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<br />N <br />S <br />S <br />-.....j <br />S <br />CD <br />W <br />CD <br />CXl <br /> <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />SCALE I" = 100' <br /> <br /> ~ <br /> ~ <br /> f' <br /> 01 <br /> <t <br /> OJ <br /> w <br /> ,. <br /> ,-- <br /> .~ <br /> :- <br /> -H 0 <br /> .. 0 <br /> ~ z <br /> '<t ~ <br /> Vl <br />+J 0 <br />> c <br />0 e I <br />0 .. I <br />G N E <br /> 0 <br /> () <br /> CO .... 2 <br />0 0 <br />c ,- .. lO <br />c <br />CJl ::0 l; Lf) <br />2 <br />L 3: c N <br />.. <br />0 LL !.1. Q) <br /> lJ <D <br /> c <br /> 0::: 0 <br />..c <br />U Q) Z <br />.... <br /> N ,. W <br />N z <br />m Lf) .... ,.-- <br />n 0 <br /> .. ,.-- <br />m <D c '<t <br />n N ::J <br /> -H ,.-- <br /> OJ , <br /> ~ 0 <br /> 0 <br /> z <br /> I <br /> \ <br /> <br /> <br />200709398 <br /> <br />RECORD OF SURVEY <br />Part of the NW 1/4 of <br />Sec. 23, T12-R12W of the 6th P.M., <br />HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA <br /> <br />LEGEND <br /> <br />SECTION CORNERS ~ . <br /> <br />MONUMENTS SET '" 0 <br />(1/2" Rebor w/Yellow Cap <br />m[]rk~d RS pgrka l.S 287) <br />Temporory Point. ~ l8! <br />RECORDED DISTANCE - R <br />MEASURED DISTANCE ~ M <br /> <br />NW CORNER SEC. 23 <br />T12N~R12W HALL co. <br />Sot 'r~mpo'''(y NQII above R:t"eadlng In Hwy. <br />UslriU 'flea fOf HO:ltl.,. Alum Cop <br />TI..; 1.~' So 0' Conlo..llno of Hw)' <br />NE 114.30' ll) NQII I" T(lp 0' CFP <br />Sf: 103.70' to X Nolle 10 p.pola <br />SW 101.a~' to x N(lII.. In P,Pol. <br /> <br />SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE <br /> <br />:IC~~::J l~l~~c~~:~n~'ecj~lt~ ~~~f~~~~O~~ Ith~d S~U:t~8~r <br /> <br />Nebroska, and that this l!Iurvey woe perrormed by me or <br />under my direct Bup'vrvl.lon, and Is Qocurote to the best <br />of my knowledge. All dlstanc8S shown on the plat are <br />measured In feel and decimals of a foot. and 011 corners <br />are marked wllh permanent monuments all IIhcwn On tho <br />plot. <br /> <br />Slgoea this 15th aoy of June,200? <br /> <br />~?LL_ <br /> <br />ROOm! S. PAllKS LS.2.7 <br /> <br />88'29'12"E 642.94'M <br />609.93 M <br /> <br />~,,\~t91i^Sk..;""'. <br />t' .{~iSifii;,'" "~\ <br />. /'l' '()\ '\ <br />, I . <br />i i LS.281 i j <br />\\~ 10'1,;/' <br />-..'tl) SUR~\.~";" <br />f;'ti(.';;'lh.I,"~~t=" <br />'1It,...R S. Y',.\i.)~' <br />t't'''flltl"I\ <br /> <br />~....... <br /> <br />3.01'M <br /> <br />\ <br />\ <br />(j) <br />o <br />o <br /> <br />-H <br />" <br />.. <br />E <br />.. <br />.. <br />o <br />UJ <br />,. <br />o <br />Ik: <br />lJ <br />o <br />Ik: <br />.!! <br />:;; <br />~ <br />U- <br />.. <br />1] <br />:c <br />;.-, <br />", <br /> <br />, <br />........ <br /> <br />-J::>. <br /> <br />........ <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />10,006 + /~ <br /> <br />Acres <br /> <br />m <br />()l <br />m <br />N <br />-" <br /> <br />E 1 4 CORNER SEC. 2J <br />r1zN-R1,"W HALL CO. <br />FQl,md ;],. Eh"Q81l1 Cap <br />TI.1I1 E J~_aa' to Nail I... Tap af CFP <br />W ~~.49' to Noll In Wamtnl;l Po.t <br />SE ~:17.18' to K Nallll In Tap 0' I"e. PD'at <br /> <br />s: <br /> <br /> <br />33.00'M <br /> <br />I <br />/ . -t.- <br />./ --588'55'53"W 4717.91'M <br /> <br />_/ <br /> <br />609.95'M <br /> <br />--....SSS.55'53"W 642.95'M <br />5360,36'R <br />South Line of North 1/2 <br /> <br />Feb. 18, 2004 <br />of Sec. 23 <br /> <br />W 1/4 CORNER SEC. 23 <br />T12N~R12W H^LL CO. <br />Found 3" Brollll Cgp <br />Tlell; E ,JO.8~' to. Noll ,..... JeFF' <br />E: 33.00' to 1/2" R.b<:Ir" W/V.Uow CQP <br />SE 35.70' to Noll In Top of CF'P <br />SW 44.2.5' .to Noll In Wornln9 PQ~t <br /> <br />A troct of land located in the Northwet One-Quarter (NW 1/4) of Section 23. (Sec. 23) Tow'n.hlp 12 NOrth, Ronge 12 West, <br />(T12N-R12W) of the Sixth Principal Merldlon (6th P.M), HolI County; Nebrosko, sold troct bein<jl more portliculorly d..scrlbed Os <br />Referring to the West 1/4 of Sec. 23, T12N-R12W of the 6~h P,M.. HolI County, Nebraska, aald Wesl 1/4 carner being the <br />ACTUAL POINT OF BEGINNING: runninJL th..nce North 00'14'11' Eost (ossumed beorlngs) ond olong the We.t line of the sold <br />NW 1/4 of Sec. 23 0 distonce of 692.51l feet; running thence Soulh 88'29'12" Eost 0 distonce of 642.96 feet; running <br />thence Sauth 00'41'11" West, poroll..1 wllh the soid West line of the sold NW 1/.4 a distance of 656.21 feet 10 0 poinl <br />locoled on th<l South line of the sold NW 1/4; running thence Sou th 88'55'53' Wesl ond olong the sold Soulh line a <br />distance of 642.95 feet. more or le.s, to the ACTUAL POINT OF BEGINNING, soid tract contolning 0 colculoted area of <br />10.006 Acres, more or less, of which th.. Westerly 33.00 feet lhereof Is presently being occupied by a p'ubllc raod. <br />l!l <br />'::~, z <br />~~ rl-" ~ <br />;:;~- <br /> <br />~ ~f, ;)i <br />~ .... <br />,~ <br />.... <br /> <br />.ro~n B..1\.""1 <br />15>.n W. Nt iI"y'4- <br />(a1'V"D IUt. tla~'i <br /> <br />BELLAMY SURVEY <br /> <br />LEGAL DESCRIPTION <br /> <br />follows: <br /> <br />0," <br />Q -. <br />,,:::~ <br />z -. <br />_-I'rJ <br />~~ <br /> <br />:1 <br /> <br />~( <br />~rl <br />'"' - <br />U> <br /> <br /><D! <br /> <br />'" <br />'" <br /> <br />PAGE 1 OF 1 <br />