79 tat_ 6571 , <br />TOGETHER WITH all tenements, hereditamenrs and appurtenances therein'r -'? l;e:lor imp, q <br />*od a:.l- -the estate, right. title, interest, ciairr Or" decami-- whatsoever ",f t_ae said - - - - <br />iGrsntor, of. in, or to the sates, or any part tsereof. <br />BMW the intention, of alt: parties hereto that in the event of the death of <br />either of said Cxanteaes, the entire fee simple title to the real estate described herei,, <br />sha11 vest in the surviving � ractee: <br />i -;A %T-t A ":D i =? Lv the above described prezaises_ "sit=u tine E, <br />said W.a:Yers as Joirt tenants, and not as renaazsin lio n, arW to rya. -i �ssizeass, r <br />'re, the heirs and assigns of the survivor of :them,, t;:rever, an"l t sa €d `ecrerar:° of <br />H, >Uti -^g and Urban Development, and for his successors and assigns, does covenant, wit <br />tie *wranters herein named,, and with their assigns and with t o heirs, and assiges of the <br />- survivor of she's, that :ti-Le said Grantor is lawfull- seized of said prises. _that <br />are free _ -f�O= Acunb that th id -r rat r. aid r:�eF � and _ f F i" <br />sell: the same, and that the said Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, wi i, _ .,.. <br />and his successors and assigns, shall, WARRANT and DEFEND the sal unto the ;named =,ranr,c -- <br />as d urmo their assigns and the heirs and assigns of tape survivor of Cher , ore�rer, <br />the, L wful claim and demands of all persons claiming S , tbroneh. or aW rnier sl„ xnd <br />against no otheri claims or demands, <br />5114 EG"t t4 alt covenants, restrictions, reservations., eas,,E*w :,s, .s.ditions ani <br />rijhts appo*riug of record; and "SiBJECr to any snare of facts an avci;ral e <br />show. <br />xj <br />