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7??04 1 ?0 <br />'r<!s acrn !s urea ere �et*nacr^an .� <br />�.. � � $. mertgsges tnr�eC ur*asr the cneio <br />4aea•tny rxouswrss at tree Netlarm+ <br />ifoush9 Act <br />MORTGAGE 87-- ` 100417 <br />TENS M0fZrQ4W. anode and executed this 23rd day of January Ap 1987 <br />betweern <br />by and <br />N. <br />of the county at Hall loan 1 y Vd each n their oim right <br />and the State of Nebraska. party of the AM pert, hereiraffer <br />called the Mortgagor, and °FIRST FFn -RAG: SAV * ^e ANTI LOAN ASSOCTATTON (1F i INCOi N <br />a corporaYon organized and ads" mW r the laws of The United States of America party of the <br />second pat, hereinafter called the Mortgagee, <br />WITNESSETH: That the said Mortgagor, far and In consideration of the sum of Thirty Four Thousand Two Hundred and <br />no /100 <br />oofias (S - i, <br />Paid by the Mortgagee, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, has Granted and Sold and by these presents does Grant. Bargain. Sell, <br />Convey and Confirm unto the Mortgagee, its successors and assigns, forever, the following- described real estate, situated In the County of <br />Hall , and the State of Nebraska, to wit: <br />The Easterly Two and Eight Tenths (E2.8) feet of Lot Eight (8), and the Westerly Fifty <br />(W50) feet of Lot Nine (9), Block Twenty Three (23) in Russel Wheelers Addition to the <br />city of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, <br />of the Sixth Principal Meridian, containing in a" propert; _ acres according to Gavcrnmrvnt sni,r} <br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises above described, with all the appurtenances thereunto belonging and including all heating. plumbing <br />and fighting fixtures and equipment now or hereafter attached to or used in connection with said real estate unto the Mortgagee. and to its <br />successors and assigns, forever. The Mortgagor represents to, and covenants with, the Mortgagee, that the Mortgagor has qood right to ^eti <br />and convey said premises; that they are free from encumbrance; and that the Mortgagor wig warrant and defend the same against the law6d <br />claims of all persons whomsoever; and the said Mortgagor hereby relinquishes all rights of homestead, and all martial rights, either in law or in <br />equity, and all other contingent interests of the Mortgagor in and to the above- described premises, the intention being to convey hereby an ab- <br />solute title, in fee simple including all rights of homestead, and other rights and interests as aforesaid. <br />PROVED ALWAYS, and these presents are executed and delivered upon the following conditions, to wit: <br />The Mortgagor agrees to pay to the Mortgagee, or order, the principal sum of Thirty Four Thousand Two Hundred and <br />no /100 DoNars(S 34?00,00 <br />f. <br />with in treat from date at the rote of Nine and one half per centum( 9.500 %) per annum on the unpaid <br />balance urd Paid. The said principal and Interest shag be payable at the office of First Federal <br />Savings and Loan Association of Lincoln in Lincoln, Nebraska , or at such other place <br />as the holder of the note may designate in writing, in monthly Installments of Two Hundred Eighty Seven and 6 ?/100 <br />DoNars(S ?87.6' ). commencing on the first day of March <br />1987 . and on the fast day of each month thereafter until the principal and Interest are fully paid, except that the final payment of principal <br />and interest it not sooner paid. shall be due and payable on the first day of February ?017 all according to <br />the tarter of a certain promissory note of even date herewith executed by the said Mortgagor. <br />The Mortgagor In order more fully to protect the security of this Mortgage, agrees: <br />1. That he wig pay the Indebtedness, as hereinbefore provided. Privilege Is reserved to pay the debt, in whole or in part, on any <br />installment cue date. <br />2. That, together with, and M addition to, the monthly payments of principal and Interest payable under the terms of the note secured <br />hereby. the Mortgagor wt pay to the Mortgagee• on the first day of each month until the said note is fully paid, the following sums: <br />Page 3 y 3 <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA <br />ra- <br />