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<br />.' !'. <br /> <br />/", <br /> <br />200802265 <br /> <br />The following described line is the east boundary of land owned by the State of Nebraska, Game <br />and Parks Commission and the west boundary of land owned by Darrel Gloe and Sharon Gloe, <br />husband and wife, and Randall Alexander, Trustee, described as a portion of the common <br />boundary of Government Lot 2 in the Northeast quarter and Government Lot 3 in the Northwest <br />quarter Section 23l Township 9 North, Range 12 West of the 6th P.M., Hall County Nebraska, <br />based on a survey by Timothy Aitken, dated May 2, 2006, and more particularly described as <br />follows: <br /> <br />Referring to the north quarter comer of said section 23, said corner being the northwest corner of <br />Government lot 2 in said section 23; thence southerly on the west line of said lot 2 and on a <br />bearing of S 00 27' 01" W a distance of 1250.83 feet to a 3/4" iron rebar and the point of <br />beginning, thence continuing on said west line of lot 2, S 00 26' 44" W a distance of 328.78 feet <br />to a 3/4" rebar set by Rex Heiden, for the Game and Parks Commission, in a survey dated <br />1/10/1983, thence on a bearing of S 220 45' 02" E a distance of 1810.68 feet to a 5/8" rebar, <br />the.,.-; Oil the sam~-bcaring of S 220 45' 02" F a distance of 1: feet to t1,;:: cdg;.; of ,~xisting ~ank, <br />thence southeasterly to the ambulatory thread of the Platte River. <br /> <br />ATTACHMENT BB <br />