<br />200801436
<br />
<br />Durable power of attorney-General forms.
<br />
<br />I, Dec,? 7)?YP,(~f (~~"').~'Il.\ in the county of Hall- , state of 1 };i_. , do constitute and appoint
<br />C~ ~~I\- , of (;'1; , and'lth...y Ty""" of fJ Pk~, or either of them, to be my lawful attorneys with full
<br />power in my name and stead and on my behalf and with full power to substitute at any time or times for any of the
<br />purposes described below one or more attorneys and to revoke the appointment of any attorney substituted and to
<br />do the foHowing:
<br />I To manage my affairs, handle my investments, arrange for the investment, reinvestment and disposition of
<br />funds, exercise all rights with respect to my investments, accept remittances of income and disburse them, including
<br />authority to open bank accounts in my name and to endorse checks for deposit in them or in any bank where I may
<br />at any time have money on deposit and sign checks covering withdrawals from them;
<br />2 To endorse and deliver certificates for transfer of bonds or other securities to be sold for my account and
<br />receive the proceeds of such sale;
<br />3 To sign, execute, acknowledge and deliver on my behalf any deed of transfer or conveyance covering personal
<br />property or real estate wherever situated (including transfers or conveyances to any trust established by me), any
<br />discharge or release of mortgage held by me on real estate or any other instrument in writing;
<br />4 To negotiate and execute leases of any property, real or personal, which I may own, for tenus that may extend
<br />beyond the duration of this power and to provide for the proper care and maintenance of such property and pay
<br />expenses incurred;
<br />5 To subdivide, partition, improve, alter, repair, adjust boundaries of, manage, maintain and otherwise deal with
<br />any real estate held as trust property, including power to demolish any building in whole or in part and to erect
<br />buildings;
<br />6 To enter into a lease or arrangement for exploration and removal of minerals or other natural resources or
<br />enter into a pooling or unitization agreement;
<br />7 To hold securities in bearer form or in the name of a nominee or nominees and to hold real estate in the name
<br />of a nominee or nominees;
<br />8 To continue or participate in the operation of any business or other enterprise;
<br />9 To borrow money from time to time in my name, and to give promissory notes or other obligations, and to
<br />deposit as collateral, pledge as security for the payment of or mortgage any or all my securities or other property of
<br />whatever nature;
<br />10 To have access to any and all safe deposit boxes of which I am now or may become possessed, and to
<br />remove from them any securities, papers or other articles;
<br />11 To make all tax returns and pay all taxes required by law, including federal and state returns, and to file all
<br />claims for abatement, refund or other papers relating to them;
<br />12 To demand, collect, sue for, receive and receipt for any money, debts, or property of any kind, now or later
<br />payable, due or deliverable to me, to payor contest claims against me, to settle claims by compromise, arbitration
<br />or otherwise and to release claims;
<br />13 To employ as investment counsel, custodians, brokers, accountants, appraisers, attorneys-at-law or other
<br />agents such persons, firms or organizations, including any of my attorneys and any firm of which any of my
<br />attorneys may be a member or employee, as deemed necessary or desirable, and to pay such persons, firms or
<br />organizations reasonable compensation and to determine whether or not to act on the advice of any agent without
<br />liability for acting or failing to act;
<br />14 To expend or distribute income or principal of my estate for the support, education, care or benefit of me and
<br />my dependents;
<br />IS To make gifts to anyone or more of my spouse and my descendants (if any) of whatever degree (including
<br />anyone or more of my attorneys who is a spouse or descendant of mine) in amounts not exceeding $_ annually
<br />with respect to anyone of them and gifts to charity in amounts not exceeding percent of my federal
<br />adjusted gross income in anyone year;
<br />16 To renounce and disclaim any interest otherwise passing to me by testate or intestate succession orby inter
<br />vivos transfer; and
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