<br />GUhertlelmm
<br />~~~ 200709853 illl'
<br />(402) 474-4740 I.incoln', NE
<br />GUT T E R PRO TEe T ION 5 Y S T E M ,~877) 240.7200 Toll Free
<br />t: {1::. LJ Lhr it ' .s W I tL I L ~' . ~ '- 1..- b' /) I
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<br />i7:;)N1tl~~ k.Rll /tV [j p Vi I D~tehct~t )J~'., bPI J L-:
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<br />13uyeJ:($) StteetAddrels, City, State and Zip cOe b ~ Jtbl)catiOn b r/' /'J______-
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<br />pbone Number Evening Telephone Numbet '''1 M-obile 1e1e1'lhone Number
<br />C 0 I" t fL
<br />Coosultant N am.e
<br />
<br />
<br />G~er Helmet of tt\e Hllartland, Inl
<br />S04,7 Lake S~reet
<br />Omaha, NE 68134
<br />~1.s1aB:310
<br />
<br />E-mail Address
<br />&f!4.. 1/ J:~ I~ ""1
<br />The Buyer(s) listed above hereby jointly and severally agree to pun:hase the following goods andJo\ .~ervices,ln accordance with
<br />the prices and tmns de.~erlbecl on the front and the reverse of this AgreeuJ.E:ut, and Buyer(s) have requested that such goods or
<br />services be install.ed 01' provided at Buyer's address listed ahove. Gutter Helmet of the Hemtland ("Contractor"), hereby agrees
<br />to install or cause t,o be installed the products listed in this Agreem.ent at the Buyer(s) address written above. 13uyer(s) agree to
<br />si,gn a completion certificate upon the 'installation of the goods. This Agreement represents a casb sale of goods and services.
<br />YES NO
<br />
<br />% V'
<br />~y
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<br />
<br />Remove and disca.rd aUjob~related. oebris including old gutters and downspouts..
<br />Furnish and install. aluminum drip edge as necessary on fascia.
<br />Clean, re-pitch, seal and caulk e1lsting gutters alld comers as necessary. (90 day warranty)
<br />Remove an<rrepriCe rottensurf~od'as necessary to professionally install product
<br />Instal] Glitter Helmet system o~x.istittg g;llttc:rs (V5 partial) --:i}-- :S
<br />
<br />fumi.sn aDd insta.ll Gutter Helmet textured panels on existing gutters int.kM._~C~~. L!;:S.
<br />Provide Custom Fabrica.tion on inside I outside miters, diverteTIl and endeaps as r:equjred:
<br />Provide Premium Braek:eti1Jg System iT) the followj,ng style (pending i11stall supervL<;or):
<br />GE lJniversal _ GH 'l'ri-beam. _ G Hidden Hanger_ G T.russ Snap Lock .....:..-
<br />
<br />Remove and ~$pose of existing damaged gu~ f ) I 'i-- L D
<br />Furnish and ~t5ta.u continuous K-style gutter~6" -.--In W h. I \ :Leolor. L..::
<br />Provide downspouts 2"x3" _ 3" x 4" _ 4" x 5" ~ in I/..-j~, ~Ullcolcr.
<br />Remove and. replace Soffit vent registern to improve all' flow (add additional vents a.~ nece:;;:;;ary).
<br />rumish and install Hidden Reat@ fOl; tb,e reduction of iciclel'! (ex.c1udes eJectricall'lervices).
<br />
<br />Prqject includes Workman's Comp.,'public liability protection arid property damage insurance.
<br />Project lttclude.'j Lifetime Manufacturer's Warranty against defects.
<br />Project includes Lifetime Pelformance Wa\Tauty.
<br />
<br />Install. supervifor dete.rmines overltmder shingles ,
<br />Buyer acknowledges that mmor runoff may OCcut until Gutter Hdl'rlCt is "seasoned" 4 - 6 weeks.
<br />Gl\tter HCIfnct is dc..,igned to keep guttet:5 ti:ee-tlowing, not to prevent ice i:Jr iCICles. ,
<br />Icic1cs,oa:n and may fonn on Gutter Helmet, even. with tbe installatiOn of ~en HeatTh!
<br />
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<br />Purchase Price:W 1"';_ ~ b Method of Pavment: J _
<br />o ClilSh. 0 Check .f-!2edit Card
<br />Down Payment: L. J J- .b Ch<;<;:k Number: "-
<br />Subtotal: ~ Credit Card No.: I.p.. \, \. B..r r (j J,S-,O'1 )...;.$ 1. r>\
<br />Balar'H:e due" on ct)mpIClion:_~a- ,,",' v E.'\ pi r:.Ltitln Date.: .' ,~.... (/,2- .
<br />
<br />, "t,i~ .lgr~cd. ~uld ~ri~c!l..,~I()uu.h>' ,:il\~ ,!leIwe.cllt"\:: pm:!',:,." [hm ,thif. A~~:""'il~nt....,fr;"r.l;L ,\lJJ(.l.:bl,l\:=k.\:?~~tit\!,I~"tl.,';I. .;~ii~;~~l(,'~.r.~t,:iil~j.~j,l".'"
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<br />:"l-ietwe~l:i' I~~"pilrtie~,: a'nd rf.1e.t:3.r,c no,c!:fbal.i.II1<I;i;l:SJilii~ring~ ci:ian.gi,ll~;:!~r;' m6dif~'!tt.*, m:'ly':"t,:IhC'~e~1:I~,'(~P:UTi~A~~1TI,thl.', :" "...~ :. " ',:".
<br /> ' .
<br />Bm'cr(s) hL':n:D\': al.:kn(~wl~MC lhm H1J\,i:!r(~, ha.~ read the fnim LIlld the, r~ve'r~f: nf thh Agret:incrit ,ihtl'ha~ Tcccr\'cd ,I '
<br />cO~lplctcd. sjg~cd and dmcJ cop;, of ti1i~ Agree.m~nt includi.ng the I'WO 'arrochE;d Notice of Cm.:c!!uiioi'1 1.'oI'IYi!'i. on the date
<br />, f" I' . -.1..... ....._t ..t.!. ...._..___"':..._. .._."1
<br />
<br />E1iI:im,al:td Statting Dnte:
<br />:<. - 7 ~A(-
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