<br />" .
<br />
<br />Attachment A
<br />
<br />2007084~2
<br />
<br />PARCEL A:
<br />
<br />The Northwest Quarter (NW1/4) of Section Twenty-three (23), Township Twelve (12) North, Range
<br />Twelve (12), West oCtile 6th P.M., fIall County, Nebraska, e~cepting a tract conveyed by a
<br />Warranty Deed filed On February 2, 2004, as document '# 200400978 with the Ball County Register
<br />of Deeds, and excepting a tract conveyed by Warranty Peed filed on March 21,1995, as document #
<br />95~101612 with the Ball Connty Regi'ter of Deeds.
<br />
<br />PARCEl.. B:
<br />
<br />Lou One (1), Three (3) and Five (5), and Outlots A, B, C and D, Belbmy's First Subdivision, Hall
<br />County, Nebraska.
<br />
<br />PARCEL C:
<br />
<br />The Soutbwest Quarter (SWl/4) of Section One (1), Township Twelve (12) North, Range Twelve (12)
<br />West of tbe 6th P.M., llall County, Nebraska, excepting the East Half of the Southeast Quarter of
<br />the Southwest Quarter (E1/2 SEl/4 SW1l4) of Section One (1), Township Twelve (12) North, Range
<br />Twelve (12), West oftbe 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />
<br />PARCEL D:
<br />
<br />A tlilct of land comprising a part of the Northeast Quarter (NEl/4) of Section Twenty Three (23),
<br />Township Twelve (12)North, Range Twelve (12) West of the 6th :r.M., BaIl County, Nebraska, and
<br />more particularly described a5 follows:
<br />First to lUcertain the point of beginning, start at the northwest corner of said Northeast Quar:ter
<br />(NE1/4); thence running easterly, along and upon the north line of said Northeast Quarter (NE1I4).
<br />a distance of Nine Hundred Five and Thirty Two Hundredths (905.32) feeti tbence deflecting rigbt
<br />91042'58" and running southerly a distance of Seventy Four and Twenty Three Hundredths (74.23)
<br />feet to a point on the southerly right of way line of State Highway No.2 (as described in Warranty
<br />Deed 95-102715, llall County Register of Deeds Office). said point also being the ACTUAL point of
<br />beginning; thence continuing sootherly, along and upon the previously course, a distance of Two
<br />Thousand Forty Seven and Ninety Sit. Hundredths (2,047.96)Jeet; thence deflecting left 89021'13"
<br />and running eastedy, it dis~2.nce cfTwo H.uodred Fifty Two and Twenty Nine Hundredths (252.29)
<br />feet; thence deflecting left 91014':23" and running northerly, a distance of One Thousand Five
<br />Hundred Sevent)' and Fiff}' Three Hundredths (1,570.53) teet; thence deflecting dght 91030'35" and
<br />running easterly, a distance of Four Hundred Nineteen and Seventy One H.undredths (419.71) feet;
<br />thence deflecting left 91039'06" and running northerly, a distance of Four Hundred Sixty Five and
<br />Seventeen fIundredths (465.17) feet to it point on said lUlutherly highway right olway line, said point
<br />being One Hundred Fifteen and Fifty Nine Hundredths (115.59) feet south of (as measured along
<br />and upon said previousl)' described course) the north line of said Northeast Quarter (NEl /4)i thence
<br />deflecting left 91052' 45" and running westerly, along and upon said southerly highway right of 'Way
<br />line, a distance of Fifty Two and Sixty Nine Hundredths (52.69) feet; thence deflecting right .
<br />08014'44" and running westerly, along and upon said southerly highway right of way Une, II distance
<br />otThree Hundred Two and Three Hundredths (302.03) feet; thence deflecting left 06039'16" and
<br />running westerly, along and upon said southerly highway right olway line, a distance of Two
<br />Hundred Ninety Six and Fifty Four Hundredths (296.54) feet to the ACTUAL point of beginning.
<br />