87- 100649
<br />L,�woitsi OIVENANTs Borrowerand Lender covenant and agn -as follows AW
<br />1. Payment of Principal and IntereSt; Prepayment and Late Charges. Borrower shall promptly uf�
<br />pay when d
<br />he nt�rein the debt evidenced by the Note and anyp!-tpay critand late chargiesducundcr thc N;7,c
<br />T'n
<br />2. Funds for Taxes and Insurance. Subject to applicable law or to a written waiver by Lender, BOTTo%cr shall pay
<br />to Lender on the day monthly payments are due tinder the Note, until the Note is, paid in fth a sum ("Funds'�), equal vo
<br />one-twelfth of: (a) yearly taxes, and assessments which may attain rnoniv over this Secunty Instrument: tb� �eariN
<br />lessehold payments or ground rents on the Properly, if anv� (c) yearly hazard insurance prermums� and (d) Nearl'6
<br />mortgage insurance premiums, if any. These item% are called ,escrow items," Lender may estimate the Funds due on the
<br />basis ofrurr"t data and reasonable estimates offuturc escrow items.
<br />The Funds shall be held in an institution the depoisitsor accounts of which are insured or guaranteed b% a fed" or
<br />state agency (including Lender if Lender is such an institutioO Lender shall Apply the Funds to pay the escrow items.
<br />Lender may not charge for holding and applying the Funds, analyzing the account or verify the escrow itengs. anless,
<br />Lender pay-, Borrower interest on the Funds and apphicabi law permits Lender tin make such a charge- Borrower,and
<br />Lender may agree in wnting that interest shall be paid on the Funds. Unless an agreement is made or appiwaffle law
<br />requires interest to he paid� Lender shall not be required to pay Borrower Any interest or earnings on the Funds- 1--Mer
<br />shall give to Borrewer. without charge, an annual accounting ofthe Funds showing credits and debits to the Funds and
<br />purpow. for which each dehit to the Funds was made The Funds are rk-1 ped as Additional security for thesums secur-rd,by
<br />thisSecurity Instrument
<br />If the amount of the Funds held ',,v Lrnder� together with the future migrithly payments of Fund- payable -pt-or
<br />the due datesof the escricn% items, shall exceed the amount required to pay theescTow item when due. the exciess shall be-
<br />at 13cirrower', d
<br />eit'her promptly repaid to Borrower or crr- ited to Borritwer ori monthly payments of Funds, IfThe
<br />amount of the Funds held by Lender is not sufficient to pay the ewrow iterins when dur- Borrower shall pay to Leridicir Anv
<br />-amount necessary to make up the deficiency in one or more paynients a- requatedby Lmtder
<br />Upon payment in full of all sums secured by this Security Instrument. Lender shaR promptly refund to
<br />Any Funds held by Lender If under paragraph 19 the Property is sold igir acquired by Lender, Lender shall alTly, no Wer
<br />1han immediatelyr-nor lothesalcofffieProperty oritsacquasixiciaby Lender.anyFunidsheldby Lenderat diieumirof
<br />Applicationasacreditagainst the surns secured bytbisSecuritivinsL-Umcm-
<br />3. 4"licationof Payments. Unless applicable taw VTmidesotbtTwrsc� all paynments received try Lender under
<br />0�
<br />aragnplis I and -hall he applied- first. to late charges due under the N -, second. to, prepalriguent charges due under tbe�
<br />'S-cge: h i
<br />i rd, to amounts payable under paragraph Z fourth. to micirest due- and List to principal due,
<br />4. Charges; Liens. Borrower shallpay All taxes Assessments, c� fives and inipoisitionisattributabk to Ow-
<br />Propexty- which may atilarn priority over thi-, Security ligstrurnert. and kasehold payments or ground rents, ifams
<br />Borrower shall pay I hese oNigations in the manner providled in pairag%ph Z_ or if not paid in thii maign,
<br />Pay them on timedirectly to the person cmed payment Bourciwrirshall promptly furnish to Lender all, ni ofmiummi
<br />go be paid under this paragraph- If Borrower makes these payments; dirri-n-h-_ Horrower -hall prontpidli- furnish t, i oi�
<br />�'-_Mfqscvtd4enctng the painmerits.
