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87- 100621T <br />PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT RIDER <br />--ED UNIT DEVELOPWK-r RiDER is made this 1ebc-ry­..­1 <br />THIS PLANS ........ __dayof.__ ....... <br />and is incorporated into and shall be deemed to amend and supplement the Mortgage. Dead of Trust or Security Dead (the <br />"Security,, ltist runtent") of the same date, given by the undersigned (the "Harrower"] to secure Borrower's Note to ....... <br />-ri r ............. _ .......... . __._ ..................... ......... (the Lz[WW <br />of the same date and cc,,eying the Property described in the Security Instrument and located at: <br />....... ......... ....... _ ...... ­_1­­'_­ ....... <br />The Property includes, but is not limited to, a parcel of land improved with a dwelling. together With OtherSUCII and <br />Certain Common areas by N�rk Gari3ens Deverapuent <br />and facilities, as in <br />jpm_j,$,_11984 az documnt no. M-OG3208 <br />---------- - ....... -------- ------- <br />............ --------- ------- .............. <br />(the -Declaration") The Property is a pan ofa planned unit development knows as ­­­­ ..... ... ...... <br />.......... <br />(the "IM The Property also includes Borrower's interest in the homeowners association or equivalent entity ow n or <br />in& <br />0* <br />managing the common areas and facilities of the PUD (the - -am Assocuttion") and the uses, benefits and procft& of <br />8orrr�wc "s interest. <br />PUD COVEXANM In addition to the covenants and agreements in the Y rument. Borrower and <br />made Securit, bw <br />Lender further covenant and agree as follows- <br />A. PUD Oblizatiams. Borrower shall perform an of Borrowers obligations under the PIJIYs Cons6vuent <br />Documents The -Constituent Docurricnts" are the : (i) Dtchuation; (it) articles of momporsum trust msunment or SAV <br />equivalent document which creates the OwormAssocias:ion, and (net anj by4awsxothff ruks or regulanousofthe Owners <br />Assocuttion. Borrower shall promptly pay, when due, all dues acid assessments imposed pursuant to the Consitnihem <br />Documents <br />B. Ham" Insurhoice. So long as the Owners Association uhhustann, with a generally accepted insurance caffier, a <br />-master- or -bbnk4m- policy insuring the Property which is sausfacawy to I ender and which provides hisurancit cavichiw� <br />in the arnotints. for the periods. WO against thebazards Lender requars, including fim and b2zatils uacietirti withsathearat <br />-extendind coverage.- then- <br />W Lender weaves the provistm to Uniform Covesaut far the Monthly payment to Lender ofOae4VVV* of- <br />the ytxr4 premium, installments for hazard u3suratim as the Finvierm, and <br />(u) , Borrowers obligation under Uniform Covenant 5 to maxotaim hitzard urpumance coverage on the Propefty as <br />dammW satis6ed to the extent that the required cavvrWisprevsded tr) theOwsm Amocumon policy. <br />y. Borrower shag give Lender prompt notice of any btpw = required hazard insanancic coverage provided by the maner <br />or bimktipolici <br />In the event of a distribution of hazard insurance praccoft in ties of restowitichas or txpair f ellowhig a I= w the <br />Pmperty or to common areas and factlitws of the PVD, any proceeds payabir to Borrower are hereby assigped and shall be <br />paid to Lender. Leader shag apply the proceeds to the sum secured tr4 the Schourity Instrument, with any excess pad to <br />Boffower- <br />C_ PaWk Liability last "ace. Borrower shall take such actions as way be reissonable to insure tbw dw Owners <br />Assochation ushuntams a public hobdiry utsurashoe pot&-,) acceptabic in fichm ate, aw extent ,ufcavehW to Lenilm <br />Cbedemftdm. The proom&of stay ztvwdercimm for dam director cawaagDentilla. payAW to Batraqvicr is <br />aeritaa with y condemnation or other taking of all or any pan of the Phihp=y or the common areasand hicilinesorthe <br />PVD. or for say conveyance at hell of condemnation. air bfftb y - assigned and shall b I e pod to exider Such proomils shad <br />ire APPliedbirLinder to the sunss secured by the Security Laser ument providedmIj - <br />as, mAxin Covehtshat 9 <br />lw Ixthilet's Prior 'CauseaL Borrower shall =*L except after notice to Lendu no, with Lem s Prior STRUM <br />consent. either partition or subdivide the Propmy,o,-03xls=t ter: <br />W the abandonment or term nion of the PUD, excepK for abasidonhachit or tericasaims required by I**- in the <br />last of snit sustialdinaruction b -fire or other casualty or in the caw of thhkhsg� caudentuathan orchisithentijamam- <br />4nj anj amendment to Any 'pr ovmonof the -Constituiew. t3'' if the prurvisson is forhe express thenefis <br />4L&ndrr� <br />of professional management and assumpum ofself-management of the Owners Assoscciarhohh; <br />or <br />t1% i any action which would have the effba of rendering the public hathday insurance � mathisamed by <br />the OaT=s Association unacceptable to Leader. <br />IF. Renwilics- If Borrower does not Pa) MD dun " assessments when dhi,_ then Lender may pay them Any <br />anal noses distitirsed by Lend- under this paragraph F shall became jachthasal debt of Son ow er secur ed by the Sus <br />In-vnicat, Unless Hom*cr and Lender agree to other terms apayment, these amounts shall bear fro <br />interest at the dat- at <br />disbursem-en, 4, , he Note rate and shah' be pa-y4bj,__ with Interest, upon fimm Lcndcr.0 -questing pay-- <br />I B-i S1'GNL-C- IIEUIV6 Borrower A�r ' m axid agr.-- U-1-- --A c— -lad M.S­ 11. �� It <br />MULTISTATE PUD R1DER­­,,, I � , — $XMA,'F14LWC UWFORW ite­ 3150 83 <br />