<br />100612
<br />If Lender
<br />required mortgage insurance as a condition of making loan secured bv this Security instriunent
<br />Bor7ower shall pay the premiums required to maintain Elie insurance in efft--t until such time as the requirement for the
<br />insurancetermmates in accordance with Borrower'sand Lender's written agreement or applicable law,
<br />8. Inspection. Lender or its agent may make reasonable entries upon and inspections of the Property. Lender
<br />shall' gi,,e Borrower noriceat Elie time ofor prior to an inspecfion specffvmg reasonable cause forthe inspection.
<br />9. Condetmation. The proceedis ofany award or claim for daurnagcs, director consequential, in connection with
<br />any condemnation or other taking of any part of the Properry% or for convin-ance in lieu of condemnation.
<br />y are hereky
<br />assigned and shall be paid to Lender.
<br />In the event of a total taking ofhe Properiyt the proceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by Uhis Secuntv
<br />Instruntent. whether or not then due, with any excess paid to Borrow,,=- In the event of a parrial taking of the Pr-p---,
<br />uniess Borrower and Lender otherwtse azr_- in writing the sums secured by this Security Instrument shall be reduced by
<br />amount of the proceeds muftlpliee by the following traction- 4) the tctal amount of the sums secured immediazeii,
<br />netore the taKing. divided h� (b! the fair niarket value ofthe Prc -ore the Lakniz- Any balance sballibe
<br />=d to 23TTO-Aer
<br />the P, f
<br />f -1, ronerty is abandoned bv Bcrrorwer� or � after notice- tw Lender tz Borroacr chat the condemnor to
<br />make ?n award or a z1alm, "Or dzmazes, Borrower lFails ZO --spmd :jz� L-ender—hir date thericncri
<br />gpeL Lender.s authorized to coilec: and appiv the proceeds. 31 Is or'--m- -_:btrre TzZoration firremirof dit Prop't-, --,r
<br />tO tbe wiris secured by this SeLLrtN Ins[rumem. Whether or no,
<br />Uniess Lerdl!7 and Borrower otherwise azrce in %riting
<br />postpone the due date of,int monthly payments referred to in parapaphs and or �. arip the ount of suc Mmeam
<br />h 3M h
<br />10. Borrower Not Released- Forbearance Br Leader Not a 14niver-Exicnisim of the !me 'or pa�rom, ,r
<br />o4amorizAnon of t-hetturns
<br />modific3tior secured by !Jus Secu_-r, inssuiame= Lazinted -by L=id-- mo any, successor
<br />mteres, of Borrower shall not operare to rei he habilit ,f--
<br />case V he �vtlpnal Borrower or Borrawer�s succcsson m interest-
<br />Under shall not be required to commence proceedings aputsa. any m- hiterest or refuse w extend lor
<br />payrrttiit or otherwise motfify arnornzatkon of the sums securea this Secarzn Instrument by reason of any denzand.
<br />b,, the original Borroweror Borrower's successors in intetest- -Anv fitbearance bm Leader in exercitsing an% right or "=Cdv
<br />shall not be a vk-aiverofor preclude the excrase of any tight Or remedv,
<br />I L Sumessors and Amgns Bonowt Joint and &-veral Liabdirv; Co-signers. The covenamrs and A-0zervents ar
<br />--ent sriall hind and beriefil , :he successors and assipzs of Lender 3= Borrower- subp—_ to the proviisaons
<br />o;.OTAgr2pb. - Borrowt-_'s cnverants and agreements shall be -cmz and' srv=aL -Amv Borrower who ro-sixi3s this Secur-aw
<br />Instrument but dz�m not execuir the N
<br />Tore- � a l is zo-SO= n-2 -!I-- Sect=--n-1- orily to mortgage. -rant and coinvev
<br />"Tinz$
<br />Borrowtn-*s nizerest in the Properiyunder -he terms ofilins Sezzonv jn=ouieut.- fbi is — personally Obfigiated - ;M
<br />Ign
<br />the sums. secured In, tius Securtiv lnstrument� ar ici 2g: thait,
<br />Id rem Lcrtda- and anx Abt-- Borrowtr may agree to emme-
<br />N. forbear or any ac-commodamms with
<br />make _r, inistrunietit or the wahocir
<br />that Bari owers consent,
<br />Lo"Cli2rees. oa w
<br />rL 25 sailiwa z :ZIL inch sets t= loan
<br />z-=_IF& and tnat law is finally interpreted so titat the interest or othr-- !oan cjjaxi�es coIlected or to be coUected m
<br />&0
<br />4"Ir"'),
<br />connection w1th the loan exceed the peraurted hinats. then- -ai any such kan c" shall be reduced by the amounit
<br />neoessam to reduce the charge to the permitted hnilrt� and -bl any sums alr�- z x8ected from Bomwrr whwh exceeded
<br />-funded to Botrower- Lcaid-_ cray to
<br />permitted !uuirs wW be n- -bo�sc =-" I]h1s, refund tm- reducing the Winapa; owed
<br />under the Note or by mak a direa payinerit to Borrower L If a j reduces pininapail. the -Wuctp= Will be as a
<br />parnal pftpavmmt without anv prepayment charge andem- the Note-
<br />egW Affectin Leadees Rights. If enactneni or capar3rion of appocaok aws , t c of
<br />IM he M=
<br />S
<br />rendering any provtsion of the Note or tios Instrunaeut =enfOr_,eaE4_ ac=j:�aog to rts terms. Lendr-r. at as opum-
<br />may require unmemate payment in full' of ai: sunn secured m tins Securixv histrainent and nnv invoke autv reiiiiedicii
<br />paragraph, of
<br />par-Mrapti
<br />14. Notices.
