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<br />EXHIBIT "A" <br /> <br />200709973 <br /> <br />Tract No.1: A tract of land comprising a part of the Northeast Quarter (NE ~/,) ofScctiol1 <br />Elevon (l 1), Township Eleven (11) North. Range Nine (9)~ \Vest of the {in P.Iv1., North of <br />the Union Pacific Railroad track, Hall County, Nebraska, EXCEPT for a tract <br />commencing at the Narthwe-Bt comer of the- Northeast Quart~r of Sc.ction Eleven (11), <br />thence running Ea~t Two Hundrtd Sixty (260) Feet; thclice South Five Hundred and <br />Bighteen (518) Feet; thence West Two H.undred Sixty (260) fetlt; thence North Fiv~ <br />Htmdre.d Eighteen (518) Fl;let to the POINT OF BEGINNTNG and EXCEPT a tr..iCt <br />c.ommencing a.t the Northeast corner of S~dion Eleven (11). Township Eleven (11) <br />North, Range Nine (9), tbence Westerly One Thousand Six Hundred Thirte.en and <br />Twtllty Six Hundredths (1,613.26) Feet; thence. Southerly One Thouiland Bight Hundred <br />F01.U"u.'..en and Seventeen Hundredths (1,814,17) Feetto tho North right of way line of the <br />Union Pacific, Ra.ilroa.d; thence NOTth~aste:dy 0111.;: thousand SeVen Hundred Ninety Fiv~ <br />and Fifty Nine Hundredths (1,795.59) Feet; thence Northerly to the POINT OF <br />BBGTN'NING, EXCEPT publio road FJght of Way. <br /> <br />,~.nd <br /> <br />Tract No, 2: South~ast Quarter (SE Y..) ofSec.tion Bight (8), TOWTlship Eleven (11) <br />North, Range Bight (8). West ofthe 6th P,M" Merrick County, N~bra$ka, <br /> <br />And <br /> <br />Tract No.3: \Vesterly One Thowand Seventy Six and Thirty Eight Hundredths <br />(1 ~076.38) Feet of the Nortlicast Qua.rt'er of the Northwest QUilliN' (NE y~ N'\V V~) of <br />Se.::.ti0l1 (17)1 T ownshi p Eleven (11) N (!lih, ~an8e Eight (B), 'Ve:st of th ~ 6>)1 <br />P.M., lvIerriek Cmmty, NebraBka. <br /> <br />And <br /> <br />Tract. No.4; N011hwest Quarte'f of the- NQrthwest Quartet' (NW Yo NVl \/~) and the North <br />Half of the South west Quarter of the N ortb\VeBt Qu.a11el' eN \1:, S;V 114 1-P.;V ~/~) of Secfion <br />Sixteen (16), TO\'r'nship Eleven (11 ) North, Range Eight (8), West of the 6tb P .1{', <br />Merrick County, Ne,braska. <br />