<br />. ' .
<br />
<br /> e ~ e
<br /> '200<7093,11
<br />payment of: Fiduciary income tax; $5,543.13 to such Elsie
<br />Contryman; and, costs and expenses of recording this Final Decree
<br />
<br />in Hall, Howard and Garden Lounties, in Nebraska, - shall be paid
<br />
<br />over and transf erred by the executrix to clsia Contryman and The
<br />
<br />first National Bank of Grand Island, Grand Island, Nebraska as
<br />
<br />Trustees of the H.esiduary Trust Estate of Orin Contryman, deceased,
<br />
<br />pursuant to Section 4 of Part Third of the Will of such decedent.
<br />
<br />The residue and remainder of real property and interest in real
<br />
<br />property including oil, gas and other mineral rights of such Orin
<br />
<br />Contryman, deceased, including:
<br />
<br />
<br />The Northeast Quarter (NEJ4); Th~ West
<br />Half of the Southeast Quarter (~~SB4);
<br />and the West Half of the East Half (~J.:J:J)
<br />of the ~outheast Quarter (SE~), of ~ection
<br />Thirteen (13), Township Sixteen (16) North,
<br />Range Forty-three (43), West of the 6th
<br />P. M., in Garden County, Nebraska.
<br />
<br />EXCEPTING minerals, subject to the life
<br />estate of Alice Contryman.
<br />
<br />
<br />The Northeast C,uarter (N~); the West Half
<br />of the Southeast Lluarter (\'~S8~) t and the
<br />hest Half of the iast Half (\'J2&~J of the
<br />~outheast ~uarter (~B~), of Section Thirteen
<br />(13), Township ~ixteen \16) North, Range
<br />Forty-three (43), West of the 6th P. M.
<br />
<br />The South LaIf (~) of Section Four (4),
<br />North Half of the North Half (>>2~), The
<br />South Half of the Northeast Quarter (~NE.h;),
<br />and the North Half of the South Half (~Sl-2),
<br />of Section Five, (5), (except West 6.88 Rods
<br />oftha Northeast Quarter of the Southwest
<br />Quarter and except all that part of the
<br />Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter
<br />lying North of the Union Pacific Railroad
<br />right-of-way, of said Section Five (5); the
<br />No;rtheast Quarter (NS~), the North Half of
<br />the Southeast Quarter (~Sb4), and the South-
<br />east Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (SB~~8~)
<br />of Sec~io~ Eight (8~t ~ll of Section Ni.ne (9);
<br />rownsh~p :;)ixteen {Ib} North, Range Forty-three
<br />(43) .. West (except those parcels of land deeded to
<br />the State of Nebraska under date of July 11,
<br />1942, and recorded in Book 12, Page 187~ and
<br />
<br />Lots One (1), Two (2), Three (3) and Four (4),
<br />in Section Sixteen (16), in Township Sixteen
<br />(16), North Range Forty-three (43), West of
<br />tha 6th P. M., in Garden County, Nebraska; suh-
<br />ject to the right-of-way of the Union Pacific
<br />hail~oad Cou~8ny and Subject to easement to the
<br />State of Nebraska for removal of dirt from
<br />4.769 acres in several parcels adjoining portions
<br />of parcels of land deeded to the State of
<br />Nebraska under date of July 11, 1942.
<br />
<br />-4-
<br />
<br />.;., .rt.
<br />