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<br />tv <br />S <br />S <br />-...J <br />S <br />-...J <br />-...J <br />...... <br />-...J <br /> <br />BACK HOME SUBDIVISION <br /> <br />~ <br />.>9.'''' <br />u~v" <br /> <br /> <br />~ : <br />-N- ~ <br />I ~ <br />M <br /> <br />LEGEND <br />Scale 1" m 1QO' <br /> <br />SectiOIl Cornllt I:ut.llld <br />CQrnl:r (found 314" l\cUSf UII.!~\li Notl:d <br />Corner Sel 112" l)ipe <br />found "MaBII Nail ill C()II~ri;:le <br />Telllporury Poilu <br />Recon.l Oi.~llIIlI;e <br />I\'hlil~ured Oi31/1nCtl <br /> <br /> ~l~ ~ <br /> h. f;; <br />~~'~f. <br /> t\; on <br /> l =.:..J <br />., :::: <br /> '" <br /> '" <br /> <br />,,~ <br />0_' <br />~ I~ <br />a <br /> <br />.. <br /> <br />c) I, <br />'" <br /><=> <br /><=> If <br />-I I <br />." <br />-. <br />.~ <br />"" t} <br /> <br />in the Village of Doniphan <br />Hall County, Nebraska <br /> <br />~ _ '=-j~~~/.:~r.",~. "- <br />~QlJlhlillll W '128W 114 <br />...a~I/fOl.J!iIy"/Qllum"ltt_~: ~_. ~ ""_00214W ~O(lO'RM <br /> <br />NOO"02'l<iW 10GM <br />I ... $Qluh "(11) W 11'2 SW 1/4 ". <br />., DI:IIlOWf/k:lIIIHrllffltlfd <br />_._',.~----"'_._--_._---- "._-'--'-~'.~:-_.~. <br /> <br />Q' 1;j <br />"- ", <br /> I;j <,,'If-'" <br /> ~ <br /> ~ <br /> :; <br /> 0 <br /> I/) <br /> <br />ZONING <br />l011: Highway Commercia' <br />lol 2: R3 Rosidential <br /> <br />4---- <br /> <br />N 89'53'36"E 539.81' M <br />S 89'53'47"E 539.61' M <br /> <br />I <br />I II <br />II <br />J '~ <br />lie I ,,' <br />j1i j I "- <br /><:>,: I ',I <br />,~I 8::1.50' :tI~"'" IJ6.J'j' <br />- ~ ~Po~f."'" S89'63'30' 219JIO'R 218.73'M <br />.."""lno '* N 89"53'38"E 218.71' M ~ <br /> <br />$ 89'53'47"E 218.71' M <br />('Old" U. S. Highway #201) <br />Pins Slreet <br /> <br />rD~."N~TOS'~. <br />:JQIJ/JI/ilj" w. t ". ii..sW 1/4 S'. '.0001'Ol"W /50,00' RM <br />s'jXeWOUSlyllICllIJ/IJf'111J1I ,. <br />----. --,,--- <br />.- S 0000l'O"W 2.71t M <br />n. -~.$(H#II ..sw""'Il,sw.,i:i" <br />DIlII1OW/I/QfflJ'tId/l//JiI <br /> <br />FaUtldBll.HnifllJfflC9pllll:lIII/ll1ant <br />Lo~fIlkm Qt!j '14 G'OIllllrllll fNCQm~EC;TL y <br />a.:II by l., R. Nwd 10120/19:Jf <br /> <br />S~cAhWQ~t COlntii <br />S,;IOt/tm6- f9N.R9W <br />~~;tt:l'(~~:'t::::Vlthot9 ill L"I):n~r919 <br />84.22 f~J SWlo n8JJ iIlla/qphon9/il1!JT pD~1 <br />90.00 '''lIt NW,o flail fn I.'.phOllriillf;$IIr po~t <br />185,74 "III SElo 112'pip~ <br /> <br />S 89"53'47"E 1885.35' <br /> <br />N 89'53'36"E 1885.35' .. <br />" .. .