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<br />200708529
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<br />,tEfML DESCR!t?floN
<br />" , ,,A lIVetof land comprising 0 port of the Southeast Ouarler of Ihe Northeast Ouarter (Sff/4NfI/4),I;1 Section
<br />.' ""Iffy Two (32), Township n,ven (11) North, Range Nif1(J (9) West of the 61h P.M., in Hall Coun/y, Nebraska, more
<br />,'porl!c.ulorly descnoed os follows:
<br />::,<>\JJ.gt'nnlng at the northlas/ comer of sold Sou/heasl Ouarler. of the Norlheast Quarter (Sff/4NfJ/4),. /hence
<br />",/illMingsoulh,rly along fheeas! line o.{ said Sou/hlast Ouortfr of /he Northeast Ouarter (SfT/4N!1/4), on on
<br />:.Asiumed Bearing of 502.,7'50''[, a distance of Two Hundred (200.aa) feet, to the ACTUAL point of beginning;
<br />'f,~conlfnuin9 502.,7'50"[ along the losl described course, 0 dislance of Two Hundred Forty One and Ninety
<br />dlJit! .fWndrwJths (241.:99) Jut; f~4 ronning S89'19'02"'W. odislcnce of On, Thousand Three Hundred fightHn
<br />;;JJlldSevenfy Nine Hundredths (1318.79) feet, to 0 point on /he eosf line of Meadowlark Estates Subdivision and to
<br />;;~-p4inl on Ihe weslline 'of said Soutbeast Quarter of Ihe Northeast Quarter SfI/4NfI/4),. thence running
<br />.'lI82WJ'59"W, a!off9'/he fMsI liM, of Mesdowlark [slams SuMiviSirm and fhe'west li(ffl of said SouHteasl Ouarter
<br />;~f 1M lWrlheasf OuarffJr (SEI/4Nff/4), a distance of Four Hundred Forly Two (442.00) feet, 10 the northeast
<br />"ccmet of lieodowlark Estates Subdivision and the northwest comer of said Southeast Ouarter of the Northeast
<br />ittarllr{Sffl-.tNfI/4); -1henctI f'fJflIting N89' 19 '02 "f,alcng the If(Jrfh line {)f said S(JIJlheast Quqrter of f~
<br />:1iiJrlIltf/sIQuarflf (SfJ/4NE1/4), (f dislance of One Thousand Eighty Six and Six Hundredths (1086.06) feet;
<br />'/flsnc- ruimJI19 SO:rll~".E. ad13lance of Two Hundred (200.00) feet,' thence runninQ N89"19'o2''f, a distoMe of
<br />~'"Hzi!1dmJ 'fhfrlr:thre (253.()()) 1eet, to #Ie ACr,UM po"'! .ut. begfnnfng
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