<br />~ HAL NOTARy-State 01 Nebraska
<br />j;ENE RiMAN
<br />. VICiOR1A MA~c~15 2009
<br />. My Comm. Exp. ' .
<br />
<br />Fmm:
<br />
<br />
<br />11/0612007 15:25
<br />
<br />11474 p, D1 1/025
<br />
<br />200709864
<br />
<br />(g) Reconveyance, Upon payment of all SumS secured by this Deed of Trust, Lender shall require a Trustee to
<br />reconvey the Property and shall sU1'1'cnder this Deed of Trust and "II notes evidencing indebtedness secured by this
<br />Deed of Trust to Trustee. Tru.tee shall reconvey the Property without warranty and without charge to the person 01'
<br />person. legally entitled thereto, Tru.tor shall pay all costs ofreco"dation, ifany,
<br />(h) P.rsonal Property; Security Agreement, As additional security tor the payment of the Note, Trustor hereby
<br />gmnts Lender lwder the Nebraska Uniform Comlnorcial Code a .eourity interest in all fixtures, equipment, and other
<br />personal property used in oonnection with the real estate or improvements loc"ted thereon, and 1I0t otherwise
<br />declared Or deemed to be a part of the real estate secured her"by, This instrwllellt shall be construed as a Security
<br />Agreement under said Cade, and the Lender shall have all the rights 'and remedies of a .ecurcd party under said Code
<br />ill additioll to lbe rights and remedies created under and aocorded the Lender pursuant to this Deed ofTrusl; provided
<br />that Lender's rights and remedies under this paragraph shall be cwnulative with, and in no way a limitation on,
<br />Lender's rights and comedies under any other security agreement signed by Borrower 01' Trustor.
<br />(i) Liens and Encumbrances, Trustor hereby WalTOnts and represent. that there is no defmdt under the provisions of
<br />any mortg"ge, deed of trusl, lcase 01' purchase contraot describing all or any part of the Properly, or other oontract,
<br />inslrument 01' agreement constituting" Iicn or encumbrance against all or any part of the Property (collectively,
<br />"Liens"), cxisting"s of the date of this Deed of Trust, and that any and all existing Liens remain unmodified except as
<br />disclosed to Lender in Trustor's written disclosure of liens and encumbrances provided for herein. Trustor shall
<br />timely perform all of Trustor's obligations, covenants, representations and warranties WIder any and all existing and
<br />future Lions, shall promptly forward to Lend"r copies of all notices of default sent in connection with any and all
<br />existing or future Liens, and. shall not without Lender's prior written consent in any manner modifY the provisions of
<br />or allow any future advances WIder any existing or future Liens.
<br />(j) Application of Payments, Unless otherwise required by law, sums paid to Lender hereundcr, including without
<br />limitation payments of principal and interest, insuranee proceeds, condemnation proceeds and rents and profits, shall
<br />be applied by Lender to the amounts due and owing from Trustor and Borrower in sueh order as Lender in its sole
<br />discretion deems desirable,
<br />(k) SfverabililY, If any provision of this .Deed uf Trust conflicts with applicable bw 01' is declarcd invaliJ 0'
<br />otherwise unenforceable, such conflict or iuvalidity shall not affect the other provisions of this Deed of Trust or tbe
<br />Note wbioh can bo giWll effect without the conflicling provision, and to this cnd the provisions of this Deed o['['rust
<br />and the Note are declm'ed to be SCye, able,
<br />(I) Terms The terms "Trustor" and "Bor' owe," shall include botb singular and plural, and when the Trustor and
<br />Borrower a) e the same person(s), those terms aa used "'this Deed of Trust ahall be mtcrchangeable,
<br />(m) Govemmg Law, This DeeJ of Trust .hall be governed by the lawa of the State of Nebraska,
<br />
<br />
<br />bed and sworn to
<br />this 8th day of
<br />2007 by Gary J Nickel
<br />Development of Grand Islan
<br />a Neb LLC
<br />
<br />Stephen D Tebo, Managing Mcmbcr
<br />
<br />~ ( oll,t'bO
<br />STATE OF N>tnmnr" '\)(:1'-'
<br />J.;~~;
<br />
<br />58..
<br />
<br />The loregoing Deed of Trust was acknowledged before me this ~_m~t!!....... day of November
<br />~ by 60fY d ,1>.1..1, ]',1""..ging M....L....-oI Stephen D ,"cbo, Managing Member ofl'IC
<br />Devolopmcnt of Grand bland, LLC a. N~braska Limited Liability Company
<br />
<br />7i;pCk~ !~cJ'vl R
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<br />mj 0.){,()iY\1S.) li1i'i\.- !VI( P \ ( e..s,
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<br />
<br />STATE OF
<br />
<br />SS..
<br />
<br />
<br />The forogoing Deed of Trust Was acknowledged before me thia
<br />_by
<br />
<br />d.yof
<br />
<br />14109.CV(IOI07l
<br />
<br />Notary Public
<br />P'gc4of4
<br />
<br />:3:30ib4~
<br />
<br />GOTO(OOl 1')14<)
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