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<br />AC1U4l Pcint O~~~~1/~9 S 9'54'J9" S/tcliofl Un,
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<br />_ \: .._~_ MlminU/n Cap
<br />
<br />HD....D_L (J S C riJ2J..i.JLrL .
<br />I lIiiiby csrlify Ihal On Augusl 6. 2007, I complsl.d on accurol. surv.y of
<br />'PRAIRIE CREEK VIEW SUBDIVISION', Hall Counly, N.braska, os shown on Ihs
<br />accompanying pIal Ih.roof; Ihal Ihs lois, blocks. slr..ls, aV8nU6S, all6Ys, parks,
<br />commons and 0lh6r grounds as conloln6d in said subdivision as shown on Ih.
<br />accompanying pial Ih6r.ol ars w611 and accurol.ly slak.d 011 and mark.d; Ihal
<br />iron mark6rs w.r. plac.d al all 101 com6rs; Ihal Ih. dim6nslons 01 8ach 101 ar6
<br />as shown on Ih6 pial; Ihal .ach 101 b.ars ils own numb6r; and Ihol said surv6Y
<br />was mad. wllh r.16r6nc. 10 knawn and r6card.d manum8nls.
<br />
<br />~;:rn~:., ~CTD ~L-.._
<br />(S'l,*S . 8ryi7J.~~8g.LFnd"'survir~r No. 5ilF
<br />Q~ .t.$,
<br />~J.. e ,ff:~
<br />? 0,' 30l\(\~
<br />
<br />
<br />Afloro va Is
<br />Submil/8d 10 and approv6d by Ih8 R6gional Planning Commission 01 Hall Counly.
<br />Grand Island, Wood Riv8r and Ih6 Vil/ag6s 01 Aida, CaIro and Doniphan, N.broska.
<br />
<br />~(IJ C ~
<br />~on
<br />
<br />-Sj.-.htf: s r2 den
<br />
<br />Approve~ O!):,....1/.pI8d by Ih. Hail Counly Boord 01 Supervisors. /hls_L_
<br />day ol....:zajll - D, 2007.
<br />
<br />-K~II-
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<br />LEGEND
<br />-.::ciJiCa'.s 1/2" Iron Pip. Found Unl.ss Olh.rwls. Nolod
<br />o-Indlca/.s 1/2" Iron Pip. w/5urv.y Cap Ploc.d Unl..s 0lh8rwls. Nol.d
<br />A-Indlco/.s ACTUAL Dlslunc.
<br />R-lndicol8s RECORDED DislallCe
<br />
<br />...
<br />
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<br /> 'ItL_ CI.., r",
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<br />~ 9'1111/ eel/4
<br /> tJiA '_~_'m'_
<br /> Locallpn Sketch
<br />
<br />\ \ ~
<br />
<br />L eqal De8crlJ2J..i.JLrL
<br />11 Irocl 01 land comprising a pari of Ih8 Norlhw6s1 Quarl.r (NWI/4) 01 S8clion
<br />SQV6n (7), Township n8von (11) Norlh, Rang6 n8V8n (11) W8S/ 01 Ih6 61h. P.M" In
<br />Hall Counly, N8braska, mOr6 parlicularly d.scrib8d as lollows:
<br />B.ginning a/ /h. norlhw6S1 CorMr 01 saId Nor/hw.s/ Quarl8r (NWI/4); 1I)8nc.
<br />running 6asl8rly olong /h8 norlh IiM 01 saId Norlhw.s/ Quorl6r (NWI/4), on an
<br />Assum6dB6arlng of S89'54'39"E, a dis/ancs of Filly (SO.OO) 1881, 10 a poinl on
<br />Ih6 6asl.rly right 01 way line 01 N6braska HIghway No. I I, and 10 Ih. ACTUAL
<br />poln/ 01 bsglnning; Ih8nc6 continuing 589"54 '39 "E, along Ihe norlh IiM of said
<br />Norll'W8S/ Quarl.r (NW//4), a dislanc6 01 Four Hundr6d Slxly Nin8 and Thlrly Four
<br />Hundr6dlhs (469.34) 188/; Ih8flc. running SOO"40'39"W, a dislancs of Four Hundr.d
<br />Slx/y SiK (466.00) 1.81; Ihsnc. running N89"54'39"W. a distance 01 Four Hundr.d
<br />Sixly Nlns and Thirly Four Hundredlhs (469.34) f8./, 10 a point on Ih. eas/6r1y
<br />right 01 way 11M 01 N8brosko Highway No. II; /h8nCS running NOO'4D'39''[, along
<br />Ih8 8asl8rly right 01 way 1In8 01 N8brasko Highway No. 11, a dislallc8 01 Four
<br />Hundr.d Sixly SIK (466.00) f681, 10 Ihs ACTUAL polnl of b.ginnlng and con/alning
<br />5.021 aCr6S mor8 Or I.ss.
