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<br />200709161 <br /> <br />B. All future advances from Beneficiary to. Truster o.r ether future o.bligatio.ns o.f Trusto.r to. Beneficiary under any <br />promiSSo.ry no.te, co.ntract, guaranty, o.r ether evidence o.f debt executed by Trusto.r in favo.r o.f Beneficiary after <br />this Secunty Instrument whether o.r no.t this Security Instrument is specifically referenced. If than perso.n <br />signs this Security Instrument, each Trusto.r agrees that this Security Instrument will secure all future advances and <br />future o.bligatio.ns that are given to. o.r incurred by any o.r Trusto.r, or any or more Truster and o.thers. <br />All future advances and o.ther future o.bligatio.ns are secured by this Security Instrument even tho.ugh all o.r part <br />may no.t yet be advanced. All future advances and o.ther future o.bligatio.ns are secured as if made o.n the date o.f this <br />Security Instrument. No.thing in this Security Instrument shall co.nstitute a co.mmitment to. make additio.nal o.r <br />future leans o.r advances in any amo.unt. Any such co.mmitment must be agreed to. in a separate writing. <br />C. All o.ther o.bligatio.ns Trustor ewes to. Beneficiary, which may lat~r arise, to. tl1e extt;nt no.t prohibited by law, <br />including, but no.t limited to, liabilities fo.r o.verdrafts relating to. aQ.~ilepo.sit accOunt.agreement between Trusto.r <br />and Beneficiary. <br />D. All additio.nal sums advanced and expenses incurred by Beneficiary fo.r insuring, preserving o.r o.therwise <br />pro.tecting the Pro.perty and its value and any o.ther sums advanced and expenses incurred by Beneficiary under the <br />terms o.f this Security Instrument. <br />In the event that Beneficiary fails to. pro.vide any required no.tice o.f the right o.f rescissio.n, Beneficiary waives any <br />subsequent security interest in the Trusto.r's principal dwelling that is created by this Security Instrument. <br /> <br />S. DEED OF TRUST COVENANTS. Truster agrees that the co.venants in this sectio.n are material o.bligatio.ns under the <br />Secured Debt and this Security Instrument. If Truster breaches any co.venant in this sectio.n, Beneficiary may refuse to. <br />make additio.nal extensio.ns o.f credit and reduce the credit limit. By no.t exercising either remedy o.n Trustor's breach, <br />Beneficiary no.t waive Beneficiary's right to. later co.nsider the event a breach if it happens again. <br /> <br />Payments. Trustor .agrees thatlli.l Eaym~nts under the Secured Debt will be paid when due and in accordance with the <br />terms o.f the Securea Debt and rIus ~cuniy Instmment. <br /> <br />Prio.r Security Interests. With regard to. any o.ther mo.rtgage, deed Df trust, security agreement o.r o.ther lien do.cument <br />that created a priDr security interest o.r encumbrance o.n the Pro.perty, Trustor agrees to. make all payments when due and <br />to. perfDrm o.r cDmply with all CDvenants. Truster also. agrees no.t to. allDw any mDdificatiDn o.r extensio.n o.f, no.r to. <br />request any future advances under any nDte o.r agreement secured by the lien dDcument witho.ut Beneficiary's prio.r <br />wntten appro.val. <br /> <br />Claims Against Title. TrustDr will pay all taxes (including any tax assessed to. this Deed Df Trust), assessments, liens, <br />encumbrances, lease payments, ground rents, utilities, and o.ther charges relating to. the Property when due. Beneficiary <br />may require Trustor to. provide to. Beneficiary co.pies o.f all no.tices that such amDunts are due and the receipts evidencing <br />TrustDr's payment. Trustor will defend title to. the Pro.perty against any claims that wo.uld impair the lien o.f this <br />Security Instrument. Trustor agrees to. assign to. Beneficiary, as requested by Beneficiary, any rights, claims Dr defenses <br />Trustor may have against parties who. supply labo.r o.r materials to. maintain Dr improve the Pro.perty. <br />Pro.l,lerty Co.nditio.n, Alteratio.ns and Inspectio.n. Trustor will keep the Property in go.o.d co.nditiDn and make all <br />repam that are reasDnably necessary. Trusto.r shall no.t co.mmit Dr allDW any waste, impairment, o.r deteriDratiDn Df the <br />Pro.perty. Trustor agrees that the nature o.f the o.ccupancy and use will net substantially change WithDut Beneficiary's <br />prio.r written CDnsent. Trustor will net permit any change in any license, restrictive co.venant Dr easement WithDut <br />Beneficiary's priDr written CDnsent. Trusto.r will no.tify Beneficiary Df all demands, pro.ceedings, claims, and actiDns <br />against Trusto.r, and o.f any IDSS or