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<br /> <br />NOTE: THIS IS NOT A LAND SURVEY AS DEFINED BY STATE <br />STATUTE, AND ISINTENDEDTODENOTE CONTAMINANT <br />EXCAVATION AREA. <br /> <br />N.W. COHNEH NWI!4 <br />~EC1'l(lN 10-TUN-RJOW <br />\.- FOUND uD J HOSTLER ALUMINUM <br />CAP IN ASPII. PAVEMENT <br /> <br />.... <br /> <br />..:;, - la~ 79' A. <br />~,~ <br />~~ <br />,$~" <br />~~ <br /> <br />" ,? <br /> <br />r SECTION l.INE <br />~!64~.O(l' JU. <br />2.64"_08' R8.&:..\. <br /> <br /> <br />~.,J">~ <br />,-"'..... <br />it~~tSo,~ <br />\9... + <br />-1><1>" <br /> <br />l..'~'.. t.- <br /> <br />0; ::l1~111.'" <br />:.' I~II.:= <br />:li I II~ <br />-- II' <br />. I <br />I III <br /> <br />It;:: <br />~III <br /> <br />~. 'i'I'll . <br />e I 1'---1 <br />f;l(f II b~ <br />I I [3... <br />. II 8~ <br />~.~ I I: .~.~ <br />~l!; I II ~~ <br />.~ I II J:il <br />~.. I .d/ <br />.~~ -rl <br />~~ :~--- <br />I II~" <br />I II ~i:i <br />I II !il~ <br />I '" <br />II ~~ <br />I: ~. <br />I '1'- . 30' WIDE Hlj(E!B1!g;._ <br />tr ;;;-~~~;~~. : : :.:- ~. ~'.~. ~ ~ ~. ~'-~ ~ : .--- .--- ~ _&:~;;~::::. ~~ ~' ~.~' ~- :::':::' ~ ::: ::: ::: :::.:::-::: -= <br /> <br />40.0' <br />_ R4,RO, <br /> <br />OLD POTASH <br /> <br />~'--. "-.'..~ .'" -;J'~. -.--- <br />:;0'. l'ilD~ COUN'N <br />'AD RlGlIT OF W . <br /> <br />r"--THACT NO. 47B <br />// --'-------.SEE DETA-IL----~- <br />~ <br /> <br />TRACT <br /> <br />NO. <br /> <br />47A <br /> <br />~ <br />SEC. <br /> <br />f/?;iCf <br /> <br />a.091:00' HI. <br />a,081.BO' R4. <br />a.OB1.67' RO. <br /> <br />;Vv <br /> <br />No. 47A <br /> <br />A. u-.' ~~t 'of l~nd. .'~om. l:'rJl!iIlna. 'I;l P,Bt.l.:'oi .the.'. '.Vi'8.!il .Quil:rl~.r ,CN.W-I. /4.) Gnd tJ.. p.o.rl o.t. Nort.hl;!"'. ~t Q1,Ja:rt/!r .(N.:l/-l) 9.1 .,~~i;!Uon <br />'tf.len. (J 9), Townshl}? Eleven (11) NOrth;. Range <br />.Ten (JO)W.'t. otlhe,6lhP,I\t."ond .. p"rl 01: lho N~rlb.eaoL quarler or SecUM .1'''.nty ~'our (~4J. Town.blp ~I".n (11) Norlb., Ron~e ~leven (ll/We.t of lbe 6th P,M., all <br />"b."eina:, ,~~ }f~n CO\;lnt,." Nebraska, 'and ,:~elng ,m9J'E!, p,rUeularJy t:1~;t!;u;~ribeQ elJ 'oll(~1fB: <br />"" ,.:, , ,. ".,.,'. ,,'" : <br />. '" ' ,'",,' ,.".: ' <br />B~IID.nml ,at the DorthweBt ~o:rne.r ,of the, NQrthweat Qu.arLer (N'lfl/4). of 88jd Section' l'Hnct.t:oD (19), '$sid point alilQ b(!inc: H C'~rnor OJ) a w~J;ll H,n,B Q(' Bi pal'l:'~l <br /> reterre,d <br />.