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<br />_6.'.64'_ ~ -1i. _a9.1:!:?~~_ <br /> <br />SE Cor. SWI/4 s.c. 5. I <br />11I1/-RUIl'Foond <br />8IJI Bross Cop' Legal Description <br />A tract of lond comprising 0 port of tM Southwesl Quorter (SW1/4) of Section <br />Five (S). Township [lsvsn (11) Norlh, Range TweWo (12) Wesl of 1M 61h. P.U.. in <br />HaJJ c-my, N8~asi<<;, mQFS porlkuJorly d8scribild OS fon-s: <br />&ginning 01 Ihe soulhwesl comer of soid Soulhwssl Quartsr (SWI/4); Ihence <br />running aoslerly oIong 1M soulh /ins of said Soulhwesl Quarter (SWI/4), on an <br />Assumed Bearing of N89"24 '23~E, a dislance of One Thousond Two Hundred Thirty <br />and Forty Six Hundredths (1230.46) fasf, 10 Ihe ACTUAL poinl of bBginning; Ihence <br />"'HIring NlJ{rl1'53~ a .r~ of Six HuminRJ 5ixkHm and 5<wsf>ty Two <br />Hundredths (616.72) fl18l; Ihencs running N89'29'34-E, a dislance of Four Hundred <br />Tw8hiy Five aad Thirty Five HundrBOth.s (425JS) f&et;. then<;e running SOO'76'S6.-W. <br />o dislonce of Six HundrBd SixtHn ond Fouriasn HundrBdlhs (616.14) f88I, fo a <br />poinl on 1M saulh line of soid Soulhwesl Quortsr (SW1/4); Ihencs running <br />S89'U'23"W, ala"'}" the $auII> JiM af saki Socti/>we:;/ Ouorier (SWl /4); a dislancs <br />of Four Hundred Twenty and Nineleen Hundredth$ (420.19) f88I, 10 Ihe ACTUAL <br />POinl of beginning and containing 5.9.82 acr"" more or less.. <br /> <br />N <br />S <br />S <br />-..J <br />........ <br />S <br />+:0- <br />W <br />W <br /> <br />,-. <br /> <br />SWT/4, Sec. 5, nTH - iHiW <br />tJnplatttJd <br /> <br />4zLl5' A N 89'29' - <br /> <br />li1: <br />~ <br />- <br />lit: <br />:iI:: ~ <br />.... ~ <br />.... <br />0... ... <br />~ Iii! <br />- <br /> <ii:l.. <br />% t: <br />.. ~ <br />iIU,I) <br />~ <br />..... <br />~ <br /><l!i) <br /> <br />'" <br /> <br /> <br />J..J1.L1 <br />(5.596 -4&.) <br /> <br />k <br />'" <br />"' <br /> <br /> <br />~,46' A 1/ 89'24'23' < <br />'I'-':~~" <br />Sw. Cor. SWl/4 s.c. 5. <br />Till/ - R 12 W. round <br />81.11 Bross Cop <br /> <br />Acknowledgement <br />Slole Of Nehroslm <br />County Of Hall SS <br />On Ihd1!l! of IJ..__ J..~ . 2007 , bBfore "'" D~ ~11 s.."T~nl..; . <br />a Nolary Public within ond for =id County, P""onally opp.eared GlEN lMJ.E <br />UUHLBACH and UNDA G. UUHLBACH, Husband and Wife , 10 me pefwnally known <br />10 be Ihe idenlicol persons whose signalure$ ore offixed hersh and lhal &Qch did <br />acknowlBdge the sxec<Jfion Ihereof 10 be his or her voluntary acf and deed. <br />IN WITN[$S WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixBd my <br />officio! saol 01 Craad Wand, Nebra'lka, on tM date JosI above ...r/hen. <br />Uy commission, expires r.; },o""j I~ z.",,4 <br /> <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />SurVBvor's Certificate <br />I hereby" certify Ihal on Novem""r 9, 2007, I camp/~led an accural~ SliNey of <br />'CEDAR TREE PHEASANT FAI?l/ SUBlJN1SION', Half County, Nlibraska, as shown on the <br />accompanying pial Ihereof; Ihol Ihe lois, blocks, slreets, avenues. olleys, porks, <br />commons and oiher grounds as conlainB<i in said SIIbdivision as shown on the <br />occompo,nying pial Ihereof are 'Nell ond occuralely stakBd off and marked; Ihal <br />iron morksfS wer~ placed 01 011 101 corners; Ihot Ihe dimen"'ons of aoch 101 are <br />as shown on Ihe plat; that eJdi kit bears its own f//Pf>b;>F; and that SGid smvey <br />was made with referenc~ 10 known ond recorded monumenls. <br /> <br /> <br />578 <br /> <br />ApDrovals <br />S"bmiHBd 10 and approved by the Regional Planning Commission of Hall ClWnIy, <br />Grand Isla , !