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<br />.~ <br /> <br />.. <br /> <br />or' .: '",,:J\ <br /> <br />200708530 <br /> <br />''lllML' DESCRIPTION <br />" "..4 Jl11c.f.,of lo~~;;'pri;lng 0 parl of !he Sou!heas! Quarler of the Northeast Quarter (S[1/4#ff/4),lil Section <br />'1'(Urly Two (32), Township [liven (11) Horin, Range Nine (9) West of fhe 61h P.M., in Hall Counfy. Nebraska, more <br />,'porlic.ukrrly described as follows; <br />:i,",Ji.glnnlng fll Ihe nOrfh,osf comer of said Soulheosl Ouarlfr. of the Narlh6as! Quarter ($f1/4Nff/4),. thence <br />"ifVRIiIMI ,soulh"ly along fheeos! line of said Soulh8os1 Quarter of fhe Norlheosf Ouarler (Sf1/4NCf/4), on an <br />:AfWm<<i Bearing of 502'17'50"[, 0 dislrmce of Two Hundred (200.00) feet, fa fhfJ ACTUAL point of beginning; <br />,;,~ncfconHnuing 502'17'50"[ along the last described COllrS6, (} distance of Two Hundred Forty One and Ninety <br />'~"I/JJ!tdr:Idths (24J.!J9) INt: I~~ nmning SB9'19'OP'W, utfiskmce of One Thousand Three Hundred Dght.een <br />~,;4l1d S8\1fmfy N;ne Hundredths (t318.79) feet, fo 0 poInt on the east line of Meadowlark Estates Subdivision and to <br />;;,,~p;nnl on Ihe weMI/ne 'of said Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter SEr/4NEI/4); thence running <br />~MU~19's!J"W, alottgfM -efJsJ -1#16, <H Meedowlork EslahJs SuMivlSi"" -aM lhewesf line of said Soulheasf Quarter <br />:~r 1M ,Norlheast Ouarl6r (SC1/4NE1/4), a rjistonce of Four Hundred 'forly Two (442.00) feel, to the northeast <br />;'cQrner of J4odowlark fsfoles Subdivision and Ih8 northwesl comer of said Southeasl Quarter of the Northeast <br />\Q"tarlilr '(~, /411(1/-1): ~ running ~9'19 '<J2 Hf,aJoog Ihe Mrth line of said Soolhsosf Quorler of tM <br />,:-tlm-fll/Quarflr (SfJ/4Ntl/-I), C1 di,tance of One Thousand fighty Six and Six Hundredths (1086.06) feet; <br />,>~. ruiinln,g SOrJl~".E. ad1sJance of Two fWndred (200.00) feef,' thence running N89'19 'fJ2 ''f.. a distance of <br />1r~H:mdred . Thkt-;irf7re (235.()(J) feel, to 1he ACrUM point of beginning <br />. -t I i I <br /> <br />: ,!'::\:x.hl! , "', .::'; '.~..', <br />'~iJ;":'.:"'J ",,~ <br /> <br />.'1'1 <br /> <br />.,.' <br /> <br />~~;~:.":' <br /> <br /> <br />... '", <br />'~:? <br /> <br />, ;i~?:.;t/' <br /> <br />.,: ' <br />. ~:; I,' <br /> <br />-,. ,.."; "', <br /> <br />,'", ,',t: <br /> <br />'" <br /> <br />, , , <br />. .....-----.. ._~~. <br /> <br />.~.~.~~.,----------""--,;...................,. <br /> <br />...i.... .m .." <br /> <br />fi <br />~~ '. <br /> <br />,;.' . L <br /> <br />" <br />