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<br /> ~ n () ,....."~ m <br /> m :J: ~ c,~:,:;) 0 en C> 2 <br /> -n c..-;.:') 0 --1 rrf <br /> m .:;-..,:) <br /> c: n ::J: '- c:: J;;>' N <br /> Z "" ~_--ll ,- :z --1 :0 <br /> n -., ~ ", ;= rol m <br /> % S c i:;':; ",-, :z: 4 c::> CJ <br /> ~ -< C"':- <br /> m ~~"~- N 0 ""-1 C> )> <br />N n en <br />G " :c ., \ N ..,., .z ex> <br /> ----n Z <br />G ">." ~ T 1'""1"" <br /> \. . 0 (f> <br />CX> ~=:' j,... ::> :TJ <br />G rr )\ \J ,- ;rJ -I <br />iSl ['1 ~ :::::3 r :t:,.. C) :0 <br />01 CJ (j) c:: <br />iSl (.fl Ul s:: <br />CX> \' I--' ;::0<: m <br /> ("- );>- C> ~ <br /> C> ---- <br /> (J1 Ul CO Z <br /> Ul 0 <br /> 200800508 <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />Nebraska Public Power District <br />EASEMENT FOR ELECTRIC TRANSMISSION LINE <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />q. JO-D~-~). <br />PC). , i)+d- <br />/0.5& <br /> <br />That ~ :ill . :z:s <br />(If Grantor is not married, add words "an unmarried person" ~&Co<if <br />of. JI/lL..L... County, Nebraska, in consideration _of ~--.:::-~~, re'2~ipt otJVhich__~~_~reby aC~FlQvv!e.~ed._and_th~,"- <br />further" payment 'of a sum to make total payment of $ /..~()i). .... do( es) hereby grant and convey unto Nebraska Public Power <br />District (hereinafter called District), its lessees, successors, and assigns, the perpetual right, privilege, and easement of right- <br />of-way to survey, construct, operate, maintain, inspect, repair, remove, alter, relocate and reconstruct an electric transmission <br />line, including all necessary structures, electric wires, communication cables and wires, guys, and any other equipment used <br />in connection therewith, (hereinafter collectively called the electric transmission line), along a route described herein. The <br />centerline of the electric transmission line shall be established by the actual location of the electric transmission line as <br />originally constructed on said premises. The location of the easement area is described as follows: <br /> <br />An easement area being a strip of land for an electric transmission line, over, under, upon and across a <br />portion of the North Half of the Northwest Quarter of Section 5, Township 9 North, Range 12 West of the <br />6th P.M. in Hall County, Nebraska, EXCEPT a tract of land described as: Beginning at a point 550 South of <br />Northwest corner of said Section 5, thence East 198 feet to a stake in the field, thence South 770 feet to <br />the quarter section line, thence West along said line to the quarter section corner, thence North along the <br />section line to the place of beginning, said strip of land is 10 feet in width and is described as follows: The <br />East 10 feet of the West 43 feet of the north 550 feet of said North Half of the Northwest Quarter except <br />the north 33 feet thereof containing 5170 square feet (0.12 acres), more or less. The approximate <br />centerline location of the electric transmission line will be 35 feet east of the west line of the North Half of <br />the Northwest Quarter, and 2 feet east of the east right-of-way line of a county road along the west line of <br />said North Half of the Northwest Quarter, within the easement area. <br /> <br />Together With: <br /> <br />An easement area being a strip of land for an electric transmission line, over, under, upon and aCross a <br />portion of the North Half of the Northwest Quarter of Section 5, Township 9 North, Range 12 West of the <br />6th P.M. in Hall County, Nebraska, said strip of land is 10 feet in width and is described as follows: The <br />South 10 feet of the North 43 feet of said North Half of the Northwest Quarter except the west 43 feet <br />thereof containing 26020 square feet (0.6 acres), more or less. The approximate centerline location of the <br />electric transmission line will be 35 feet sovth of the north line of the North Half of the Northwest Quarter, <br />and 2 feet south of the south right-of-way line of a county road along the north line of said North Half of the <br />Northwest Quarter, within the easement area. <br /> <br />The District shall have the right of ingress and egress across and along the property within the easement area for any purpose <br />in connection with the survey, construction, operation, maintenance, inspection, repair, removal, alteration, relocation and <br />reconstruction of the District's electric transmission line. <br /> <br />The District shall also have the right at any time to trim or remove such trees and underbrush within the easement area as <br />may in any way endanger or interfere with the safe construction, operation, maintenance, repair, removal, alteration, relocation <br />or reconstruction of the District's electric transmission line, including but not limited to, topping or removing any other trees <br />which in falling would come within fifteen (15) feet of the nearest electric line conductor. All refuse from such tree cutting or <br />trimming shall be burned or removed by the District, and the District shall have the right to control by chemicals all trees and <br />brush within the described easement area if said easement area is not being utilized for cultivated crops. <br /> <br />The District agrees to pay the Grantor or Lessee, as their interests may appear, for any damage to personal property, fences, <br />livestock, and to growing crops caused by the survey and original construction of the District's electric transmission line. The <br />Di::;trict agrees to take all reasonable steps to restore, as nearly as possible to the condition it was in prior to construction, any <br />land which is damaged as a result of said construction. Final payment shall be made on or before 60 days after completion of <br />the construction stated herein. <br /> <br />The District agrees to pay the Grantor or Lessee, as their interests may appear, for any damage to personal property, fences, <br />livestock, growing crops and to take all reasonable steps to restore any land damages occurring after the original construction <br />of the District's electric transmission line resulting from the survey, operation, maintenance, inspection, repair, removal, <br />alteration, relocation and reconstruction of the District's electric transmission line. It is further agreed that all claims for such <br />damages must be submitted to the District in writing within 90 days of such occurrence; otherwise, it is agreed that said claim <br />for damages shall have been waived. <br />