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I <br /> UNIFpRM G�VENANTS.eorrower and Lender covenant and agree as tollows� ��� '"'����� <br /> 1. Nayment o1 Principal and Interest. Borrower shall prpmptly p4y when due the principal of and interest on the <br /> indebtedness evidenced by the Note,prepaymentand late chargesas pravided in the Note,and the principal of and interest on <br /> any Future Advances secured by the Deed oi Trust. <br /> 2. Funds tpr Taxes and Insurance.Subject to applicable law or to a written waiver by Lender,Borrower shall pay to Lender <br /> on the day monthly installmants ot principal snd interestare payable under the Note,until the Note is paid in full,a sum(herein <br /> "Funds")equal to one-tw��lfth of the yearly taxes and assessments which may attain priority over this peed of Truat,and <br /> ground rents on the propeny,if Any,pius one-twelfth of yearly prpmium instailments for hazard insurance,plus ane-twelkh af <br /> yearly premium installments for mbrtgage insurc�nce,it any,all as reasonably estimated initially and trpm time to time by <br /> Lender on the 6asis of assessments and bitls and reasona�le astimates thereof. <br /> The Funds shalt be held in en institiation the deposits oraccounts af which are insured or guaranteed,by a Federal or state <br /> agency(including Lender if Lender is such an inatitution). I�ender shall apply the tunds to pay said taxes,assessments, <br /> insurance premiums and�round rents.Lender may not charge for so holding and applying the Funds,analyzing said account <br /> or verifyirig and compiling said assessments and bills,unless Lender pays Borrower interestpn the Funds and applicable law <br /> permits Lender to make such a charge.Borrawer and Lender may agree in writing at the time of execution of this peed of 1'rust <br /> that interest on tho Funds shall be p�id to Borrower,and unless such agreement is made or app liCalbe law requireS such <br /> interest to be paid,Lender shall not be required to pay Borrower any interest pr earnings on the Funda.Lender shall give to <br /> E3orrower,without charge,an annual accpunting of thq Funds shpwing credits and debits to the Funds and the purpose for <br /> which each debit to the Funds was made.The Funds are pledged as additional securiry ior the sums secured by this peed ot <br /> Trust. <br /> If the amount of the funds held by Lender,tagether with the tuture monthly instaliments o1 Funds payable prior to the due <br /> dates of taxes,assessments, insurance premiums and ground rent;,shali exceed the amount required to pay said taxes, <br /> assessments, insurance premiums and ground rents�s thtey Tall due,such excess shall be,at Borrower's option,either <br /> Lenderlsh•alpnot be u fficient to pay taxes,assessments,n u�ra cl�premiums andrg�ound rent as hgy fall dtue.Borrowe shall <br /> pay to Lender any amount necessary to make up the deficienr,y within a0 days trpr-�the date notice is mailed by Lender to <br /> Borraw�r requeshng payment thereof. <br /> Upon paymen4 in full of al I sums secured by this Deed ot 7rust,Le��der shall promptly refund to Borrpwer any Funds hr�ld by <br /> Lender.It under paragraph 78 hereof the prpperfy is sold or the prpperty i;otherwise acquired by Lander,Lender shail apply, <br /> r7o Iater than immediately prior to the sale of the Ardperty or its acquisihon by LQndar,and Funds held by Lender at the time of <br /> applic�tion as a credit against the sums secured by this Deed ot Trust. <br /> 3. Application n1 Payments.Ur�iess applicable law provides otherwise,all payments received by��r�dqr under the Nota <br /> and paragraphs 1 and 2 h�reuf shall be applied by Lender Firat in p�yment vf amounts payable ta Lender by Borrowar under <br /> paragraph 2 h�r�of,then to interest payable on the Note,then tp the principal o;the Note,and then to interest and principal on <br /> ���y�trture Advances. <br /> 4. Charges;L)ena.Borrowers shall pay all taxes,assessrnqnts and other charges,fines and impasitions attrik�utabip to the <br /> Property whicf�may attain a prioriry pver this beed o(Trust,and leasahold paym�nts or ground rents,i1�ny,in the manner <br /> provided under par�graph 2 hereof or,it npt paid in such manner,by Borrower making payment,when due,directly to the <br /> �orayeo the�reot,F3prrower sh�ll promptly furr,ish to Lender all notices�pf amounts due under this parac�reph,And in the event <br /> rower shall make payment dir�[;lly, Barrow�r shall promptly furnish to L�nder receipts evidencing such payments. <br /> Elorrowsr shall promp!ly disc!�arge;iny IiQn which has priority over this Deed of Trust;provided,that Borrower sh�0 nnt be <br /> required ta discharge any such lien so long as F3brruwer shall agree in writing tp the payment oT the pbligation secured by such <br /> lien in a manner acceptable to Lender,or s�all in gpod faith cnntest such lien by,or defend enforcement ot suGh lien in,legal <br /> prUCeedings which operate to prevent the enforr,ement of thQ iien or forleiture uf the Property or any pAn thereof. <br /> 5. Hazard Insuranc�.Borrower shali k�ep th�imprqverrients now existing or hereaRRr erected pn the Prpp�rty insur�d <br /> against Ioss by fire,hazards included within the term"extended coverage",and such other hazards as Lender may requir� <br /> and in siach amoun4s and(nr such p�riods as Lender may require;prvvided,that L.ender shall not requirp that the ampunt ot <br /> such coverage exceed that amount ot coverage rr;quirc:d to pay the