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<br />200801185 <br /> <br />EXHIBIT "A" <br /> <br />A tract or laud eolll)Jl'isfal all or Lot TWrteeIl (13) BId '('Q (2) Bel Air Ad4iUOD to the dl7 or GraDd <br />ldaad, IIlll1 Collal7, Ndlhsb AND part or Lot T'treIft (U), Bleck Two (2), lie! AIr Ad4iUoa to the dty <br />0( GraIld Wand, HaD Counl7, Nebraska, DlOft particularly described as (ollows: BePaDiDg at the <br />Southeast c:onaer or tald Lot 1'Wehe (0); thence so.uh_taV a10ag thc IoUthcastcrly liDe 0( said Lot <br />'J'ftbc (0), . dIstaace 01 ElPtccIl (1J.O) feet to . potat 0( eanature; thcucc southftsterl1, a10111 the <br />arc 0( . eurw whose ra4ius Is 90' aad along the southeasterly Ible o( tald Lot Twdrc (12), . long chon! <br />dbtuKe e( 'lMuc,!UgIat ud 'I1aree tcutlu (213) feet; th~ DOrthwated,y, . dbtance o( ODC lluadred <br />Et&Iat aad lift HUIldrcc'lthl (108.5) feet to . pobat 'l'WeDc, two (U.o) feet west or the Northeast COrDer or <br />aid Lot 'I'wrdye (12); theDce easteri1 a10ag the aorth IIIIe or said Lot Twe1YC (U), . clIstauce or 1'1feDl7 <br />two (U.Q) feet to tile IIGdheast eomer or tald Lot TwrdYC (U)i thcucc solltheasted1 aloag thc <br />Dortheasted1lbae 0( .... Lot 'l'mIve (0), . dIsWlc:e o( Elpty 1bree ... Seven TtaClu (83.7) feet to the <br />p1.acco(~ <br />