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11 <br />87--- 100429 <br />10 Trypp, The7.lSrSe may tesugc ass v,ame ki±l"'t ca'wev i _...�_- a,,,a„ytr it v -m u: taus ^appOtnt a successor or substitute Trustelf Trustee <br />9haM Pat be habte for any loco d, Bars' ge ,'Ais„ ;sue ".@ a�.r �n3D'ee ';tea. ,,, "scone -,c: and sha!i not tie lea" —d to take any adnon in connection in the <br />enforcement W this Dead Of Trent umoss - rdemnfipbd. In ­Ting, for ad 5.s. i.`r�n?k`�nsaT +cTm k "pensas w^: c Ti may be asatnciated tnerewrlh. In addition. Trustee may <br />becomea purchaaerat any sale ofthe Propml,' -d,cal or unc., the pitmen at sate gra -led herein thesageof ail . 3r any portion oftheproperty. asproiaced bylaw: <br />or roil the Property as a quote. or in separate parcels or tats <br />11. ifablre AaaalbM. Ustron request Of Borrower. fender mazy, W ;es PO,,­ make 410,Vone; aril ` «tl+se advances and teadvances to Borrower Such ativamC6s and <br />rea@aanees, witA interest tttereor?, shah secured by t'?,s Creed o-t Trus At a Te sna> he onto pa, amount nt the 'noeotadness se+curafs btnis Dead of Trust. not,n- <br />clutti sums advanced to pr pieta the security citrus Defeo o-. •st, ax ; ;ee'tie rr; na ,rr ..eipaiam� rt stated na e- Or $_ fllL ?vr7 •206. �3 <br />n9 Gt , wh cnever is <br />greater. <br />12 PMVM&NW <br />(a) /erreMer"Refaaa d Extams+on of the ti"o for payment o: m,;e : -,d,.: rc at amoniTar ;P.h or the sums secured by this Heed of ?rust grantee by <br />Lender to arty successor in interest of Borrower snaf) not operate tP miease. :n any -manner. the 1,ttt :ty of the original Borrower and Borrowers successors in <br />.Tender shelf not be required to cam. monoe prdcaadrmgs against such successor O' refuse to extend time for payrnent or otherwise modliv arrtdrti.ation <br />of the sums secured by this Dead of Trust by reason of any demands made by :he orrgrnal Borrower and Borrower's successors in interest. <br />(b) tenders►oarera. Without, affecting tneriab:iity of any other person lu,ree'or vne payment ofanv c,b!rq&IQn herein mentioned. and without affecting <br />thepertor charge Wthis Deed of Trust upon any portion ofthe Property not then1, ^. toforereleased as security for thefull amount or all unpaid obligations, <br />tender may from time to time and without notice jii reteaseany person so rah ,r extend me rnNtUrtty :)r after Rn)• Of the forma p1 any such Ootegabons. ('ti) <br />grant otherindulgences.(Iv+ release or reccnvey, orcause to be released Or rev'Oncfryed at any'!m at Lender c options any parcel, pomur. or at! of the Property. <br />(v) take or release any other or additiorra! security for any Obligation herf in. men t ­nee, or (,0 make com onsitton s nr )rher arrangements with debtors in relalion <br />thereto <br />;c) Forbearance by LenderNot a Waiver. Any forbearance by Lender in ekercistnq any oght or • emedy hereunder or otherwise afforded by applicable <br />law. shall net be a waive, of or preclude the exercise of any such right or remedy. The pre:. orement of to suranCe or the payment Of taxes or other liens or charges <br />by Lender shall nol be a waiver of Lender's right to aaeterale the maturity of the indebtedness_ sectuea by this Deed of Trust. <br />(p) Succession and Usivias Bound: Joint and Several Llabitity: Captions. The citvenaws and agreements herein contained shall bind, and The rights <br />hereunder shall inure to. the respective successors and assigns of Lender and Borrower, subject To the prev:5ions'�r paragraph a lei hereot. Al! covenants and <br />agreements DtaorrOwet Snellix +loan: anC Severer The captions ar�d heaoi^gsdithe paragraphs of INS Deed Of Trust are for convenience only and are not to be <br />used to interpret or define the provisions hereof <br />(e) Re'pwstfor NoticelL T he parties hereby request Tha d co py of any _nce of delauit hereunder and a copy of any notice of sale hereunder be mailed to <br />each party to this Deed of Trust at the address set lcrin abovem the manner prescrbed by appbcabie law Except for any other notice requ fired under applicable <br />taw to be given in another mannei . anv notice provided for in this Deeo of Trust shat: he giver by ma;7inq Such notice by certified mail addressed l0 the other <br />parties. at the address set forth above. <br />Any notice provided for in this Deed of Trust shall he deemed to have been given to Borrower or lender when given in the manner designated herein <br />(f) inspection. Lendermay make or cause tole made reasonable entre5 upon acdmspechon5 of the Property. provided that Lender shall give Borrower <br />notice prior to any such inspection specifying