damage to. the Pro.perty. <br /> <br />Beneficiary Dr Beneficiary's agents may, at Beneficiary's DptiDn, enter the Pro.perty at any reasDnable time for the <br />purpDse Df inspecting the Property. Beneficiary shall give TrustDr nDtice at the time o.f o.r before an inspectiDn <br />specifying a reasDnable fer the inspectio.n. Any inspectiDn Df the Pro.perty shall be entirely fDr Beneficiary's <br />benefit and Trustor will m no. way rely o.n Beneficiary's inspectiDn. <br />Autho.rity to. Perfo.rm. If Trustor fails to. perfo.rm any duty Dr any Df the CDvenants co.ntained in this Security <br />Instrument, Beneficiary may, WithDut nDtice, perfo.rm o.r cause them to' be perfDrmed. Truster appo.ints Beneficiary as <br />atto.rney in fact to. sign TrustDr's name Dr pay any amo.unt necessary fo.r ?erfDrmance. Beneficiary's right to. perfo.rm fDr <br />Truster shall no.t create an o.bligatiDn to' perfo.rm, and Beneficiary's fallure to' perform will no.t preclude Beneficiary <br />fro.m exercising any o.f Beneficiary's Dther rights under the law Dr this Security Instrument. <br /> <br />; Co.ndo.miniums; Planned Unit Develo.pments. Trusto.r agrees to. cDmply with the provisio.ns o.f any lease <br />if this Security Instrument is o.n a leasehDld. If the Property includes a unit in a cDndDmimum o.r a planned unit <br />develo.pment, Truster will perfo.rm all Df Trustor's duties under the cDvenants, by-laws, o.r regulatio.ns o.f the <br />cDndDminium Dr planned unit develo.pment. <br /> <br />Co.ndemnatio.n. Trusto.r will give Beneficiary pro.mpt nDtice Df any pending or threatened actiDn, by private Dr public <br />entities to. purchase or take any o.r all o.f the Pro.perty through condemnatIOn, eminent do.main, Dr any Dther means. <br />Trusto.r authDrizes Beneficiary to' intervene in Trusto.r's name in any Df the described actio.ns or claims. Trusto.r <br />assigns to' B~neficiary the p.1o.ceed~QJ any award. Dr claimiordamages cQnQ~cted with,tc.9J.1d...e.mnatiDn or Qther taking Df <br />all or any part o.f the Pro.perty. Such proceeds shall be co.nsidered payments and will be applied as prDvided in this <br />Security Instrument. This assignment Df proceeds is subject to. the terms Df any prier mo.rtgage, deed Df trust, security <br />agreement o.r o.ther lien dDcument. <br />Insurance. Trusto.r shall keep Property insured against by fire, flDDd, theft and o.ther hazards and risks reasDnably <br />assDciated with the Pro.perty due to' its type and IDcatio.n. This insurance shall be maintained in the amo.unts and fDr the <br />perio.ds that Beneficiary requires. What Beneficiary requires pursuant to' the preceding two. sentences can change during <br />the term o.f the Secured Debt. The insurance carrier prDviding the insurance shall be cho.sen by Trustor subject to. <br />Beneficiary's approval, which shall nDt be unreasDnably withheld. If TrustDr fails to' maintain the co.verage described <br />abDve, Beneficiary may, at Beneficiary's o.ptiDn, o.btain cDverage to. protect Beneficiary's rights in the Pro.perty <br />acco.rding to. the terms o.f this Security Instrument. <br /> <br />All insurance pDlicies and renewals shall be acceptable to. Beneficiary and shall include a standard "mo.rtgage clause" <br />and, where applicable, "IDSS payee clause." Trusto.r shall immediately no.tify Beneficiary Df cancellatiDn or terminatio.n <br />o.f the insurance. Beneficiary shall have the right to. ho.ld the pDlicies and renewals. If Beneficiary requires, Truster shall <br />immediately give to' Beneficiary all receipts o.f paid prerruums and renewal no.tices. UpDn IDSS, TrustDr shall give <br />immediate nDtice to' the insurance carrier and Beneficiary. Beneficiary may make pro.Df Df IDSS if nDt made immediately <br />by TruStDr. <br />Unless Dtherwise agreed in writing, all insurance proceeds shall be applied to' the restDratiDn Dr repair o.f the Pro.perty Dr <br />to' the Secured Debt, whether o.r nDt then due, at Beneficiary's o.ptio.n. Any applicatiDn Df pro.ceeds to. principal shall nDt <br />extend o.r the due date Df the scheduled payment no.r change the amDunt Df any payment. An;y excess will be <br />paid to. the Trusto.r. If the PrDperty is acquired by Beneficiary, TrustDr's right to. any insurance po.licies and proceeds <br />resulting fro.m damage to. the Property before the acquisitio.n shall pass to' Beneficiary to. the extent o.f the Secured Debt <br />immediately the acquisitiDn. <br /> <br />C-07-10-17-000070 <br /> <br />(page 2 of 4) <br /> <br />~$ 01994 Bankors Systems, Inc" St. Cloud, MN Form OCP-REOT-NE 5/10/2005 <br /> <br />. -C465(NE) 105061 <br />@ <br />