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I <br />10 . TrNahta. The Trustee may ep,ign at any 1 rr e .1dim, tl ;ails r d 1 6. n'.ay a .ai.y I, nlr! and wIIhoni r a ,a aPlr 1i s, +.,r m a hsbiute rru;,twe Trustee <br />shall 'lot he liable for Any Iria4 or damage unn" did to ac.11nnabll n4 gillrvn r. <t1 w1. I. - :anti Ice. inr• shall not 1_v regl 'rc f fit t,.R«. nr y moot: m ( , t"hon with the <br />enforcement of this Dead of Trust unl"fi Indemnified. In wnh:ig_ I r all c,Ua s. c ,-npMnSation of expenses whlr,h nay he a,5snr:lated there In <odllion. Irustpe may <br />becomsapwenasa.ratanysale of th ®Properly Dudeialonlndar the power of Sal_ ysr ben hills i. postpone the sale of all i)r any carton of 1 . rl r, burty. as proti,du4bylaw. <br />Rr self the Property as a whole, or in separate pvrce s or I.)i <br />71. F'4fure Advaaces. Upon ragtlf s t of Boric wf,r. .ender m ay_ at , apt n. ak a f(112 ) a 7 I 1 . dl r ., 1 7 advai cf6s to flo Ewer :� n ad YanCY.tb And <br />'aedvances, with Interest Incision, shall he secured by this Deed of T nod AI ,, 0­1 dhall Pte, principal ­­r n , �d ,he, ndehfedne56 nic -on, by This Dario; of Trust, not in - <br />clud) ngarimsadvanceC to prated lhesecunhyohms Deed of iru9l,cHCeatl l'reanglr -.alp lr..!pa,amourltsated htreig, Or51?r`��F'.r 4,' whlcheie"s <br />greater <br />12 ANWAOMWOM Provision. <br />(a) Borrower Not Released. Extend m if ilie time for payment Or moddbahon of amnrtl :ahon of the ,tin sec: tired by ties Deed of must granted by <br />Lender to any successor In interest of Borrower shall riot operate! relea- i ,any manna the ],ability of the original Borrower and Borrowers sn"essbr'S in <br />Interest Lender shall not be required to commerce•ptnceedmg, against such successor or rehlse to extend time for payment or otherwise modify amortization <br />of the sums secured by finis Deed Of Trust by reason „f any demands made by the anginal Borrower and Borrowers successors in .merest <br />(b! Landarf Powers. Without aftaciing thaliabluty of ar•y olhor persanliable for the payment of any ol>iiga! ion harem memrrned.and wuhout effecting <br />the Iran Or Charge Of this Deed of Trust Upon any portion of the Property nc:T tiler, or Theretofore released as ser,urlty for the full amount of all unpaid obligations. <br />Lender may, from time. to time and without notice (,1) release any person so liahie, )::) extend the maturity or aller any of The terms of any such obligations, 0t) <br />grant other indulgences, fry) release or reconvey, or cause to he released i, reronvityed at any time at Lenders options any parcel, carbon oral) of the Property. <br />('1) take or release any other or additional security for any obiigafion herein mentioned, or f v1) make com ,pnshions or other Arranements wdh dct)tors in relation <br />thereto <br />Ic) Forbearance by Lender Not a Waiver. Any forbearance by Le nder;new_rcls:ngany right Or remedy hereunder i,, a therw:5e afforded by applicable <br />law, shall not be a waiver of or preclude the exercise of any such rlgr l or remedy. The {;r ncuremrnt US insurance Ur the Garment ul taxes Or Utner leans or charges <br />by Lender shall no; be a waiver of Lender's right to accelerate the maturity of the indebtedness secured by hits Deed of 'Trust. <br />(d) Successors and Assigns Bound; Joint and Several Liability; Capt!ons. The covenants and agrcernanis harem contained shall bind, and the rights <br />hereunder shall inure to, the respective successors and assigns of Lender and Borrower- subrecl tc line provislons of paragraph 8 (e) hereof All covenants and <br />agreements of Borrower shall be jolnl and several. The captions and headmos o`. the parag,aphs of this Doed of Trust are lot convemence only and are not to be <br />used to tnterpret or define the, provisions hereof <br />he Request for Not ices. The par ties hereby request that a copy nl any notice of delauit rereunrefand a copy ofarryootice of sale hereunder be marled to <br />each party to this Deed of Trust at the address set forth above:, The r.:arnar ;:rescnned by aaGiir:anba thew Exr:e;a Kir any ntner noP.r:e regmred under applicable <br />taw to be given in another manner, zny notrt :e nrgmar d r in rill, C _ed r:1f Tr s _ _ h,' IT, Id1 ),) such notice by certified mail addressed to the omer <br />parties, at the address set forth above. <br />Any notice provided for in this Deed of Trust shall he deemed to have teen given !o Bn,fo'wer or tender when given in the manner designated herein <br />(f) Inspection. Lender may miakeor cause to c.a. made reclS(?,anlr!,�nt" :e5 upnnand :,,al —I,c,s of the