<-'t~,:,ali,..,:.I)T~,'P~CEL, 1'I"O,'.6~.o~',,,, I:!IU'.J:"'Ye.1 dated Jfln\l:~Y 124 2,(W1.. by Rou.ld ,~. ltockW81l, L, S. No, :l49i tb,~nQe T1..lllnin, e,aBl~f'lYt. alogg anil \lp~>n <br /> th.e 09rUl. line p/,.tbe <br />, /'lorth'....t.'Qu.rl.. (/'l1I1/4)' 01 ..Id. Section. Nineleen (19\. 0 dlolanc.e 01 'l'wo Thou..nd Slxllundred FQrly Four. ond Elllhly ElllhL Hllndredlb..' (2,644,86) leel .lo. the <br />'. .norpj.lf~'~~ "o~rn,~r ~(th~ ,Northe.~t QU8rter (NE1/4.> 0' s.Jd SecU[)~, NJneteen, (19).: dcflccUn.: l~(l, 'O,(J.c)f1'01'~ a,nd rUJ:lniq. e!lBt~" along, Bind UPQD, th~ <br /> n9rtl1 <br /><lil,le:"of,,"lbe.Nol'th~__.t 'Q,':l..~ter (NEl/4-) 'ot.:sa:ld SeCUQD Nln~teen (19). .I), di,!Jtanclt, ot FO,lit' lIund"rEtd 1'.l1irl,.. Seven a:Qd 'l'btrly. Two Hundr~dtha (431.32). <br /> f~et, "to. tl:),.f;! <br />,:,'-:,:a\'prthe~1!I8Lbol?1~~ ,'01 ,~. ~.r.cel 'T"'~n-ed, t.? Q:!I, ,"TRACT NO. 49" ~n, a i!lu...~t;X ~Q~tHl A\lPlJl. 20: 206L by.Le!, tL Wa,,per, ,L,. S. NQ. '657, lII~ld .point e.l'1Q <br /> be,lng 8 "corner :,Of;l <br /> <br />'.,":':~:r:~~ ~:l~~::"~~:l~~~:~)j~D ~: ',,~::f~~:O~f ,6e~i,~tl\.~;TcE ;;J~E1~;~/'6,,~ta~r~if;~2 ber:: ~~::i~~d ~~~~:r~Y;':~t'lfn:n~. ~.P::":l~ ..;;:rtJ'~~n~~ Q!s~'~~~~~~'b:'. ~~ll'~j <br /> 4~n, ,:n:~~:; <br /> <br />. .d8te\'.Vecember' -:15, ,2001. by' Lee D. Wagner, L. ,S~ No. ~.57, ,u d:lBt8n~,e of T'rJo Thoul!land On~ .~und:rDd. 'two .and Se:ll"t:!l).ll S~:j[ n'Un<l~9'c::ltns (2,102,76) f~E!\ <br /> t,Q"the <br />',III,o'"tbeelit,..c()J'Q~r, of~ ~aid:'"..",DTE i'ARCJ:;l. NQ. 5'~. .ea14 point. tllso being 8 corner on 0, north Jil1e ,of ttaJd '~RACT NO. ...4tU;~, t' the,ncJl' dtl'f!cdtlnl r~(ht, <br /> 89-:i9'181~ ana <br />.":, ~q.l,1n,in. ~e.~r""~. .aI~~& ,and upon :"e,: eo,~t.b Une of, l;Iah::l "DTE. PARCEL. ~O.. 0.'1, ~nd -lA18o bein&" 8.lon( B:~d upon, II nort.l:J. Jhl.8 01 Bai.~ ItTRACT NO. 48ij I <br /> 8,. d~lItanee of TQree <br />. '1.'i:I,ous.nd,: One 'aJ}d ,Sixt", Seven: H,\:mdl'e4tbfil (~,P81.67) feet t.o fJ. PQ1nt OD the l)Ast Une of t.he 'Ncu'w,eal!lt Qual"tar (NEll"') of sBl:d SecUon,' henty :FO\l:f <br /> .