<br />truidiing n, by fim, class maLi unjess appocabie, law shadbe directed , ta tb�_-
<br />requ--es use of mciihod- T.I%e 11013re
<br />Property Addnss or ary other address Borrower dengtates m wace to L4=w--- - Amy� am-- to Leader shad ne gaven ov
<br />!km class inaill to Lendc�'s address star,-, hemn o-, any otb�-_ address LA=kk—. deuxuatim- by notice to Borrow--,
<br />Wr in 2
<br />provided "a lusSecurity Insn-umentshall. be cleented LL, have been gri,= as provided
<br />in zins, ta rastraph-
<br />1.5 Governiing Law- Severability. This -Se-c-min Ins--unzent siall �X zrc=n= 1;nderiu ana zhe -iw ot the
<br />�urzsdicrioiri in which the.Proper'N is locatexi In- :he :hia any prcv-am 'or cause of" S--arriv Insitsument or the
<br />Mzs
<br />-
<br />Note cerifficts- wi:h- applicable iav- such conffict shai: no- 3fect, other prz%iszonsof ibus Se_jrrv InsT_ amen cl, the Note
<br />u6 hw-b can be z--n- tffec-_ w,Thout he con�ft-IcTlug pra.--sion� To n2i's end th-e of lins 51cczrtz; lar'nar-t-ni and :he
<br />Note art �IeCl=-Cd tO be severable-
<br />M Borrower's Copy, Bor-,owe- sh__ -'e ZT --n N,�,t t aric t,
<br />-len Cue I _� r*� ic--.�=,_. lrsz7u. om
<br />I Transfer of the Property or a Beneficial interest in Borrower. zax --.a-- -4rit pjt�;4 ,, �r j-
<br />. 1 : en
<br />sonz: 07 -Z-zurs�-red ,r �f a bezi�,_-:,&i macrcsz un 5-3—--er .s �c U-1 Xic Mo=`V-e_ Is nloz a Tuilurai
<br />Pers"an, uithcn;* Lzrider s prior writzen constm. Lender m3y_ a; T15 '�V Cr. __aViiiient -i* S
<br />secured rhis Se_-urnN instrument- Hc%ever_ �h5 _r sn�L4,
<br />q _ .1c: r� tXr_-_-sCc -n� Leziccr �Cxerzise zs-
<br />la� - F-h-
<br />IFLmder aption, Lender sfia� g;�,e Boiro-%er notice ott actriennon. ThL a;! Provice a
<br />than, V days from zhe date the nolire is delivered cr nalled writhm which Borra*CT must PA� 4�7 �ZM� -,4e-Ur_-c
<br />this Security Instrumen t- If Bo rrower latis to pay these sums pnor to thtexpiration -'this -'Wenod. LendermnaN m%iwe anl
<br />T-T`ed14-- Pe"MUtte-C 11v 'his Security Instrumen, wabout - or Burrower—
<br />notice demand on
<br />is. Borrower's Right to R If Borrower me-em certain =xhnons Borrower shail ha%e the riphi to have
<br />enforcemen., ofthis Securitv Instrunicrit discontinuedat
<br />=y timeinorro Thecanterof i,33 as
<br />st:Tucllbie law mas specify for retristatemmi) befort sale ofthe Proper-ty pursuant to any powear af saic ckhitarned zn this
<br />SCc=-,% instrument, ib� 'Those
<br />-:Pr entm of a iudgitirnt enforcing this SecuraN instrumeru zond.uons arr that Elorm.wer,
<br />(A) PSYS Ltrider ail sums whicti ilien'would be due under thn Secun'ty Instrument jiid zhe 'Note had no acceieratrar
<br />Mcurrta: (b, cures wn, defauft ofany other -:vvenants or agreement& a!' �-_vpenses incurred !n ffz
<br />en c tai -his
<br />rirt
<br />u Instru sc ab
<br />Sect - inclucing, bu: nez, iururt�c m ic anorney-V :zrs.'ind c, zAi�es suz�h scnnn as Lemirr mat
<br />ssurt rha! � e i,;en �h;� ,a m en? "ghr, in Th Pr
<br />P &nd
<br />:his `-'r-i-In k
<br />M911
<br />