<br />
<br />Dedication
<br />HARDERS. Husbond and WII., and RONALD L. HARDERS ond MARY A. HARDERS,
<br />Husband and W1I8, b8ing Ih8 OWn8rS 01 Ih6 land d8SCrib6d h8r80r1, haV6 caused
<br />Sam8 la be surv.Y8d, subdlvid8d, plal/.d and dssigno/8d as 'PRAIRIE CREEK VIEW
<br />SUBDIVISION: Hall Counly, N8braska, as shown on Ih8 accompanying pia/ /h.reol,
<br />and do h8r.by dedico/s Ih.road rlghi 01 way os shown /h8r80n /0 Ihs public lor
<br />Ih.lr us. lorevsr. and Ih8 8as8m.nls, if any, as shown /h6r80n lor Ih6 locallon,
<br />conslrucllon and main/6nancs of public s8rvic8 ullll1l8s lor6v8r, logslh8r wilh Ih.
<br />right of ingr.ss and .gr8SS 1I/8r810, and her8by prohiblllng /h8 planllng 01 /re8S,
<br />bush.s and shrubs, or placing olhsr obslrucliOrlS upon, OV8r, along or und6rn8alh
<br />Ih8 surloc. 01 such 6as.mMls; and thai Ih6 lor.goln!} subdivision as mor8
<br />parlicularly d.scrib.d in Ih. d8SCrlplion h8reon as appears on Ihis plul Is mode
<br />wllh Ih8 fr.6 cons8nl and in accordanc6 wilh Ih8 d.sir8S 01 Ih6 und8rsign8d
<br />OwfI6rs and propri./ors.
<br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, w. hl'v. ~1ixed our signalur.s h8r8/0 al Grand Islond,
<br />N.braska, Ihis--:Jt_day ol-,{f,,'1l1 , 2007.
<br />
<br />W;LL.;...~il~lt.,~v>
<br />'filil/lam L. Hord.rs
<br />
<br />I/fuvss<l..~:lr~cl.(JJ.A~
<br />VaMSSa L. Hard8rs
<br />
<br />~rl!tLL Ikb..J..-
<br />Ronald L. Hard.rs
<br />-}:jf't,../ nfi. 4..~
<br />Ml'~d8rs
<br />
<br />A ckno w/edfJement
<br />
<br />Sial. 01 N.braska ss
<br />Counly Of Hali ~
<br />On 1h8....3Lday o'-fh.J...'J."L, 2007, b.lor. m6___D=~ ..~
<br />a Nolory Public wllhln and lor said Counly, p8rsonally appsar8d WIL lAM L.
<br />HARDERS and VANESSA L. HARDERS, Husbond and Wlf6, and RONALD L. HAROERS
<br />and MARY A. HARDERS. Husband and Wil8 , 10 m. p.rsonaily known 10 b. /h8
<br />Id.nllcul p.rsons whoss slgnalur6S ars alllX6d her610, and Ihal .ach did
<br />acknowl6dg. Ih. 8x6cullon Ih6r801 10 b8 his or h8r volunlary acl ond d88d.
<br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I haV8 h8r6unlo subscrib.d my flam6 and all/x6d my
<br />olllclal s801 al Grand Islond. N6braska, On Ih. dale last above wrill.n.
<br />My COmmissionexp/r8s_{~~f--E~. .
<br />
<br />-T\ C (~ lJ:'~~~otH~lr;j"
<br />_~ V . .{~..,.._,_ t9""~~O"OEN'"''
<br />~o Of(l f"Ublic .., Ylt.t6!R~iWJ
<br />
<br />
<br />II 0 C K IY ELLA N 0 ASS 0 C. L L C - E N G I HE [ N I N G .t SUN V E Y I H G - G NAN 0 I S l A NO. N EON ASK A
<br />
<br />SMol Ho. I 01 I
<br />