<br />81- 100581 ADDITIONAL TERMS
<br />PRE:PAI'ME`T AND ACCRUiALOF THE FINANCE CHARGE; I "m th a n I r t p% n f � to r x ui t �t`t i, a 4aktt -�s,t
<br />to prepay the wholealnio 'txiln to you in full at am' time or in part fi,emttins t:, tint,. t I1plaro1 test dials 'ze, hr,��cltl to any -'tie ,s,y a.liu,inur
<br />Jaiy: I know mv.`fi6arattd he 11 he leas if I mane an carh payment. and t will b h !
<br />charge will lrr ret�ected lei my'tinaf bill: l also know that the annwnts :Shown n the never de for the Finance C 1 r . Tolai c' P.,%mcm,. and tt?r T teal S t :..t,r arc. rata
<br />mates based un the assumption that you will receiv e each of ter paymems evact;v on an der late: And 1 know
<br />that .I.v re wi i hr no refun.t if I preps% because . u kae is rx*tharb
<br />Ili' refund if I am charged an a daily basis. if the lend nL insialutiarn or bank toe'' TIOiure kn compute file actuarial tneih,nt: and the a to ui l'iff ic x% m yr bate vv illtt� %ou will figured refund r
<br />to me the unearned portion of the finance charge f intn'.stt by the .caw p
<br />-scheduled dais and amounts of my monthly payment and not on the actual date, and nnounjs of rile prepal'mems that I pay to you. 1 know that a round rt less than S I .itir
<br />will not be made.
<br />(b) I have read. in detail. thceparate 10-YEAR LIMITED WARRANTY" hich, it olade. ac�onipani thi. contract. itevplai nsihecon.hu,.ns. and ciicumstances
<br />in which the manuf act ured products sv ill he« paired, rreplaced- ItakenoticeoftheIimnations, mtheaYatrant%. andIpanicularl%' recognizethatanyimpliedwarrannwhich
<br />applicsutthegx s astsonlvaslonea [tie uarrantstr'ni.ccontret.
<br />(c) I have read. in detail. the separate "LIMITED INSTALLATION N% ARRANT) "which if made. accompallie, this contract. it expt:unv the conditons and eu-
<br />cumsumcc%in which the installation ofihe s,Jmg will be redone I take note e of the limnauo,> on the u- arranty and I particularly rect. mze that ant implied warrant\ which
<br />applies to the installation acAonyash.n;asthewarr tit) itcerai %�ccontract.
<br />SPFCIAI, ORDER GOODS: i know that you have measured my hour and it openings so ilia v m an make the products to tit my patticuiarhi use. 1 take nonce ilia the
<br />etxxls that are manufactured for my specific how, • probably wilt ant fit any other anuses, and undef such con iitiom. 1 nnc•a that i cannot caned this contract at any nmr
<br />after the period of time given to me. by law. in whlcit tocancel. A,trrthat lecal perod of tune. I know that 1 hay he t bliganon t pay you in full the amountsowed.
<br />OBLiG.ATIONS PERTAiti1 \(: TO PROPF.RTr and emended ar z`UC !n` REAL lx,l `A [h nsulancnt mpanr my t he a pro, ed byrepair u. and the Imlic}'must have
<br />at least Solt of its replacement value by huying a
<br />abenerician'clauseuhich av, thatyouaretobePairanvjhn ,'1'oucauTixwsetvrus thismsuranctpaymenttoeither Ill
<br />renot
<br />pavaanymtmnLeloweewxtorepaiitny 'house.
<br />ih +rrze the insurance company to pay you direrily . not
<br />I have the option of prof iuing property insurance thmug_ft `n t �outr u• my orrnthrough
<br />ssiu h. ? 1 pr imr,ev m paynall tavr r'taa es anj nrtntatanJ other %hargessoon nn real estate twl'hen
<br />allow anyone rbr to plater any items on nn real estate wnh a _ pe out N our
<br />due. 4. .1 ptomise to 111111% make all payments on my pt loans seru ed b% real
<br />o n rctai esune,lhe1 \(in catnldo it for me it-Jourwant (but you do not have tot[ if y u do
<br />written permission S If i do not irsm>: my house r fulfill y
<br />pay any of these !,heat ions for me. 1 agree to nor% %t u back on den-Land plus interest at the highest laufil content rate of mtere,t. l,ni! I pay you back, these amounts will
<br />t+r added to my debt to you which is secured be m� tea: estate and house. I knexv that it you decide to huv insurance for 111 that %ou do not have to obtain any tu%meowner
<br />or habl!tty insurance.
<br />SAL F OF Ml HOUSE: I promise not to sell. (rasa or _ yr my house to an .,one one until i have fully repaid in%debt to you.
<br />DEFAULT: I will be in default under this contract if:
<br />1. I don't make a payment when due: or
<br />2. 1 break any promise I nnade to you in this contract; or
<br />3. Something else happens which causes you to believe in good faith that ! do not intend to pay you as promised: or
<br />4. 1 default on any obligations for which I am using my home as collateral; or
<br />5. Something happens to my house which threatens your rights, if any, init.
<br />IF I AM IN DEFAULT: I understand that you have the right to f-.xeclose the Mortgage i have given to you and have my house sold to repay any amounts I owe you if l
<br />am in default udder this contract. Before my house is sold, you will do everything that the law requires. If you hire an attorney to assist you to sell my house. or- to sue toe,
<br />or, to protect your rights, I agree to pay you for your reasonable attorneys' fees and for other related expenses such as court costs, title searches and money you expended
<br />to pmlect my house. if you are allowed to collect such amounts by law.
<br />this contract as often as we want without losing them. Or. we can delay enforcing any of the rights
<br />OTHER RIGHTS: We can choose not to enforce any of the tights under
<br />without losing them. We can also use any rights now or m the future given to us by law.
<br />DELAYS: I know that you will use your best efforts to install the product.,. I am purchasing on my house, but I also understated that in some situations you ANY eau a men
<br />delays that are caused by strikes, weather conditions, delays you have in obtaining materials, or for other reasons that are beyond your control. 1 understvA that you will
<br />not be liable for such delays.
<br />ARBITRATION: If I have a dispute or claim with you concerning the quantity, quality or performance of the products, I understand that my dispute may be submitted to
<br />and settled according to the mediation- arbitration program that may have developed in my community. I also know that any decision made by an arbitrators) would to ca-
<br />tered in the court havmg)urisdiction over me and you.
<br />SALV AGE VALUE: i know that the windows. u oodwork. siding. brick and other materials that have 10 be removed by you for this installation have t!0 wh'aee value.
<br />When you remove them, you can have them for whatever purpose you want.
<br />erstand that in special situations that Zour Regional Office may have to review
<br />SPECIAL SITUATIONS: Due to the uniqueness of some of the products that you sell, l und
<br />and accept this contract. 1 also understand that this sale occurred to my home and that you and i may not have had all the correct information important to this transaction
<br />atourfingertips; l giveyou my consent to correct any obvious errors that may have occurred when the blanks in this convect were completed.
<br />INVALID P�pti WONS: I any provision of this contract violates the Saw and is unenforceable. the rest of the contract will he valid, if anv Hart of this eritilm t reauires
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