(,2'), sai.4 <br />'. p.o...I.,nt 8Il!1Q.. ~~Jn., I,i.ri., _. '.'~C)l1tJl.. ,,~~t, COI' .0..1. a8l!.d )I,n.TE .PARC.E.L N.Q. 6". and lhe Ul)rt.hw.lI!:t:1l C. ot'nur Q.' rI~. ii:l: . ""RAe.T' <br /> ,NO,., ~8Ir',: Be..ld. ~Ohlt. ..B,~~Q be~1l1 e:' .~Qie.t, 01\. .ih~ ~f,I;Bl <br />Uno, of"a parcel. l"ele~l'ed' to, 1111, ,TRACT NO. 48A ' on' a 9Ur-Ve-y, daled ,,May 14, 2001, by LeI!! n. Wagllii!:r", ..... S. Nn. 567; thence ddlel:ttn. right 00.0552" end, running <br />. 1).(),rtherly,., aJonl ,and "UPQD'. the ailst. . line of thi:l NorLh,eaat Q~ElJ'ter (NE:l/4) ot 'Maid. $ecUQn ~E!nty fQur. (24:). ,and ,a.!QfIoe e,nd :\~pon'". WE!'IIIt. 1in~ 01 said <br /> "J)fJ'f,; 'PARCEl. <br /> <br />~~~ri:';',,:t:~:J6.~~D\~~,JA~~:t ;8;~ 8~~Q:nr':I::a~~~1i: t~e a:l:rt~~~;T c~~~e:8:;. ~~J~i~~f~t"To~g~:8~~int'h~c~lJv::t%eu~~ ~:;~, ~9~:f.~~lJ~ ~~~O~O~ll~~~t ;~~~e':l;~t:,~e:: <br /> <br />. ~~d .': up,Qn ,.; iO,'lth. Hn~, of:, l!IaM "DTE, PARCEL .'NO. 6ft" Qnd ofIll!j1) "bein<< ~Iong tend UPOI;). B nort.h line of said 1~Tlb\.CT' lI!'Q. '4-8.4"; I;l, di~la;n()'c of Two <br /> Hun! 'l'wO',~ty' Nine <br />.and" Si:lty One:" 'llundr~dth,8::.'(1!2p,6l) 'I~:et t9 ft SQt,lth"h~ ~('Irncr o.f "DTE, PARCEL NO.6!', a:n,d all!lo bein,,' Q :p.orthwel!!llt, e',o:rne,r , of ,said ~1'RAC1' <br /> ~O. " 40A", !lsM' :paint <br />. ,.&I~C?,~:,'b~jn.a:: ,the.. 'S~\11h~~.t;,~:to:z:'.ile.l",.. Qt, a~ parcel referred to au:. "TRACT ,'NO~ 46:' on .. ,L!lUrVtl'Y Ftlbr"ua..y ~,22, ,2PO.1;, by Lee: D. WB.,~~r. <br /> L."',S.' ,.No'~ ~57: t.b~n~(! <br />':',.:~...den.. e,~t.I.nll.,\rjl.b:~.}39..f'l C5:.?' :.':,a. ..n..d..... l'Unni.nll.' nort..herlY,. 81ona: .ond. upon 8. wea.t 1lll,6 of s. ilid '"DTE. PARC.E.L NQ. ., . and olso. be-ill' <br /> alon.4. and, UP.Oll; the, ea. st,U:ne, at <br />!lI8,l.d,.';TRACT NO.'" 46 ...,. dJ~tance' 01 One "Tho',l!Hlnd' Nine Hunc;lre:d' FUty One 8.I;&d Tw~nty ,EJght. Huud.f'otl,th:!!l (1,901.28) tc,~l to a, 'Pot....t' on the:!' no['tb .'Ih,\{: <br /> of the <br />::, N~.r.~~.~8.t'.'"Qu.rt~r. (NEl/4-) of" ~a~d" S~c~on', TWenty, Four (24);, 9~.hl..point alBo b~l.n,,:a nQrlhltBst QOrnBr PI. ~~i4 H~Tg, P.4RCE'~, NO. d.'" ~nd al/;1o, , lJeJ,Jli thE! <br /> no:rt.b.e,aEll <br /> <br />.:'~:~-~e:oc;I~:~~'~:r~~'~~O{~':f.' ,~;:~:~~~ ::r:.