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<br />200708531
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<br />'~' DESCRIPrION
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<br />"",4 ,lIverof land ;~;"pr;;Tng 0 port of the Southeast Ouarler of fhe Northeast Quarter (Sff/4Nfl/4),in Section
<br />'",Iffy Two (32), Township' EI,'ltJn (11) Norlh, Range Nine (9) West of the 6th P.M." in Hall County. Nebraska, more
<br />,'porl;fulqrly described as follows:
<br />::,";''-gt'nnlng af the norlhlost comer of said SOtlth~asf Ouan,r- of the Northeast Ouarter (StJ/4NtJ/4); Ih~nc8
<br />';ll/IfIiirIgsoulh,,'y along fheeas! line 0.( said Soulh~ost Quamr of the Northeast Ouarter (SfI/4N!1/4), on an
<br />,AtSumfd Bearing of S02'17'SO"[, a dismnce of Two Hundred (200.00) fe6t, to fhe ACTUAL poinl of beginning;
<br />,;,~ncfconllnuil1.g S02',7'SO"f along Ihs lasl described cOlJrse, a distance of Two Hundred Forty One and Ninety
<br />.~"fIulJf:JrnHhs (241.98) JlHfi i~.. nmning S89"19'02""W, adiskmce 0/ On9 ThousonQ Thr~ Hundr9d figh/.Hn
<br />lAnd, Se'llenfy Nine Hundredths (1318.79) feel, 10 a poInt on the east line of Meadowlark [slales Subdivision and 10
<br />;;~J#rft on lhe west line ()f said Soutbeast Quarter of Ihe Northeast Ouorter St1/4NEI/4); Ihence running
<br />"fIJ~19'59"W, fJlMg '#HI fIiJsJ line, tN Itht1dowIark Estams SuMivisi()fl -and fhewesl line of saki SotJtfteast Ouarler
<br />,'~r fhf&rlheosl Quart/Jr (Sn/4NE1/4), a disfance of Four Hundred Forty Two (442.00) feet, to the northeast
<br />iqfl,l77ff of Jleodowlark fstoles SubdM$icn and the norlhwest comer of said Southeast Ouarter of the Northeast
<br />\.'*' {Sfl/-4Nll A):'~ MfItitrg N89'19 '02 "E,aIong fhe ft{}rfh line (J( said Soulh8asf Quarter of the
<br />:'NiirlIief1$iOuarllr (SfJ/4Ntl/4), 0- distance of One Thousand Eighfy Six and Six Hundredths (1086.06) feet,'
<br />,~. ruimlll:g SOrI1~'t adlsJanee oJ Two Hundred (200.aO) feel,' Humee ronning N89~/9'a2't a distance of
<br />mHWdnd IMrly-:rhre (2J3.()(J) feel, to 1he ACrUM poirrt uf beglrmmy
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