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<br />. .. <br /> <br />200710462 <br /> <br />'..... ~ <br /> <br />. ....;--"'}r <br />.......... <br /> <br />~1::z a0i1 'i'S'3S TO lI<205155:2fil07691.20 ~.lJ.!"'(.1"" <br />~ ... to' .. <br /> <br />. Ii .... <br /> <br />200306188 <br /> <br />98- .106524' <br /> <br />~~~ <br /> <br />ill .. -. ,~ <br /> <br />t <br /> <br />.' ' <br /> <br />EXHIBIT :a <br /> <br />-} <br /> <br />A mc:~ Clr land col:tl.\l~ltll " }lltti or 1.<11.$ I'orl;y :NUlo (49), FUtr (SO), sixty Five (65) 'and Slxl;y CEi6), <br />1i1dl.1Strial Aitattioll to t1lc CIQ" of Gralld fsla"d, Hall Ccunt;)'. ~c'btuka. 'lid tr'itct also beln,g 1I13a..t1 of <br />the -Q.padcr (SW1/4) or Seetlon l'Clurteel1 (14), '1'oWtl,shl,P }i:lnCA (11) North, RaDgO NtAC (~) <br />West of the 6th l'Jvt.. hI. Rall Couuty, Nc"bras'lca, 'tQore llartleularly ~uettbed liS CoUoW$: 33egftr.uIlll at <br />the NorthwClIt ofonl.f:r or :latd SDUth)JC$~ Qtli\rl~ (SW1/4'Ji thane, :r:ul!u\mg eMtcrl.Y alool tb'1: Notth ltna <br />of lala SouthWC5t (luaiter (5W1/4), \\ al$I.a.l:lCtr or OI1C 'Il1ousana. 'lWsa.ty '1:hr<<. (1013.0) reet, .to U1c <br /> comer or l5atd. :Lot Fort,y Nhlll (49); th.l1~e cCI1Uuulog' Eastll'ly t\\llllg the Nol1h: line of saId <br />SDuth~t Quarter CSW1/4) aha tht North lluo or did Lot 'Fort;r Nina (4.9), " illsbnc:e. of 'J;\vo H\lJ1~a <br />Sixty S~ and Slxtt 09 HUlldtcclthl (166.61) tett; thcJ;lce IlcnectfJ:lg ligbt 89- 35' SO' ab4 tun.blo. <br />Southerl)' 110 d1stance or S"V&Afl (10.0) feet to II. SloM llll the Southerlr IUlhl or W.v nae Clt Swllt lWd <br />p6, to the ;> }\a1l1t af h~=1uil thtnec. 1:Ol:Lth:LU.t~1 8authetly alon,J tha 111$t dC.$crlbe4 COUtu!!, a . <br />&Ustanc:e or Four HUIlW 'l'wc:Qty Xlpt (428.11) ktt,: thtnct. d.Oeet:hJi len 89" 3S' SQ' ad ~ <br />~,tu\y a lllitance ot'thrtc. Bunarea.. FIIt1 Four &ULa..Ont 'tenth (354.10) !&e~ thence dttlec:lhIe left 90' <br />24' 10' ad ~ Illlrtherlt . 4lstanec or J!'OIU' HLlll~a.1wenty ~lgb.t (42~.Q) teet- to a )jlotnt Oil tbc <br />Sout.hl:rJr ~t or Wat t.,tao 1?'.Swlfi :RoBelo thellcc dcn~ttl1llert 89" 35' 50' ana run~g West.er1y alOllJ <br />the SouUmI,y.Rli,bt or lYay !Jllll or Slrltt Road II. <1i3tal:lc:e of'l'br" ltuclltn:d Fifty )i'gur 111111 Que Tenth <br />(3S4~O) teet to the actual Jloll1t or betfl:lbtng. <br />, . <br /> <br />.1 <br /> <br />'. ' <br /> <br />. ., <br /> <br />., <br /> <br />..1 <br /> <br />.. <br /> <br />.. <br /> <br />.... <br /> <br />., <br /> <br />'J <br /> <br />** TOTfL PAGE.02 ** <br />