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<br />200802002 <br /> <br />'A tract of land comprising part of the Northeast Quarter (NEl/4) of Section Thirty (30), Township Nine <br />(9) North, Range Ten (10) West of the16th PM., Ball County, Nehraska, more particularly desalhed <br />as follows: BegInning at the Northeast Comer of said Northeast Quarter (NEl/4), Section Thirty (30); <br />thence nmnlng Southerly along the Easterly line of said Northeast Quarter (NEl/4) a dfstance of Four <br />Hundred Forty (440) Feet; thence running Westerly and parallel to the ltlortherly line of said Northeast <br />Quarter (NEl/4) a cUstance of Two Hundred Ninety Seven (297) Feet; thence running Northerly and <br />paraDel to the Easterly line of said Northeast Quarter (NEl/4) a dfstanc:e of Four Hundred Forty (440) <br />Feet. to a point on the Northerly Dne of said Northeast Quarter (NEl/4); thence running Ea~terly along <br />the Northerly line of said. Northeast Quarter (NEl/4) a dfstante of Two Hundred Ninety Seven (297) <br />Feet to the point of beginning. <br />