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<br />LIVERMORE SUBDIVISION <br />THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA <br /> <br />N <br />IS <br />IS <br />-..J <br />IS <br />(0 <br />...... <br />W <br />..p. <br /> <br />i <br />, I <br />i I LoU} f~~~_ <br />LitH 1 I Q!ll I I --~ <br />BI..... i ~ . ~___@"_",,Ir!;;;~.. " <br /> <br />----------: IQJ ~ : I <br />: 8: d. ClU trJ : <br />ft@aufItJUIlfl//: '" I I <br />J' I iil '" : : <br />: ~,,: I )15.40' A (.175_0' R) I S 69"56'1 rl M3umed Beor/f/9 <br /> <br />I!. ~ : ~ ;g ! "~~ ( IU7:1S A Imo R "!! 187.{;$' A (lmo R) <br />: ... ~ &l ~ I J <br />$r;@@/IU// I ~ ~ 0; ,--,., 1 ~~; ~ 2 <br />: :..' V ~( tA "'~ ~ ~ <br />:"~ I\.. / I I <br />: rm::: I -.... "";? 190.J5" A.t R : : i8$..f)21 A (lfJ6;OO'R) <br />- - "" - - - - - - -1 \ J76.J7' A (J76,J' R) N 89'66'.19" W I <br />IkJJ @. If fItJ ! rm.DJ 5J ff @P, \ IkJJ @ If fit} ff fit} f9) ~ ff rtiJ (fJ f <br />LoU II " " I!.<<H 19 \ L@U RB : <br />------~ \ A]1t;U'@$1 \ i <br /> <br />" \\--------------------;----------------1 <br />\, \ AlIt;U'@$1 <br />," \ <br />> ", L@U2fJ " I!.q;U26 <br />/ \ !JaulfJJ. " <br /> <br />/LoUD <br /> <br />4..@UI9 <br /> <br />$ O/J 1fJJ. <br /> <br />4..IfH 17 <br /> <br />r/Jo ! ufl <br /> <br />!JO/JIfJJ. <br /> <br />A ckn owled(jement <br />Slalo Of Nebraska ss <br />Counly Of Hall, '" , _ ,I Q f' ' <br />On Ihe_l2l!day o'--~~, 2007, before me,~f-L----->Al.(J/~,{J:tL;--- <br />a Nolary Public wilhln and for said Counly, personally appoarod JAMCS C. <br />LlVeRMORC and MARL YS M. LlVCRMORC, husband and wife, and 10 me persanally <br />known 10 be Iho idonllcal persans whoso slgnalures are afflxod herela, and Ihal <br />each did acknowledge Ihe oxocullon lhereof 10 bo his or her volunlary acl ond <br />dood, <br />IN WITNCSS WHCRCOF, I hove herounlo subscribed my name and affixed my <br />official seal al Grand Islan,!! Neb,-a.s~'J on lhe dole lasl abovo wr/JIen. <br />My commission explres-ribcutL'f--.blf!,<l!!J. <br /> <br />"!nL/,QWlY. SliItal HtIlrJJJ' ~\ ~ <br />'11. DEn't1.. 80, IIUE/iF/IE.' <br />Mt(QfI!l'yII~.~ - orY t.i c .~- <br /> <br />Surve1'-Qr's Certificate <br />I hereby cerllfy Ihal On Seplemborl2, 2007, I complelod 011 accuralo survoy of <br />'LlVCRMORC SUBDIVISION', In Ihe Cily of Grand Island, Nebraska, as shown an Ihe <br />accompanying pial Ihereof; Ihal Ihe lois, blocks, slrools, avenues, alloys, parks, <br />commans and olhor grounds as conlalned In safd subdivision as shown on Iho <br />accompanying pial Ih6rool ore well and accuralely slaked off and marked; Ihal <br />iron markers Were placed 01 all 101 comers; Ihal Iho dlmB/lsions of oach 101 ore <br />os shown on Ihe pial; Ihal each 101 boors lis own numbor; and Ihal said survoy <br />was mode wllh relerellco 10 known and recordod monumenls. <br /> <br />i.\lRAI~ <br />"'~;;;'~"''1.9i';-;1 <br /> <br />Seubs <br />~ I"'t ~ i:i <br />.~-? 'l;~l%~}~'\' <br />A ~. I <br />Submllled 10 and approved by Ihe Rog/onal Plann/ng Commission of Hall Counly, <br />Grand Island, Wood River and Iho V/J/ages of Aida, Cairo and Ooniphan, Nobraska. <br /> <br /> <br />C ' <br /> <br />o.m .nfrei, R'9~J Su;"eyor No. 578 <br /> <br />.~~ /O")f..r;/ <br />Chairman <br /> <br />-d?L&.&~ <br />Dale <br /> <br />Approveb~nd acceplod by Ihe Ci/y of Grand Island, N8braska, Ihls-.dJ;L_ <br />d'} ~h.. r , 2007. <br /> <br />::' ~",.-~d. d <br />I'~ /~~~__ <br />'\ .,,' ,Mayor U <br /> <br />~~'" 9D~. <br />Clly Clsrk <br /> <br />(Seal) <br /> <br /> <br />", <br /> <br />IN <br /> <br />flOCKWEll ANO ASSOC. 1.I.C. <br /> <br />LCGCNO <br />\ .-Indlco/.. 1/2. IrOfl Pip. FOUlld Unl... Olhorwlso Nol.d <br />, IL @ t R t a-Indlco/.. 1/2" Iron PIp' w/Surv.y Cop PloCld Un/... O/horwl.. Nol.d <br />\ A-Indlcol.. ACTUAL 01'/0."" <br />, fI-lndlco/.. fllCOflO(O 01$10/1" <br />". ~,,-- _ _ __ _ J.1l P&IQn.E~s Shown 011 Cum ArB Chord Olslancos <br /> <br />((; d O/J/b i - ... <br />.................... I <br />-~ I <br />~~, I <br />~i ... <br />:~ <br />: ~ <br />: '" <br /> <br />@,!w@ <br /> <br />r'.