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<br />~ '. <br /> <br />EXHIBIT "A" <br /> <br />200802183 <br /> <br />Hall CoulJiy, Nebraska ; <br />A tTact of land in the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (S~~SE~) of <br />SF;ction Ttiirty-two -(32), To,ffiship Ten (10) North, Range Nine (9) '~est of. tne <br />Sixth Princinal Heridian, Hall County, I~ebreska, more particularly desctlbed <br />25 follo~s: 'Beginning at the South Quarter (S~) corner of said section: <br />t;,r,nce runl,lng Northerly a distance of Six Hundred Eighty-four and Fifty <br />1-lUllulI::uchs (684.50) feet along the "West line of the Southwest Quarter of <br />t~e Soutneas t Quarter (SW;:SE.;.;) of said section; thence deflecting right <br />!h1:ety- one Degrees, One Hinu te, Thi 1"ty- fi va Seconds (91001' 35") and running <br />Easterly 2. distance of Eight Hundred and No HundredthS (800.00) feet parallel <br />to ~he South line of the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (SW~SE~) <br />of s2id sE:ction; tbronce deflecting right Eighty-eight Degrees, Fifty-eight <br />l-l,inu<::es. T\"l2nty-five S2conds (88058' 25") and running Southerly a distance <br />of Six Hundred Eighty-four and Fifty Hundredths (684.50) feet parallel to <br />the ~est line of the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (SW~SE~) of <br />52id se.ction to apQiuL_on SOJJth_line_Dftbe_SQutbwest-- Q~2l"Jer___of the <br />SmJi:hC2st Quarter (S':,fi-;:SE3:;) of said section; thence deflecting right Ninety- <br />aIle Degrees, One Hinute , Thirty-five Seconds (91001' 3511) and running westerly <br />Eigh.t Hundred and No Hundredths (800.00) feet along the South line of the <br />Soutn~est Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (SW\SE3:;) of said section to the <br />point of beginning; said tTact containing i1.00 ~cie~ ~6ie6r less, of which <br />J _ i Jcre more or les s, being county Toad rignt-of-way and 1.57 acres more <br />or less, beiIlg St. Joseph and Grand Island Railioad right-of~way. <br /> <br />, \I <br />