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<br />200708588 <br /> <br />200605938 <br /> <br />lo'iIe /I GW~1.l35- <br /> <br />E~hihit ;'A" <br /> <br />A Iract oi land in Ih& Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Querter (SW1I4 SW1/4) of Section <br />Fourteen (14), Township Eleven (11) North. Range Nine (9) West of the 6th P.M., and more <br />partlclllarly described as followS: Beginning atlhe Southwest corner 01 said Soulhwast Quartar <br />(SW 1/4); thence running Easterly along the South line of said Soulhwest Querter (SW1/4) a <br />distanc,:; of Three Hundred Sixt~' endive Tenths (360.5) feet; thence dellecting lell 90032' and <br />running Nortnerly and parallel to the West tine 01 said Southwest Quarter (SW1I4) a distance of One <br />Hundred Nin.sty-ons and Olle Tenth (191.1)188t; Ulence denecting left 89028' and running Westerly <br />and parallel 10 the South Iina of said Southwast Quarter (SW/14) a distanca of Three Hundred Sixly <br />and Five Tenths (360.5.1 feet to a point on Ihe Wo:lslUne of said Southwest Quarter (SW1/4); thence <br />d6flecllng leil 90032' and running Southerly along the West line of said Southwest Quarter (SW1/4) <br />a distance of One Hundred Nlnely-one and One Tenth (191.1) feet 10 the point of beginning; AND a <br />tract of land comprising a part of the Soulllwest Quarter (SW1I4) of Section Fourteen (14), <br />Township Eleven ('11) North, Range Nina (9) West of the 6th P,M., in Hall County, Nebra5ka, more <br />panicularly described as follows: Beginning al a point on the Weslline of said Sedion Fourteen <br />\141. said point being Dna Hundred Ninety-one and pne Tenth (191.1) feet North of the Southwest <br />corner of said Section Fourteen (14): thence Northerly along the West line of said Section Fourteen <br />(14 l, a distance of Fony-lnree and Tllree Tenths (;13.3) feet; thanes Easterly parallel to the Souih <br />line of said Section FOllrteen(141, e distance of Two Hundred Eighty-six and Eighty-seven <br />Hundredths (285.87) feet; tuence Soultlerly parallel 10 Ihe Weslllne of said Section Fourteen (14), a <br />dlSlanca of Forly-Itlr"" snll Tnree Tenths (43.3) feet; Ihence Westerly parallel to \tIe Soulh line of <br />saia Section Fourteen (14), a distance of Two Hundred Eiglny-six and Eighty-seven Hundredths <br />(285.S7) feallo tho; place 01 beginning. <br />