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<br />tV <br />(S) <br />(S) <br />-....J <br />-" <br />(S) <br />W <br />-....J <br />tV <br /> <br />~, ~~- <br /> <br /> <br />-........'l- <br />-. " <br />~- . <br />hi --- '. n <br />~ "'~ <br /> <br />~ ~ <br />""'C' ~ .'- <br />~, ~ <br />~ <br /> <br /> <br />c::> <br />.......,J <br /> <br />11'\ <br />oil <br />~[ <br />o~ <br />--..:J <br /> <br /> <br />~I <br /> <br /> <br />N <br />~ <br /> <br />\), <br />~ <br /> <br />Deutsche Bank Natiooal Trust Company, for the benent of the Certifleateholders of Morgaa StaDley ADS <br />Capital I, Ine., Grantor, whether- one or more, in considexation of One Dollar and other valuable C'ODsiderntion, <br />receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, conveys to Gt!rardo Ceballos Lopez aDd Maria L. Vsea Flores, <br />husband and wife as joint tenants and not as tenants in common, Gnurtet\ the follo,",ing described real I;:sbw <br />(as defined in Neb. Rev. S1al ~ 76-201) in HalL County, Nebraska: <br /> <br />l <br />:x: <br />m c.n <br />() ::x <br />;~,~ <br /> <br />m <br />~ <br />Z <br />~" " 0 <br />)>!o!>> <br />,"') (/) <br />JIll::I: <br /> <br />";'..""...:;. <br />(~ <br />'o'!'"-.:;) <br />.::." <br /> <br />o (1") <br /><:) "'-~ <br />C::'):;>. <br />Z ~{ <br />-1m <br />-<0 <br />0""" <br />" ~~ <br />:r: [",'.1 <br />];,. ,:J <br />r- ;0 <br />r t,. <br />Ul <br />;:.:; <br />l> <br /> <br />Grantor COVenants Gointly and severally, ifmore than one) Vi-ith 1he Grantees that GrdIltor: <br />(1) is lawfully seized of such real estate and that it is free from encumbrances; subject to current real <br />property taxes, zoning and other governmental restrictions and all easements, reservations, covenants and <br />restrictions of record. <br />(2) has legal power and lawful authority to oonvey the same; <br />(3) Grantor hereby covenants with Grantee that Grantor will forever defend Grantee against claims of all <br />persons claiming by, through or under Grantor. No other OJ warranties. express or implied are given <br />by this Special Corporation Warranty Dero. <br /> <br />Z <br />m <br />CD <br />~ <br />>- <br />en en <br />I -I X <br />>> <br />'1:: 0 <br />--00 <br />I ~ (') <br />~~~ <br />~ <br /> <br />-< <br /> <br /> <br />.........,r <br />_".J ' <br />.~~ ~\ ,.,"' <br />:;; ;::1~: <br />.. , ., <br />o """l~... <br />....) <br /> <br />,:;. <br />~~ 1\ <br />(i;J t <br />~) g <br />t- <br /> <br />CJ <br />rrt <br />= <br />f-" <br />N <br /> <br />-0 <br />::3 <br /><.0 <br /> <br />'j:W <br />00 <br />JOINT TENANCY 200710372 <br />SPECIAL CORPORATION WARRANTY DEED <br /> <br />Lot One (1), Lambert's Second Subdivision to the City of Gnmd Island, Hall County~ Nebras.ka" <br />according til the rectJrded plat thereof. <br /> <br />Executed: November 16 <br /> <br />~ 2007. <br /> <br /> <br />STATE OF ARI70NA ) <br />) ss. <br />COUNTY OF MARicoPA) <br /> <br />The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me on November 16. 2007 <br />by Sherri Henry , Assistant Secretary, of Deutsehe Bank National Trost Company, for <br />the benefit of the Certificateholders of Morgan Stanley ADS Capital ~ Inc., on behalf of the corporation. <br /> <br />Notary PUbllo Slllls of Arizona <br />Ma ricopa Cou nty <br />Roseanne Silvestro <br />My Commission Expires <br />10/30/2010 <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />Roseanne Silvestro <br /> <br />(S~L) .'u <br />My Commission ExPireS:- 10/30/2010 <br /> <br />\ <br />