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F"t, <br />FOR USE IN THE STATE OF M9K"KA <br />INSTALLMENT SALES CONTRACT AND MORTGAGE <br />THE PACESETTER CORPORATION, A CORPORATION <br />(M SEUntKMM) <br />9S05 "I" STREET <br />87- 100581 <br />TO BE RECORVEO M REAL ESTATE RECORDS <br />SALF-1; <br />CON'TRiltUT N0. 75832 <br />2558 NORTH OWERS AVE., Sun F OMAHA, NEBRASKA 66127 <br />GRAND ISLAND. NEBRASKA 68801 (402) 331 -0275 <br />(308) 384 -4:14 OA <br />S"Id T, ..% D,z• a)* This C-.11:1 <br />'Addre° % ' /ip <br />In <br />thi, Intaallryient S41L, Cr,r.t re he w (Vnjs 1. Me . anj in) re -r to the Bu'er ant:1 co- Buser '4 jm� igning this ctintrAci. The u<.. ds. sou and %our. <br />ae and as, ref e, to the S-Ber '.1'1 to L meau j tank ,r oih.-r Nnani:lai ini,mutwn if n iL- 1h .nlrAcz- It TI d , I v,ifi make n1% PA"nem' t' - <br />\t r' - -Mort�'Zce'. I Und.-r'!Jnd that I, mme *hj:l on� riuw; <br />Under the N -vi �1,- kno"n a, the '11j %(,it are refer* 1'. ii, 1h, <br />2n he each will br rLs tn'll"le for all PTVM;"-, tn adz �and ,i, P,,ng Inc obit pizoni,) m !ulli -wit mac itgain't oiw it anti Th, on reef <br />hN The P , r Corpor='In. tore: mdi;cz, of The ji,intuiLd an,; M,Iaijej e '�e elle <br />Cash ri - " , -he r-dui:7, ,nd er—e. i, it I bus or. crcdo <br />4,w�e IM � a - - It, a 'Id! 'jit� Pricy- Th� Total Site N�ii i, t'� o"I "! ' - -,mbcd Self- I ague i,, <br />noA CNN �e , 'a a, �J-k c and services d- <br />in hue. iz `,' , I,, ell. Itir :h.: Total Sate Pri set forth ',,- -' Me produ 1, <br />vou the awunt financed in jzcordance wflh !hL pjemenl e- uvih hoh,%%. ziverher ,tin uuere,t thereon at the annual percentuee rate which is thi-ch,i-cd <br />l,ejoA. I also it r to all of the other on Slih tides of zhi, riiruraii. Only products manufactured lii� The Pacesetter Corporation are covered <br />by our 10 vear 1-imited Warrant). %o exterior or interior trim, painting or qwmng. will be prodded unless specified in this Contract. <br />X- <br />"j <br />LEGAL DESCRIPTION: The "t—, ie,t:-Jvd -,,,,,d, am e t, he installed and placed drx'n the "Add re-­ deNi,-,naled ano,c. ,nd the at <br />for such "Addi-es," <br />Buyers Acknowledge tl.ix,. A I _al j,,,L.h1e it, the ntnc -,hi, contract i, Seller hat the nLia to ohtain and insert the 1,e_al <br />at , later jaic <br />SUMMARV OF SALE: Base cash price tax 6-C, -4i) L' - additional vtamani% service cn%crape <br />Total cash price S Cash 11-tal I dominvaN nnent S inn, '' n _ Unpaid balance of SZ-CiK <br />ITEMIZATION OF THE AMOLNT FINANCED OF S <br />S -&c� x0 Amount credited -0 his contract ESanne amount as the --Unpaid Balancc-") <br />S Arn,,unt paid on net balance from PT'.,,r Contract pith us. <br />Arnounits) paid to others on m% behalf: S r-� to insurance Lornpan} ror P-orvrt% Damage in,urancc <br />S RO to insurance cornpam to.r Credit Life insurance S tDo O-Z5 to public officials for filing recording fee, <br />S i!� �� :s;? to- insurancecompan} torAccideqram:! Health insurance- S - C� fSpecif\ . 1 <br />I MUA!;.,.. FINANCE Amount Total of Total Sale Price <br />IMP rMARGIF Financed Payments The IOU jC ,iofirnria-chast: <br />M <br />I <br />