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<br />_..i <br />, <br /> <br />.. <br /> <br />'- ' <br /> <br />200709614 <br /> <br />Exhibit A <br /> <br />CCMPJ,ET.EU.l3AL DESCRtPTION; <br /> <br />A part of the Southwest [lWil.-"ter of the Norl_heast Quarter (SW4NE>;;) of .Section 'IWenty-One <br />(21), in 'lbwnship Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9) west of the Sixth (6t11) Principal <br />Meridian in Hall County, NebraskEt, rrore 1la,rtic..'UlolJ~ly descri1:x::d as follows: CD:11l1'l2nd_J1g <br />at a point on -thE, Center I,ll'!':' of Phoeniz Avenue StOven Hundred Seve.n and Nine '.l'cnth.s <br />(707.9) Feet Westerl:? from t.112 Intersection of Lincoln lwenue and Phoenix J>.venue (as <br />shown b,y' plat of South Pm~k, rl!:N/ vdcatBd), 'Which point is at the intersection of the <br />center r..:ine of phoeniY. Aventle and the west Line of tl1e Half of the Southwest <br />Quartsr of the Northeast Quarter (E%SWl.(NEJ.,;) of said Section ThBnty-One (21); "thencf:: <br />Soutll along said West Line, whid1 Line is the Center Line of the COunty 1<oad nCM called <br />and used as southAdanIS Stxeet, a distance of Four Hundred (400) Feet; thencs F.ast at <br />right angles to last course a dist..ance of One :Hundrsd sewnty-Nine (179) Feet; thence <br />North parallel with said riVest Line of the F..ast Half of the Southwest Quarter of <br />Northeast Quarter (E%SW'~) of said Section 'IW8n'l~l-()ne (21) I a distanGe of 'J'wo H1..ID:kea <br />Fifty-Four and Eight 'Ienths (254.8) Feet to a )?Oint; -tru:>...l:1CB ~brtherly in a =ved Line, <br />concave Eastwardly of a radius of Four H1..1I1fued Sixty-Eight and Twenty Eight Hundredths <br />(468.28) Feet, tangent to the last described point, a distance as TIeasurcd in the arc <br />of said curve of One Hl1l1.drec1 'I\renty- Nine and 'lWenty-Seven Hundredths (129. 27) Feet, the <br />long chord of said curve being One Hundred 'IWenty-Eight and Nine Tenths (128.9) Feet in <br />Lengtb and bearing East.wm:dly from the last described course, produced Northerly, Seven <br />Degrees, Fifty-'Ihree Minutes (7053') to a roint; thence librthWesterly in a straight <br />line at an interior angle as neasw:ed from aforesaid long chord of One Hun&ed Forty- <br />'lllree IEgrees, :fifty-Nine Minutes (143059') / a distance of One liundred Eigh~ and Fifty- <br />l"ive Hundredths (108.55) Feet to the Center Line of PhoeniY.. Avenuej thence Soutl1westerly <br />alonq the Center Line of Phoenix Avenue a distance of One Hundred Sixty-Five (165) Feet <br />to the point of beginning, tius tract of land containing 'Jh:Jusand Seven <br />Hundred Forty (79,740) Square Feet. <br /> <br />In the event the title to said real estate il> transfe=ed, or =ntrac;ted to be trans- <br />ferred, fran the undersaid for any reason or by any l1)9thod whatsoever, the entire <br />principal sum and accrued interest shall at onCE beccne due and payable at the office <br />of thf: holder hereof. Failure to exercise this option because of transfer of title as <br />alXJve stated. on one instance shall nOt constitute a waiver of the right to exercise <br />the swe in the event of any subsequent transfer. <br />