sums secured by this beed ol7rust. <br /> This insurance carrier providir�g the insurance stiall b�chosen by Borrower�ubject to approval by Lender;provided,that <br /> s�ich appr�val shall not be unreasonAbly withhr:lcl.All premiums pn insurancc�pplicies shaN be paid m the m�nner provided <br /> under pnragraph 2 hereot or,if not paid in such manner,b�r f�arrower making p�yrr�ent�when due,directly tn tha insurancc� <br /> carrier. <br /> F.II insurance poficies and renewals thereof shall be in form ar_ceptable to�ender and shpll inGlude�standard mongagP <br /> clause in favor of and in(prm acceptable Ip Lender.L,ender shall havd th�right tp hold thp Policies and renewals thereof,and <br /> Barrower shsll promptly furni::h to Lender all renewal notices and�II receipts nl paid premiums,ln the event of lass.Bprrower <br /> shall giva prompt noGce to the insurance carrier�nd L�nder.I_cne��r rnay make proolo(losa il not mnde promptly by 6nrrawer, <br /> Unless Lendar and Borrower othervise ngree in writing,insurancrs�roceeds shall be applied to restoration or repair ot the <br /> Property damaged,provided such reg�orA!ion nr repair is eronor»ic�lly teasible and the security of this pQ�d of Trust is nqt <br /> theraby irnpaired.It such restoration or raprair is not qconornicaliy lcyasit,l;�ar it trie security nf this Deed of Trust would be <br /> impairecf,the in�urance proceeds shall bo applied tv the quni;secured by this Dasd of 7rust,with the excess,if any,paid to <br /> �iorrower.If the Property is abandonec9 by F�orrower,or if F7r,rrc,wai fr�ils to ruspflnd tn I�endar within 30 days from!Me date <br /> notice is mailed by Lander to f3orrpwer that th�insurance c�rrier c,fterg�Q sEttle a claim for insur�nce benefits,Lender is <br /> authorized tq colloct and�pply the insurance proceeds at Lender's ophon eithar to res4pration pr rapair of tha Property or ta <br /> 4ha sums sacurod by this deed af Trust. <br /> postpone�the uerdaeotthemonthly nlst i�lmrents Bler�repjbYrsuch;,pplicatipn��proceedstpprincip�IshnllnotextenAur <br /> installments.II under pArag r�ph 1$heraaf the Pro qr P°-jY�3rnphs 1 and 2 heraof or chanqe the amount of auch <br /> any in�urance poliCies and in and to the proceeds thereof osQ Iting hnm damea'elto thet�Pro end intorest ot Bprrower in pnd to <br /> shall pass to Lender to the�xtc�nt of the sums secured by this Deed of 7rust Immediataiy pr+orpo su,ph sala'or ecq usition n <br /> 6. Preaervalion and Maintenanca of prpperty;Leaseholds;Gondominiuma;Pl�nned Unit D9yelppmer��A.8orrqwer shall <br /> ke�;p the Properry in good repair and shall nox commit wastd or permit impairment of deterioration of the pro e <br /> comply with th�provisions vf any lease if this Deed of 7rust is on A leasehold.If this i7eed of Trust is on a unit in a condomin um <br /> or a plannpd unit deveiopment, Borrower shAll peHnrm all oT 8prrower's obligations undar the dedaratipn pr covenants <br /> cre�tiny or governing the condominium or planneci unit development,the by-laws and regulations ol the condnminium or <br /> garro er and eco ed togather wi�th�this Deed of Trust,ithe cnvenants nd ag�re�ments of such r�der5h�ll�be inca pp�rated <br /> into and shall amend and supplement the covenants and agrqements of this Dped of Trust as if tho rider were a pprt herepl. <br /> %. ProtecUon of Lender's Sacurlty,lf pqrrower fails to parform the covenants and agreements contAined in this peeq ot <br /> Trust,or ii any action or praceeding is commenced�vith materially aNects Lender's interoat in the Property,including but not <br /> I imited to,aminent domein,insolvency,code en►qrcement,pr arrangements pr proceedings involving a bankrupt or decedant, <br /> then Lender at Lender'&optipn,upon notice to Bprrower,may mAke such appearances,dispurse such sums and taka such <br /> entr�actipn as is necr�ssary to protect Lender's interast,including,but noP limited tp,disbursament of reasonable ottornay's feaa and <br /> upan the Propc�rty to make reaairs.If Lender requlredmortgage insuranGe as a condition a1 making tha IoAn aecured by <br /> the eed of 7rust, Borrower shall pay the premiums required tp maintain such insuranco in effect until such time ps the <br /> requirementfnrauchinsuranc�terminAtasinaccordancewithBorrawpr'sandLender'swrittenagreementorappIfcelpelaw. <br /> Flarrqwer shall p�y the amounf of all mortgAge insurance perm�ums in the manner provided under paragr��ph 2 hersof. <br /> Any amounts dis6ursed by Lendor purauant to this pHr�graph 7, with interest thereon, shall become �ddition�i <br /> indeetedness of[inrrower s�cured by this Doed of Trust,Unless Bprrower and Lender agree to other terms af payment,sucl� <br /> amounts shall be payable upon nqtico irom Lender to Borrower requosting p�yrnent hereol,And shall bear interost from the <br /> date of disbursement at the rate payAble from time to time an autstancling principai under the Note unl�ss paymant of interest <br /> at such rate would be contrary to applicable law, in which event such amounts shall dear interest at the highast rate <br /> permissible underapplicabie law,Nothing contained in this paragraph 7 shali require Lenderto incurany expense or tnke any <br /> action heraunder, <br /> 8. Inapection.�ender may make or cause tp be made reaspn�ble entries upon and inspections of the Pro e <br /> that Lender shall give Borrower notice prior to any such inspection specifying reasonable cause theretorP reiated to l�nder's <br /> interest in the Property. P rh'.P�ovided <br />