Property. provided that Lentlershall give Borrower <br />notice prior to any such inspection specitymg reasonable ca 5e therefor related is Lender's interest 1n the Property <br />(g) Reconveyance. Upon payment of ad sans sacunad try ribs Geed. ^,f Lust Lender shall r equest Trustee to reconvey' the Property and shall surrender <br />this Deed of Trust and all notes evidencing 1.lde.bledm SS SCCUred tly Iris Deed �',' T�i15t t;: Trustee. Tr;l stee Shall reconvey the Property without warranty and <br />without charge to the person or persons legally entitled thereto Ciucn person or persons shall pay ail costs of recordation, if any. <br />(h) Personal Property, Security Agreement. As additional ear:unIi;fortna p,tv"ent of the Note all fixtures. equipment. and other personal property used <br />in connection with The real estate or improvements lucatcd thereon, and rte! otnervnse declared ardeemed !n he a part of the real estate secured hereby, shall be <br />subject to a security interest In favor of lhet ender under the Naha ska Undo— Commerr_:a! Code .T .sirument shall be construed as a Security Agreement <br />nls fn <br />under said Code, and file Lender shall have all the nght5 d :ld came :e5 ct a �e,u'ed ;)arty under sale Code 1n addition to The nghtS and remedies created under <br />and accorded the Lender pursuant to this Deed of Trust <br />(i) Setteriilffity. In the event that any pr —slon of this Deed of Trust Cpn(I;Cl w ithapmicable l aware declaredinvalid or Otherwise unenforceable. auch <br />conflict or invalidity shall not affect the other provisions of Tms Deed o:Trustur the Note o i) c_a can be A rden out the conflicting provision. and is this <br />and the provisions of the Deed of Trust and the Note are declared to b,, sevarible. <br />13_ This Section 1;, to be completed ONLY f the Prep � s ,!s t,l -: .� 5 :;:i t v A or B. is e. 1eckad ff applicable complete <br />EITHER A or B'. <br />❑ A. Homestead. Borrower represents to Lender That no pan of the Prcaerry r,as •..,a! d , a dw by Borrower as a residence. Borrower <br />further covenants with Lender that no dweumg house will be coristFucted or located ,:eon the V11- -f <br />❑ B. Election of Homestead. Borrower nereby designal,;5 th(. property •ed .t[, and incorporated herein by this reference as the <br />homestead Only for purposes of Section 75 -1519 of tale Rev>ed la•u'es of The _!e ov Nii, r lot eL .'or ...fir ed to and elects to maY.eapartial rvdemphon <br />pursuant to said Section 76 -1519, the redemption p, cc or value shat, to de ec by : , . ,al :" <br />(1} 8orrowershali provide!c>Lenderarr s,. ;ralsal -_.: _Fill .re.`, ... ,i._ ,y :.�nery l'ottl appraisals renecf:ngthe redemption) <br />e , -n <br />prepared and submitted by a •eat estate eC is a sec i c lsed r, El"I. El" het ... L. d., c a::_ e t,. ,.r re!ect <br />(2) If Lender rejects Borrower's appra:c f.. c. ter sr ,k 1 r 11 a p „ra..;d.i Exl_�;:: 9., ), r,o me remalnmg Property (both appraisals <br />reflecting the redemption) prepared ands hmCe,; by ar-ie_ta :r ap),a ...! c .� =<r!' scof Nebraska which Borrower may accept or reject. <br />(3) a Borrower rejects Lenders appraisal. the app.a . ers who av '- <br />.. a, is . , a!! self a third appraiser licensed in the State of <br />Nebraska who shall prepare and submit an appraisal of The Exit .CI!tJ ., appralsais refiP.Ciifg the re6amptlon) <br />These appralsalsshall be hlmmnq upon L: ,. —cBu 1„w .v r *. pa[ rnr v:' +.t,;a o' thr EchlbiIBpropertyand <br />The value of the P. remalmnq property for p .. pair,, al �e 1 , . ._. uv , STa of hit, ?tE U7 Nebraska. <br />In The evert the sale or other dispusit:On or the ur.redec, ell ,,o., J r ,. r -r."d by .I:s Deed of 'rtes!,noth;np <br />contained in!his Paragraph 13 shall constitute a waiver of or lmpa the Leide, 7iTS is :1: ='t f>n `ia :li,l'i'. �ld:e'.}?VeDra5ka 0r Olhe[WtSE <br />Borrower has executed this Deed of Trust the date written above <br />_ _ a <br />f ,. <br />� •rill Pit . l i tz�! _.�r, , <br />e � <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA .. Mi1.lnLtzi <br />i ss. <br />COUNTY OF _Raj I- <br />I li loregonc Arx wl e 1 Teem t -fist wee a. nr -.vie r1 • , . ?•^ .his 12 •i_ ,'r! j, [y • , 1. r _, _..U,_ <br />qtz and l amnia f 311 n tz <br />and the ck1owfedg1r, was siq>e„ 1:.,1 Jk GENJUL 40TAfty -Stale rtf Robfuka } _ <br />MARK D. STELK J Jp / O <br />My Comm. Ellp. tier L 1W f / %:;i t£ x <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA : <br />COUNTY OF <br />Ttre falegoing Ack-- ledoem if and Deed of ills!wC <br />d. "t the AGk nG WIP ^dgcrrner ;' WKP �rsi <br />j':Al &OF- NE'BRAwKA <br />