-0:-- -1' <br />I <br /> <br />9.70'M <br /> <br />LEGAl.. Ol:1SGRIPTION <br />A lflld of hmd comPlleing II p8l1lJ' Uly Wesl Halt Qr Ihy Southwe:~1 QUartsf ~ 1a 5W 1/4) 0' Se~UI,lIl 5, TOWfl~hlJ) 9 North, HIlr\I.IQ 0 <br />West of the 6th P.M" .1,111 County, Nqi}tBak.a. said Ifl;l~1 being mote piirU!;ularly daecllbild II:!! folloW$: <br />With ra(atlilm:c to the aoulhw93t cornel t)fsald W 1f.;! BW 1/.4; thencliI IIlllfllllU on an a$SUi'IIud bearing or S 80t1~3'41" E On !he Soulll <br />line of said W 1!.l aw 114 Q3 ilia now mQ/Ulllianteu, fot a dl31ancEt ot $39.61 tlilel; thoney N 0(/10'2'14" W for 1,Qa rout to a paInt 011 <br />It'le :31li.lth line or sakl W 1/2 aw 1/4 IJ.:!Iltwa3 (QrmellY IT\onumenlcd; Ulllnce N O~02' 14" W for !SO,OO fset 10 11 plllnt on Ihe NOl1h <br />I1llhl-1l1-waV Uns Qt U,S, Highway 1t.Z81 as fOlmelly mQi'\umenleJ, $tlld point bel"" Ihlll "cluel POINT OF BEOJNNINGj thence <br />cOllllnl.llll11 N OOO~ 14- W for S~~.77 fualj Ulance N 8~~7' 24~ E tOl 140_92 teel; tlutllCu S 08018' C;:)" W ror 32'3.a~ h~ol; !hence <br />N 891J~a' 22- E for 11a,IJ4 fllal; theflco S o(f'01' Or E rlJr 205.6' 'eelllJ g point 00 Ihe North line 0' I;jj:lkl highway ,IOhl-Of-wo.y; 1l1ellcEt <br />a a~$a' 36" W on saki hlghwav ,lolli-of-way ror 218.73 real to th& POINT OP aEaINNING. saJ~ (fitel conlalnlno 1,940 Bcree mQfO IJt h13S_ <br /> <br />D~O'CATION <br />Ktlaw all men by tha$1) prasent Il1all.lnda K, Elhusal't, ~ ~ngle perSOll, buing tl1l'1 ow-nut of Ills !l;II1Q dea(;JlbstJ hereon, IliI:! CBllSE!d Ili9 <br />same to ba ~urvElye<l, ~lJbdMcled, ph:IUad, a.IIQ aeell,ll'talad as SACK HOME. aUBDIVISION, I:In addItion 10 the VlII<llJli of Dool"lllll). Uall County, <br />Nebraska, ao 'Shown on Ihe 'IIeeornpsnylllg "'~llhDraof, and <1011:1 halebv~eIl'IC8.t8lhB eil3emuIlb, a.:!la/town U1erson ro, thO' IOGilUOI1. <br />(;OnalfucUOII, and mslnlensnca of public SIIMcII ulllillaa, 10000elhl;lr wilh !he (luhl of Ingralj,lj, lllld egralls lIUIfOlo, Bnd hSlS~Y ptOhlbillng Ihe <br />plalltl(l~ of trees, bll4ho3. Bnd el1ruuf;l;, 01 placIng olhtJ.I ob3trucjtQns UpOn. OVS1, alonu Ilf UndelflElath Ine :sIJlrSCIiI of such ea6li1men!s; Illld <br />Ulitlltle foregoIng ~UIxIMslon, 33 ITlOrlil panlculaily descrIbed In (he/sOill doserlpuon IhsleQr1, as IIpears on Ilia pial Is I'na\lo Willi !he rres <br />(;onllenlllnd In iu:;c.or<talletil with the aEl'SIJ'ufl or the uoderslu,.lsd (lWI1E1~lld ptopt1elor. In Wilne:i:!ll wl1arElot, I haitii' alllxed my :slgnalurl;l <br />-:'''0 '10~~i!1~ . N.b",'., Ihl> X~!!!. d'l oIl}efP "'11er . 200.. <br /> <br />~n <br /> <br />$olllh 1MCOI(t8( <br />SectIM.5.19N-R9W <br />H~II CQunly. Nebi'lJ;sIi." <br />FlJlJnrJ alimlf,lwll c/Jp fOOllllffla/I'!IIl jj;sl;JbIl4h~d by <br />UaH ColJtIty 8WYfJyoran 'W2911992 {fOil/ Cfildrlf j}o~l~ <br />r)/O,fgina} BUfVtJy for IfJliI 'Villa!J6 of DwupluJrI. Nebra~1i8 <br />010,00 (eflt S 10112" plPf1 <br />49.10ftJstNlo 112"p/pe <br />rHO {flBI /II II;! a1IJminum cSp <br /> <br />ACKNOWU:.DGEMl:NT <br />$hUv of Nebraska <br />.. <br />g~~~~ ag~l~y al ~Jl~c:e!1.tb~.,.... . 