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<br />THIS INDENTURE, made this 5""""1,. Day de- -IDi4 y' , AD., 2007, between
<br />Pioneer Trail Energy, LLC, a Delaware Limited Liability Company, whose mailing address is
<br />7878 South 140th Road, Wood River, Nebraska, 68883 hereinafter called "COMPANY," its
<br />successors and assigns, and the following named persons, herein, whether singular or plural, called
<br />"OWNER," namely:
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<br />Elvera E. Rohweder and Donald D, Rohweder, wife and husband
<br />625 North 150th Road
<br />Wood River, NE 68883
<br />
<br />WITNESSETH, that for valuable considerations received, OWNER does hereby grant, bargain, sell
<br />and convey unto COMPANY, its successors and assigns, a permanent easement ~feet in width,
<br />being 25 feet left, and 25 feet right of the center line as laid out and/or surveyed, or as finally
<br />installed on the hereinafter described lands, together with the right to construct, operate, maintain,
<br />repair, increase the capacity of, remove, and replace a gas pipeline or lines, including necessary pipes,
<br />poles, and fixtures, through, over, under and across the following described real estate, situated in the
<br />County of Hall State of Nebraska Additionally, OWNER does hereby grant, bargain, sell
<br />and convey unto COMPANY, its successors and assigns,
<br />
<br />The South Fifty (50) feet of the East 132 feet contiguous to the South line in the Southwest Quarter
<br />(SWII4) less the East Seventeen (17) acres of Section Thirteen (13) the located in Township Eleven
<br />(11) North, Range Twelve (12) West of the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska
<br />
<br />Additionally, OWNER does hereby grant, bargain, sell and convey unto COMPANY, its successors
<br />and assigns, a temporary construction easement 15 feet in width, being adjacent to previously
<br />defmed pennanent easement Should additional pipelines be laid under this grant, at any time, an
<br />additional consideration equal to the consideration paid for this grant, calculated on a lineal rod basis,
<br />shall be paid for each additional line.
<br />OWNER, its successors and assigns, agrees not to build, create or construct or permit to be built,
<br />created, or constructed, any obstruction, building, or other structures upon, over, or under the strip of
<br />land herein described or that would interfere with said pipeline or lines or COMP ANY'S rights
<br />hereunder.
<br />OWNER, its successors and assigns, hereby grants to COMPANY, its successors and assigns, the
<br />right at all reasonable times to enter upon said premises for the purpose of laying, constructing,
<br />maintaining, operating, replacing, increasing the capacity of, repairing or removing said gas pipeline or
<br />lines and for the purpose of doing all necessary work in connection therewith.
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