>ad River and the Villages of Aida, Coiro and Doniphon, Nebraska. <br /> <br /> <br />,0,/'1;"'7 <br />ale <br /> <br />Aee!ovBd and accepied by Ihe Hall County Board of SupaNisors, lhi"----/.Lday of <br />...,i..k!!",,:, .. ~ 2007. <br /> <br /> <br />Llf'4;?/!;a" <br />7::oun Clerk <br /> <br />'" <br /> <br />'" <br />~ <br />~ <br />'" <br /> <br />~ <br />..; <br /><0 <br /> <br /> h <br /> r <br />~ 1l <br /> t'il <br />c..., <br />.... <br />Ci: <br />:it ~ <br />.... <iD <br />- <br />Il>.. - <br />... <br />~ ~ <br />- <br />.1i:L <br />~ t: <br />-~ <br /><l!i) <br />:i <br />"" <br />~ <br />~ <br /> <br />tE6!N!> <br />.-lndicai8S 1/2- Iron Pipe Found Unless Oth8rwis8 Nol,d <br />o-Indicafes 1/2" Iron Pipe w/SurvtJy Cop Placoo Unless OIherwls~ 1/0100 <br />A-Indkaltls AcnJAL tJimtnc6 <br />K-lndJcofes RECOfIDEO Dlslance <br /> <br />_ foaJ <br /> <br />IIIItI4 <br /> <br />I/EII# <br /> <br />:i <br />~ <br />~ <br /> <br />t <br /> <br /> <br />~. <br /> <br />fApiof -- <br />Location Sklltch <br /> <br />DedicatiO-fl <br />KNOW ALL liEN BY THESE PRESENTS, Ihal GUN DALE UUHLBACH ond UNOA G. <br />IJUHLBACH. HUSlx1nd and Wife. bBing lhe ownsrs of Ihe land described h~reon, <br />have caused same 10 bB sUNeyBd, subdivided, plolled and dBSignalBd os 'CEDAR <br />TREE PHEASANT FARU SUBDIVISION', Holl County, Nebraska, as shown On Ihe <br />fJCCI>mponyJng plat tbNfNJf, and do hereby dedlcafe /he road right of way os <br />shown lher~on 10 Ihe public for lhioir use forever, and Ihe I>Os~msnts, if any, as <br />shown thereon for the location. construction and maintenance of public service <br />ctiiJffles- forever; tageJhcr....iHr the right af ingr,," and "fJres-; lherela, and hereby <br />prohibiting the planling of Irees, bushes ond shrub$, or plocing olhsr obstructions <br />upon. over, along or underneoth Ihe surfac~ of such aos~""'nts; and lhol the <br />foregoing subdivision as mar. porficularly described in the doscripffon hsr.on as <br />appears on this plol Is made wilh the frBe consent ond In accordoncs wilh Ihe <br />dosires of the undersigned owners and prapri<>tors. <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we hove affixod our sfgnolures hsrelo 01 Grand Island, <br />Nebrasko. th/~day of AI_""J..<r , 2007, <br /> <br />4!MfJP?1t~ <br />n Dale I/afffbach <br /> <br />~J1~~/ <br />d ....Linda Go U"frlbadr <br /> <br />:;:. ili1 " v' <br /><=> ~~ o~ <br />t\.' ~ ~l <br />~'-, >-- :~ <br />.:: tl -" ...~ :::! <br />~~ -" ~j <br />~ - ::> :~ <br /> '" :::~ <br /> "" ::: <br /> ~ <br /> <br />TREE PHEASANT FARM SUBDIVISION <br />HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA <br /> <br />ROCKw,LL ANa ASSOC. L L c - ,NGfNffRING &; SURVfYING - GRANO ISLAND. NfBRASKA <br /> <br />Sheel No. I /)f 1 <br />