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200'709613 <br />EXHIBIT "A" <br />Lot One (1), Stearn's Subdivision, Hall. County, Nebraska <br />IW <br />ONE HALF MEREST <br />A part of the Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (SW1 /4 NE1 /4) <br />of Section Twenty -one (21), in Township Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9) West of <br />the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska, more particularly described as follows: <br />Commencing at a point on the center line of Phoenix Avenue Seven Hundred Seven <br />and Nine Tenths (707.9) Feet Westerly from the intersection of Lincoln Avenue and <br />Phoenix Avenue (as shown by plat of South Park, now vacated), which point is at <br />the intersection of the center line of Phoenix Avenue and the West line of the East <br />Half of the Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (E1/2SW1 %4NE1 /4) of said <br />'Section Twenty One (21); thence South along said West Line, which line is the <br />center line of the county road now called and used as South Adams Street, a <br />distance of Four Hundred (400) Feet; thence East at right angles to last course a <br />distance of One Hundred Seventy -nine (179) Feet; thence North parallel with said <br />West line of the East Half of the Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter <br />(E1/2SW1/4NE1/4) of said Section Twenty -one (21), .a distance of Two Hundred . <br />Fifty -four and Eight Tenths (254.8) feet to a point; thence Northerly in a curved <br />line, concave Fastward'lyof a radius of Four Hundred Sixty - eight and Twenty -eight <br />Hundredths (468.28) Feet, tangent to the last described course, a distance as <br />measured iii the arc of said curve of One. Hundred. Twenty -nine and Twenty- seven <br />Hundredths (129.27) Feat, the long chord of said curve being One Hundred Twenty- <br />eight and Nine Tenths (12$.9) Feet in length and bearing Eastwardly from the last <br />described course, produced Northerly, Seven Degrees, Fifty -three Minutes (70 53% <br />to a point; thence Northwesterly in a straight line at an interior angle as measured <br />from aforesaid long chord of One Hundred Forty - three, Degrees,. Fifty -nine Minutes <br />(1431 591), a distance of One Hundred Eight and Fifty -five Hundreds (108.55) Feet <br />to the center line of Phoenix Avenue; thence Southwesterly along the center line of <br />Phoenix Avenue a distance of One Hundred Sixty -five (165) Feet to the point of <br />beginning <br />