2006,l::aetafv fI19KoJ~~la.'y ,fr/pJ,..'tt ,~Nolary Public Within and lor &1.l11.J Counly peflj,QI'ti1lly <br />app\liued Unda K, i:lhu:san, to mo J)Qr30nallv known 10 balha enU..~1 purson whQso ell,lnalura Is sfltll;o(J hereto i1nd lh~l ~he did <br />a(knowtedga Ihe Oll.vCuUon U,efOl)f (I> be ~r ....olul'lhll)" 11&1 BAld d.ed ll.:f. :lalLl OWnlilr, 111 will\s:s:! wtlllreol, I hays hafaUI1{O 3ubscribed <br />;nV-nllje i:ll1d a/nxid my ~f clal seal at fri~,,<l [.J It.lVl~[ ,Nebrasks 1;I0lhl) data laalal)Qvo writl.en. <br />Vt:,,"-Lit-I-"Jr~l,. . &.2't.- lIlHtMl.HOIN<<.&lillllttlcb~'Ib <br />NolaI)' Publlo R~~~~:P~~~, <br />APPROVA~a <br />8u lJ~~ te:f ~:~;:,~~~~~: ~~~I~~I~I~~:~:~:~~:h~ !i:~~~:~ tH;~ ~:rrJQQ~~ hi/lind, Wood AWOI, and ll1e <br /> <br /> <br />ylj." 6..~"(.( VILLAGeeOARDAPPROVAL <br />'. ,'.0' ,. '~ ~ ~ 7 <br />o ,\' I \ I, '~, ApprQ....ed IU1~ aeevplll!ld bv!he Village Bo 01 O~'llphan, NElbf~e.k~ thl:S~ QllY 0' a.,.c.."~_~, 20<1( <br /><0" I., ,..~ / J <br />;~,.. c".-. '.,: I:, ";> . _hP.~ ::8-<~ <br />'~ .f. ". '. ~. 'i: Fha ,man VlII~ Cl9rk -----=::t .. ~ <br />l. '. \"{l 0:="" I <br />'\ ","~..~:.'" l,ANO:;lURVEYOR'8CErmFICATl:. <br />I hSleby E:$,tify that on ...!l..tu.r.~ ~,2006,1 cornplehld an accurale "UIVOV of BACK HOME 3UBDI\Il81UN, <br />an s~4ill~rl to Ih8 Vlllagt;l Qr C~l1lphan,1-l~IlCl)unty, Nebr8ak;a,l\~ :5hown on Ul, I1ccol1lpanylng Io1hll U\urao', Ihal ,no <br />lOla, ~1~l;k:t, atreets. /J.lllj:nUg:t, aUaya, ps.,b, eQmmOn3, ~n\.l u!hergroun.:ltt alJ conl'ained In sllll1 ~"Wlvlslon aa <br />ahoWIl on Ihe accompanyhlO pial thereof, itf. W\lll and accur"IOly .:!I(aked 0/1 ilnd Irnukod, thai If 01) Il1liirkarll Wille <br />placed ilt slllot &O"'al, milt lhe dhnoll1iiloll:! of each Itll ~Hld blocll: are a& ~hOWil on U1Is pial, IMI Bil&h 101 b&afS llll <br />ownjj, l1umbsr, sod Ih?{ said 3UrveV W"~3 m~~? ~!J;l, ~e(I!IOIl~9 10 jutOWfll1il(J (o(:ordad m(jnllmOrlm., <br />~ill.df.fiL ,,"'~~~!!f'.~~~""'" <br />Lyl .0,,1. /" '"0\ST 1:,9,""" >, <br />R,LS.(I411 ~ l~c.o ('t;\ '\ <br />: I 1:; <br />i: lS-41 i; <br />\ \!-?v. . ,.,,,,,,,;/ j <br />'., (<'f) SUR~'O.'c, ...- <br />"'.I-<'''h''"'~--I'' ", <br />"jj~/rt,il~II~~""~' <br /> <br />4.. ~ DAVISSURVEYING,lNC, 4 <br /> <br />Lyle I1lltllllllb ll!1vis <br />203 Leisure lakt: RUlld <br />Doniphllll. Nebmska 68832 <br />1102-84S-:rnH J'holl~ 402-1;1....5.2207 Fux <br />..m.""~,,,,' ~ <br /> <br />lloqk~PIl.aa~~..~Di\I\l. 1a.~O+-O,L-JulJNo.~;.~~ <br /> <br />field <br /> <br />LwD <br /> <br />Crill. <br /> <br />,...,~ 011I11 -----'iI1!_ Pllge ~of,.".".L_ <br />