<br />Elorrower.shall promptly discharge any her, witrich has - ow.- this rity Inurument s,
<br />prx"l Seen unhes Borro-wt, 1,34
<br />zt_� in-Ming to the payment ofthe obligation secured by the ben in 3 miamim3coeptable to LerAkT-, lbj`Ce01tV51t%,M 000d
<br />faith the lien by. or defend% against enforcement of the- Iten inc lep! proceedings wbxh ut the t4ader',s, <TwiKm Arwrwe to-
<br />I—eil! the eril'bucMnient a the lien or fiorfinturt of any pari of thle Properry, -w tc) secures (tvirn the holder of the nen a-
<br />4reement satisfactory to Lender subordinating the Le-n to,thn Smwgry Invirmwft, If Lender determines that Ants- part of
<br />to a ben which mav attain p
<br />'the Property is siibjl�`t -irruy ot-er -Im Security L=der may give Borriowicir a
<br />idrW_tf*tng the lien. lk�rrowrgr shall satts4- the hen or take o
<br />mrW more 4 the acirkiins set fivith
<br />-Y.F the giving ofrimice
<br />iqi
<br />Hai Iammance. Korro%t�T shall keep, the Mats. I" cow he-- rafter erected tM Tbe profmV,
<br />hazards includedwithin thi '-r,%iCM&dvu% A;W
<br />Crage Any otbirr hazards kTahwh Lexhler
<br />requires insurance, This insurance shall be maintained in, rhe Amounts And for the jsr� that Lender rtqwre,,6. T,',�,v
<br />-tdzng 1, b --ve
<br />insurance -c-arner rroN he insurance shall be n b% Bvr,'wtr sui 1-crickir S. Apprrnal whi'dit'Ji, lix'-
<br />unreasogialMy withheldlL
<br />Ali isirsurance policies and renewals� shall be ac�!cptable io Lender wit! shall mlodc a standard nu�mya?r
<br />Lendershall havv;he right to hold the policies and rrnewals ff Ltri&m mintres- Borrower shi promptly,
<br />all receipts 1�ip*od primiums and rencwalnegicts. In ilit- rvent Borii,-vwe�_ shailgt%c 1worit 1 T
<br />r Ote
<br />and Lender Lender may make prooi ifr." mAdeM-mup6y b� Dorrower
<br />er ot herwise
<br />Units,% Lender and pzree in An.ting jnnrancg� procerd� shall he aMised to reql KM �o- repatir
<br />Mal
<br />of the Property damagei:t if the restoration or repair is ec�"Iy feasg)k and Leadees untyfsni,
<br />cc ened t
<br />t lesi, is,
<br />restorimm or repair is not economically fe3i or Lrruk.-s security x6ciuld he knai:� thit inwrimce prixerds %haj,
<br />api to the ums wiccurcd by this Secunt-, Intstriament, whether or " then, due- with an% tA go
<br />' cess, row
<br />Dorricaff aban&ms itte Property. ;,w does riot wnswer v6s-hm _�Fj days a newr fmmn Lender that the insurance car-14- ha,
<br />3�_
<br />oiYered to seit it a Jairr_ E hen L tndcr may co
<br />. I !cc t , b e M-,- u -3 nL c p, rocceds . Lendem r n av use , h e ;mxeed., t r r- t,,, iT
<br />the Pmperi % or T4�' pay �urns secured bv zhis S -urtt-. h-st- rr,
<br />. I C� -U % helher --o- n-CA 1�w due, The 10-day iv txid' is � 1; Smnt
<br />hen
<br />the ni�t.�e �� r
<br />zo,en
<br />Un4t,, Le nder and K,rro%� er ot hrrw-w 3zrt-- i r, w ilxmg- an'� 3PT-!a_M`in 4 Pr,-Vecils ik, sta2 nol
<br />T-',s'r'Oae 1`c_JUt'ialc')f the monthly Payments refrtiredw, in parai 1 and -_ �n change the Amount
<br />the PropeTiy is acquired t-s Lender- nzhi tc. ary rnsurarwe polictes er-d e" i
<br />. - - , and pr
<br />Irlothea--ocl sitron i'hall ;
<br />M %ays to Lendcrio the C'arm of the'urns sec�ar�d t t
<br />.
<br />Instrument immedutteN pnor to the acqusstwn
<br />6. Preservation and Msilitenan" of'ProWny: Les-sehoW
<br />'Ohari;c the P-"pert�� A?iq% the Property TO dclertorate or commit waste If this Securry Instxurnen, is f.w. a kw,-fi,4d,
<br />y w I the Prci%tslo
<br />er '11aii C�Tri. I it he ease and dB(irrower acquires fee title to the Prcs,vny� thelleasehoij and
<br />'n' 0
<br />frit lv,* unless. Lender agrees, to the merger in �nting.
<br />Protection of Leni Rights in the Properry-. %turtgW Iraw2nm- If Borrower fato, t�, periier-n th-
<br />this Secunitv Instrument- or there INA tegal procce'ding that may sientficantl� affn_-r
<br />Lendet's nghi� in the Property 11such as a proceeding in bankruptcy, pro"Mie- for iondemnarton Or T,,-
<br />then Lender may doandpayft'rwhate'el ls�iecm'sar) tOProteOT'If
<br />in -the ProTprr!y I endcit'% Ac 11�'ns m3s Inciude, JP� sums secured �' hen has
<br />P3)119 tl� which rrti�wn� "hn� '�n'mt�
<br />app-canngin �-ouri, pa%tna fee-sand eniermi; on-'hc I lroprr!'t 7',1- make A !t �Ti
<br />I CMdCr May TAit 7,
<br />action Under this paragraph Lr--dei dc-N nal h3% r tio
<br />40
<br />Nriv b� Lctidcr under ih,,Npira1traPh jtt"
<br />]
<br />S;mun..% In.m. tm-en! Vn)'C�S K)rT0WefX1d I MICT _1;tCr lk� 11ihet lCrin'Sif - r7l, �f� L--- amou r i
<br />ot i��hu�wlriefil is !hr Noic ilc an-' haii 1v naNak-le, al,
<br />