~~,~~~,ri~~j ~~()~ ~6 .Io~r~ .1~~:.n;f~B~:EI~o1l' P'tR~~L Nt, '~~o: ~.,eta~~~~t l~Q D}{U~~~~D;;~~~:L N~ri:'rt~.f'~' {:o~t~ ~~i:: <br />......undred.:tbl!l ,,(229~..Q)' f.cott" ,t(f:,'th,e,'"PQi~t, ,of b~.lnn,l~&.:. excepting Qleretro"n1. a. ~f lQ.n~ ~ibi.lJ.hd in .th~' NOI"UtYfsl!Il QUBr~Br (NW1t'Lot,' said ,Section, <br /> Nineteen (lU). <br />, .":.";:::nt~~,~~:t;~:y')r~~:;~:~~' :e~rit~:. :~'o~lli:~' ',~~n:~i3 ',~:~~:~~ ~~~~~\;~"J~~~ljn~~'~t:~:; ~ ~~~ ..~~~~;::l Th~~l;1" Fi:~~:~~,' s~~~~~tCI!~::"~a~~~~J~~\'~):d~;.79) <br /> <br />'e~.t; ,:,'Uient!~, ,ije:r.lepth;~I, ri.,;ht ,f~.,58".at~" e.nd rt,l'oning soutberl,.., a ,d,letance of four, "':lnd,r,ed EJgblj Nbu~, ar:J.d. Twelve Hu:udrcdUi,s (:489.12) fed,:to ,:tb~ <br /> ACTUAL point <br />:.,,: ,oJ.~ b~cin.D.Jnill ,,:t.Qenc;e ., eoutjn.'U.ln,a: .IIo~the,r)y., $Jong ,and upon tho, lu'evjQusl,y d4!8'cribEld ~o~ne, 1;1.. ~ist"JUl~ ' 01' Sixty' Sb: .Ilnd F(lrly, .fou.I'" <br /> ,ij\'u~4'J"1;!~\hl;l ,(-66.4-,4) r,et; .', thence <br />,,'.,:. ,,~f!,P.e(:~n'I,'.,.I~t\::, 9W26'0'71t .:,.nl;l: i"'~n,nibl 'caslerl"., Ii dJst4U:U:-O' of Oni!' Hund~~d' 'J"hree, 11I~d Thirty:""'o HundredthlJ,SZ), feel:.: then~E! deflecting <br /> rJght' 66"04~2'"1'~ and <br />, ,,' l'Unn"inc'":,B:lt"Uthlltl,y,," I;l:.:dil!lu',n,t;!e, 'of ',Thirty, Six, a,nd' S~vil!',n. HUJ:l.dtEl(ithlJ (36.07) te~li ..tben,l;!e l; left 9Q-23"51 IIind ,running <br /> ~86terly. ,a diste..D.ce. of Two ,Hundred <br />. ';,': .Fo~ty~':n.:fe,e ,.8D<i ::~ia:hty", <?n'e".lfund~edthEl ,<2~:l.~.1) .(eet; ,lb.en.~e denecU.~li lett 90-11'3911, and ,run'nlna, n9rU:.orly" 8. d.1at.Qnc.J' of Tw{Jnty ,Nine Bud <br /> Sbty twp, Uu.ridr~~thQ <br />.;.<.~~.~.2t"t:~,e.t;;::~e~,~ defiectipg, right OO'22,,'~8, .,and . funning ,easterI,y" (l dlst8nce,. of Nin~t.y Two. a~d Th!:rt.y On!! ijund;redths (02..3.1) fl:!!cl: thence ,ddlpcUUl <br /> "]gtIt <br /> <br />-r~- <br />::l <br /> <br /><> <br />g <br /> <br />19"""Tll <br /> <br />;jail <br /> <br />.1!$.A4Jl <br /> <br />90'57 <br />a dla <br />1l'Q'p4 <br />then(: <br />we'Bl~ <br />Twen~ <br />HUDdl <br />Q2'09 <br />Filly <br />feet: <br />.~nd .:} <br /> <br />$,aid <br />plll>li, <br /> <br />SURVEYC <br /> <br />J ltereby c <br />property m <br /> <br />Le. <br /> <br /> <br />