~~~--------_. <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />r------"...-..--. <br />I <br />: !JO/JIfJJ@/!W!$!@fItJ <br />I <br />: lLo94 <br />: IfU<<j{{JIk 6 <br />I <br />I <br />r~r' ""_._--~~'~--_, <br /> <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br /> <br />t-----~-~-~~~ <br />, <br /> <br />fJ <br /> <br />'... <br /> <br />L@UR <br /> <br />~ <br />" <br />~ <br /> <br />'" <br />... <br />" <br />8 <br />~ <br />__J ~ <br /> <br /><Wl <br />- <br />~ <br />~ <br />"- <br />"01 <br />CQ\" <br /> <br /> !1i ,,~ ~i <br />,,* -";I ~~ <br />~': r1, -, ~; <br />!.~.~~ ,,' c,~ <br />-" --'ff <br />~~ t -0 II IU d <br />r- ~ll <br />;:;J t~ '("~ =l <br />(."j ~ <br /> -" <br /> <J' ,,, -"~ <br /> "' <br /> <br />L @ Utli <br /> <br />L eUJll DescriuNon <br />A Iracl al land comprising a pari of Ihe Casl Half 01 Ihe Norlhwo$/ Quar/er <br />(n/2NW1j4) of Secl/on Twenly Clghl (28), Township Cleven (II) Norlh, Range NiM <br />(9) Wosl of Ihe 61h. P.M" In Iho Clly Of Grand Island, Hall Counly, N~braska, more <br />parl/cularly doscrlbed as follows: <br />Boglnning 01 Ihe saulhwosl cornor of Lot Tell (10), Block Six (6), Coulllry Club <br />Subdivision; Ihonco running easlerly alollg Iho soulh I/ne of Lois T B/I (/0) and <br />Ninele.n (19), Block Six (6), Counlry Club Subdivision, on 011 Assumod aearillg of <br />S89'56'11 "f, a dlslanco of Three J/ulldrod Sovonly Five and F orly Hundredlhs <br />(375.40) feel, 10 soulheasl comer of Lol NIMlaon (/9). Block Six (6), Counlry Club <br />Subdivision, and 10 0 polnl on Ihe weslerly rlghf of way IIno of Parkvlqw Or/ve; <br />Ihenco rUllnlllg SOO'I/'55''[, along Iho woslqr/y rlghf of way 11110 of Parkvfew Drivo, <br />a dislanco of One HUlldr.d Twonly Two (/22.00) feel, 10 Iho norlhoas/ comer of <br />Lol TWOf1ly Six (26), Mornlngslde Acres Subdivision; Ihonco rUllnlng N89'56'39"W, <br />along Ihe norlh lillo of Lol Twenly Six (26), Mornlngsldq Acr.s Subdlvisioll, ond Iho <br />norlh line of Lol Ninol.on (19), Mornillgsldo Acros T/ltrd Subdivision, cJ dlslar/ce of <br />Throo Hundred Sev8l/Iy five and Thlrly Soven Hundredlhs (375.37) feel, 10 Ihe <br /> cornar of Lol Nineleen (/9), Mornlngslde Acres Third Subdivision, and 10 <br />o polnl an Iho easlorly rlgh! of way line af Rivorvlow Drive; Ihence runnillg <br />NOO'12'47"W, along Ihe oaslerly r/ghl of way line af Rlvorvlow Drive, a dlslanc. of <br />One Hundred Twellly Two and Six Hundredlhs (/22.06) foel, 10 Ihe polnl of <br />beglnnillg and conlalnlng 1.052 acros moro or less. <br />DedIcation <br />-KNOW ALL MCN BY THCSC PRCSCNTS, Ihal, JAMES C. UVCRMORC und MARL YS M. <br />LlVCRMORf, husband and wife, bqing Ihe OWn.fS of /he land described IIoroon, <br />have causod sumo 10 be surveyod, subdlvldod, plal/ed and dosignol.d os <br />'UVCRMORC SUBDIVISION' In Ihe Cily of Grand Island, N.brosku, as shown on Iho <br />accompanying pial Ihoreof, and do horoby dodlcole Ihe easomonls, if ony, as <br />shown Ihoroon for Iho localloll, conslrucl/on and molnlonance of public sorvlco <br />ulllllies, logelhor wllh Ihe righl of Ingrqss alld Iherelo, and heroby <br />prohlbiling Ihe plan ling of Iroes, bushes and shrubs, or placing olhor ob.lruc/ions <br />upon, ovor, alollg or undernealh 1M surfaco of such easolnBnls; and Ihal Ihe <br />forogolng subdivision as moro parllcularly described III Ihe descripllon horooll os <br />appoars on Ihls pial Is made wilh Ih. Iroo consenl and In accordance wilh Iho <br />doslras of Ihe undorsignod OWllors and propriolors. <br />IN WIfNCSS WHCREOF, we havo aff/xod our siglwlure hor.lo, 01 Grand Island, <br />Nobraska, Ihis_L1..Jiday of_$, 2007. <br /> <br /> <br />~~c. g.e-~...thc.- <br />U' James "C: -Uv.rmoro <br /> <br />.~~~~.~~~ <br /> <br />fNGINEEfI/NG 01' SURVEYING - CRANO ISLA NO, NCOflASKA <br /> <br />SM.I No. / Of I <br />