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<br /> 10 I <br /> ci) m <br /> "T1I <br /> '" c.: <br /> :- () z <br /> l; :I: n 0 I <br /> m )>- ~ I <br />N n en i <br />IS 1'; :c i <br />IS I i <br />-...,J <br />........ <br />IS <br />~ <br />IS <br />m <br /> <br />AFFIDA VIT <br /> <br />On <br />:I:~ ~ <br />m (/, <br />n ::t <br />;, <br /> r-'-..' ~ <br /> c;..;.:. 0 v'' <br /> ...:~ 0 <br /> ~ -..:l 0 '~I <br /> C:1 c: :r" l'\..) ;: <br /> Z ---i <br /> V) :':~~j r-', ---! 1'1", <br /> ~"T' C":) c::;, I <br /> f":;') .~ ,--~\ <br /> Of f-' c> -T'~ 0 <br /> -'1 W -" ~, --J <br /> ":t: r-rl <br /> r-r"] ("~ U :r;:.. C.!J f-' <br /> [" 3 1- :;;J i <br /> C7 t r to.- o <br /> v' (jJ <br /> (,- ~ ;;><; J: ~ <br /> :t>- o <br /> 0 ~,,~ <br /> <.n .M;l en <br /> (if') <br /> <br /> <br />STATE OF SOUTH CAROLJ}.JA ) <br /> <br />\ :.;,:..:;; <br /> <br />COUNTY OF_G:r~.~~,~jl~_______)-' <br /> <br />'1--', <br />()~ <br /> <br />.....", <br /> <br />Jesse J. Pittman, the undersigned Affiant, being first duly sworn upon his oath <br />deposes and states as follows: <br />1. That the undersigned Affiant is the former spouse of Brenda J. Pittman <br />who died December 27, 2004, as evidenced by the death certificate attached hereto <br />marked Exhibit "A" incorporated herein by reference. <br />2. That at the time ofthe death of Brenda J. Pittman, the undersigned Affiant <br />was the husband of Brenda J. Pittman and the owner in joint tenancy with her of the <br />following described real estate: <br />Lots 6, 7, 8 and 9 and the East 18 feet of Lot 10, Block 3, Clark's <br />Addition to Wood River, Hall County, Nebraska. <br />3. That by virtue of the death of the decedent Brenda J. Pittman the <br />undersigned Affiant beiame the sole owner of said described real estate. <br />Dated the -1. J _ day of ./\/ou e ril..-h.v-- , 20 O'L__ <br />Further your Affiant sayeth not. <br /> <br />J/~-J-ildkrY~~___- <br /> <br /> <br />On the L~.--. day of JJ d V _.____~___, 2o~7__. personally <br />appeared before the undersigned Notary Public, Jesse J. Pittman, who being first duly <br />sworn deposed and stated that the facts set forth in the above and foregoing Affidavit are <br />true and correct. and that said Affidavit was executed as his free and voluntary act and <br />deed. <br /> <br />I: I; <br /> <br />:.~~ ':...~,". - ./ <br />~." ........... ,/ <br />= ..: ,..,-" "'" .' <br />r:~ v_ . h;- ~-~ <br /> <br />.r~.: '-"d.~ ... - ~ <br />", ~ :: .. <br />.'~.~ r .... <br />'\ .".1 ~ , \ v: <br />-........ ~. '''-'", ....: <br />'.. ..- .... <br />fII,........."'....".. ..... <br />~............v'\.. . <br /> <br /> <br />/0/- :Eff <br /> <br />- tary Pubfi1Lv~~Ii.~~- <br />ply C&>ft""1, 6l rep d- r; ;?6d 1 <br />