reasonable cause Therefor reiated to Lenders interest fir, the Property <br />(g) Reeonaeysime. upon payment Of all si!ms secured bYtnrs Deed of Tr: 1st. Lender shall request Trustee to reconvey the Property and shall surrender <br />this Deed of Trust and all notes evidencing indebtedness secureo by :his Deed et Trust to Trustee. Trustee shall reconvey the Property without warranty and <br />without charge to the person or persons legally entit:ed thereto Such person or persons shall pay all costs of recordation, it any. <br />(h) Pereonai Property,SKurity Agreement. As additional security for the pa yment of The Note all fr eturHs equipment, and other personal property used <br />in connection with the real estate or improvements located thereon . and not otherwise decia,ed or deemed TO be a part of the real estate secured hereby. shall be <br />subject to a security merest in favor of the Lender under foe Nebraska Undor Commercia !Code This instrument sna; I be construed as a Security Agreement <br />under said Code. and the Lender shall have all the, ights and remedies of a secured party under said Code to addition to the rights and remedies created under <br />and accorded the Lender pursuant to this Deed of Trust. <br />)i) Severibi4ty. In the event trial any Provision Of tnis Deed off Trust - onf:rci with applicable iaw Orare dedare0 invalid or otherwise unenforceable, such <br />conflict or invalidity shall not affect The other provisions of this Deed Of Trust or the Note w'ntcn ran beg iver. effect without the conflicting provision, and to this <br />end the provisions of the Deed of Trust and me Note are declared To be severable <br />13. This Section 13 to be completed ONLY iT the Property consists of root.;,rr3i red' estate and -s Operative : n!y :. c- 5 t5 checked If applicabie. complete <br />FIT <br />HM A or B: <br />C A. Honleslead. Borrower represents to Lender that no part of the Procerf`v has'oCateo Upon it a dwel9ng house used by Borrower as a res,dence Borrower <br />further covenants with Lender that no dwelling house wtll be constructed or located cpOr the property <br />D B. Election of Homestead. Borrower nereby designates the Property described in Exhibit B attached hereto ar incorporated herein by tins reference as the <br />homestead only for purposes of Section 75 -1519 of the Revised Statutes of the State of Nebraska In the event Borrowerrsenbtledto and elects to make a partial redemption <br />pursuant to said Section 75 -:519. the redemption once or c ,l snail be delem:ned by aPp,arsal to the manner <br />(t) Borrower snail provide to Lender an appraisal of the Exmb: t6p ,onertyano the rema,rrQP,opery tooth appraisals reflect :rig Me redemplion) <br />prepared and submitted by a ,eai estate appraiser acenseid ;.n. the State of Nebraska which Lender may accept or reject. <br />l2) If Lender rejects Borrower's ap,,a! sat. Lender shall Soh, -t ;f in apprat$ai :)f the Exr:ib:t B croyerty and the remaining P,Opertv (both appraisals <br />reflecting the redemption) prepared and su-^.m:hed by a real estate appraiser ricensed ;n the State of Nebraska whrcIn Borrower may accept orre)ect: <br />It Borrower rejects'_ender s appr,u -1 the Anvr $er$ who have $..,, m; :too appraisals shall select a third appraiser licensed in the State of <br />Nebraska w?Pshall prepareand submit sir app:a:sai or the :Bpr ^n?r t' ann Tn_ rem.a;r­g Property (both appraisals rellecttngthe redemption! <br />Theseappra :sa!ssharibeb,nd�guvnon Lencer and Boric—for rwposes of es!ao: ;srung!he redemption pnce or value ofthe Exhibit B property and <br />the value of the roma h.9 property fo r Pu,peses r`f Sr -tyro fir•-: ^r? a-_ .,_, c._t ct •he Revised Statutes of the State of Nebraska <br />In the event the saie or other Jr trio , f, ", Oo ¢afafy the noentPdness secured by -his Deed of Trust. nothing <br />contained i nthis Paragraph T3 sna!tcohstituleawa,ve -of: r pair The Le ,d_ oof -c. Revised Statute$ o1lhe Stateot Nebraska Or otherwise <br />Borrower has executed this Deed of Trust the date w. ,..-n abn',•e <br />for 'Fvcitensky1 war . <br />I •'i4 yam• � : :. ,1 � ...: i <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA (.Mar:. "" P;V ' �nSk'J B- pNe• <br />�, � l <br />ss <br />COUNTYOF <br />The foye of ^^ A kr WICGJC..� • ' ' <br />hdet nss� 4nd` }nary ' a. .,, r <br />and The Actnowiedgemeht was s,q ec ­1 st}tEAAl461AfiY -$,acs d 4e10110a ` <br />THr-acSA M. STARKEY <br />`�el1ly Comm. Ey,p. hria!Lh tl. 19tt7_ f �- wi s <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA <br />ss <br />COUNTY OF <br />a d rw Ar_knowtedpem..• ^r was s•g a u s: <br />1 AT;_ Or NERgASKP. <br />7! +e <br />La <br />