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<br />II, !' <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />"t' ':: ,..:,:;', <br /> <br />200708532 <br /> <br />'~' DESCRIPTION <br /> <br />':".4 ,lrqcfof land ~~-"'pri~ing 0 part of the Southeast Quarter of the Norfheast Quarter (S[t/4N[t/4)JI1 Section <br />" T(Jlrlyrwo{J1), Township ["Win (11) North, Range Nine (9) West of the 61h P.M." in Hall County, Nebraska, more <br />'portf~uk1rJy described as follows: <br />':,"'JJ.ginning 01 the norlh,ast comer of said Southeast Quarter' of the Northeast Quarter (S[1/4N[t/4); Ihence <br />::,/VIIRlpg ,south,rly along 'h"os! line of said Southeast Quarier of fhe Northeast Ouarter (Sff/4Nn/4), on an <br />hsUm.d Bearing of 502'17'50"(, (1 d;swnce of Two Hundred (200.00) feet, to the ACTUAL poinl of beginning; <br />,f,~conlfnuin.g SU2'17'50"[ along Ihs losl described CO/lfS6, a dislance of Two Hundred forty One and Ninely <br />,,~lWndtwJths (241.99) J~t; IMMM running S89'19'027fW, q .disl4flu 01 One Thousand Thrle Hundred fighffJ8n <br />'JJiJd Se'Jlenly Nine Hundredths (1318.79) feet, 10 0 poInt on the east line of Meadow/ori< [slates Subdivision and 10 <br />W'1>>'''' on Ih8 west line 'of sold Southsast Ouorler of the Northeast Quarter SEf/4NfI/4); Ihence running <br />;'lII2~~9'S9"W, along '#II -efJsj 1ift6(Jf ~lark [slahJs Subdlvlskm -and thewesf 11M of said Souffteasf Ouarler <br />"~r tM &rfheost Quarl~r (Sfl/4Nff/4). 0 distance of Four Hundred 'forty Two (442.00) feet, to Ihe northeast <br />,qfl/nlf of Ueodow/aFk [states Subdivision and the norlhwsst comer of said Southeast Quarter of Ihe Northeast <br />';t#tfIrl6r '{Sft/4NfI/:.Ij.',~ running Ne9' 18 '<12 Hf,aIong IhtJ ncrlh line {Jf said Soofh6as1 Quamr of tM <br />,:-liiJrliefl$tQuorl9f (Sf1/4N[1/-I.), (f di,tance of One Thousand Eighfy Six ond Six Hundredths (1086.06) feet; <br />,jpnc,ruimina S02"11W"E. odlsJance of Two Htmdred (200.00) fesf,' thence funning N89'19lJ2''f, 0 dislon<:e of <br />IrtRJHund1wJ IMrly-:rhre (2J3.()(J) feel, to #Ie ACruM point uf 'beginning <br />. "' I , I ' <br /> <br />'J. ~' . . <br />'i'~r,h'" ',.,', 'j" " ' <br />~t~:.j":',, :".,.... ""': .4.1,1"' ", \'" <br /> <br />,,' <br /> <br />~ii':,,! <br /> <br /> <br />.. :.. <br /> <br />. --~:: <br /> <br />I:) <br /> <br />t.' <br />~~ '+ <br /> <br />.':':',~. "~";;.:".'"'":n'_:: ."_._.;"."....,._,.,,.,....:.:__,,__~,,::..~~~,.~~'........._, <br />