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<br />200707602 <br /> <br />If (hcrc is a surplus of r;unds held in escrow, as defincd undcr RESPA, Lendcr slmll account to Borrowcr for the excess <br />funds in a<:cordance with RESP A, If there is a shOltage of Funds held in escrow, as defined nnder RESP A, Lemler shall notify <br />Borrowcr as reqnired hy RESPA, and Borrower shall pay to Lcnder the amount neccssary to make up lhc shortagc~ in <br />accordance wilh RESP A, bnt in no more than 12 monthly payments. If there is a deficien<:y of Funds held in escrow, as defined <br />under RESPA, Lcndcr slnllnotify Borrowcr as required by RESP A, and Borrower shall pay 10 I.cnder lhe ,unounlneecssary to <br />mah~ up the ddiciency in a<:wrdance with RESP A, but in 110 more lhan 12 llHlIlt Illy payments. <br />Upon paYIII"llt in full of all Slnl1S secured by this Security Instrulllcnl, LellCkr shall prOlllptly refund to Borrowel- ;lIIY <br />Funds hcld by Lellckr, <br />4. Charges; Liens. Borrowcr shall pay all taxes, asscssnlcuts, charges, fines, and illlpositions atlribulHbk to lhe <br />Properly which can attain priorilY over this Se<:urity Instrument, leaschold paynlents or ground rCllts on the Propcrly, if any. <br />and COllllllunity Asso<:iation Dues, Fccs, and Assessments, if any. To the extent thatthcsc items are Escrow !lems, Borrower <br />shall pay Ihclllln the manncr provided in Se<:liOll 3. <br />]3orl'<)wer shall promptly disehargc any lien which has priorily over this Seelll'ily Instnnncnl unless Borrower: (n) agrees in <br />writing to the paymeut of the obligation secured by tbe lien in a manner a<:ccptable to Lender, but only so long as Borrowcr is <br />pcrforming such ;I)!reement; (b) contests the lien in good faith by, or defcnds against enforcement of lhe licn in, legal proceedings <br />which in Lcndcr's opinion opcrale to prevent the enfor<:emeut of the lien while thosc proceedings arc pcnding, IHll ouly until sudl <br />pro<:ecdings are condudcd; or (c) secures from the holder of the lien an agreemenl satisfactory to Lendcr subordinatinf! the lien 10 <br />lhis Security Inslnnl1Cnl. If Lender dctennines that any par! of the Propelty is subjc<:t 10 a lien which can allain priority ovcr lhis <br />Security Instrument, Lendcr may give Borrower a notice identifying the lien. Within 10 days of the date on which lhat notice is <br />gi I'i.~n, Borrow<':r shall S<llisfy thc licn or t,ike one or more of the a<:tions set f0l1h abovc in this Section 4, <br />Lender Inay rl~quire Borrower to pay a one-time charge for a rc,I! eSlate tax verifie<tlion and/or reporting scrvice used by <br />L<':ncler in <:onnectiou with lhis Loau. <br />S. ProJlerly Insurance. Borrower shall keep the improvemellls now existing or hereafter erected on lhc ProperlY <br />Insured against luss by fire, hazards included within the term "cxtcndcd coverage," and any other hazards including, lJlll nol <br />lindted to, earthquakes and tloods, for which Lcnder rcquires insurancc_ 'fhis iusurance shall bc lllainlained in lhe iUIlOlllltS <br />(inclnding dcdUdible levels) and for the pcriods that Lender requires. What Lendcr rcquires plll'snanl 10 thc preceding <br />scntenecs <:Hn change during the term of the Loan. The insurance carricr providing thc insurance shall bc <:hosen by Burrower <br />subject to Lender's right to disapprove Borrower's choice, which right shall not be exer<:ised ullreasonably. Lendcr lIliiY rcc[llire <br />!3orrown 10 pay, in connection with lhis Loan, either: (a) a onc-lime charge for Hood zone delermination, e,~rtificalion and <br />tnIckiug services; or (h) a one limc charge for 1lood zonc determination and ccrtification scrviees ,111<1 snbsequentchargcs each <br />time remappings or similar dJanges occur which reasonably mighl affect such determinillion or certification. Borrowcr shall <br />also be responsible for the paymeut of any fecs imposcd by the Federal Emergency Managemcnt Af!ency in conneclion with <br />lhc review of any flood zone delcnnination resulting from an objection by Bonower. <br />If Borrower fails 10 maintain any of the coverages dcscribed above, Lendcr may obtain insuran<:c coverage, at Lcndcr's <br />option and Borrower's cxpense. Lcnder is under no obligation to purchase any particular lype or amounl of covcrage. <br />Thl~refore. such coverage shall cover Lencler, bnt might or mighl not protect Borrowcr, Borrower's eq ui t y in Ihe Propcrl y, ur <br />Ihc contcnls of the Properly, against any risk, hazard or liability and might provide greater or lesser C()Veragl~ lhall W;IS <br />previously ill erred, Borrower acknowledgcs thal the cosioI' thc insurance coveragc so ()btainedmi~:ht significanlly execed the <br />cost of inSlll'<lllCC Ihill Borrower conld have obtained. Any ,llll011l1tS disbnrsed by Leuder under this Section 5 shall be(:(llue <br />addition,I! debt 01 Borrowcr secured by this Security Inslrnment.. These amounls shall bear inlerest at the Note ratc frolll the <br />date of c1isbllrsenleut and shall be payable, with such interesl, upon notice from Lenckr to Borrower rCClucslillf! payment. <br />All insurance ]Joli<:ies required by Lender and renewals of such policies shull be subject lo Lcnder's right to disapprove <br />such policies, Sll,ill include a standard mortgage clause, and shall IHime I "ender as mOl1gaf!ee and/or as an additional loss paYl~l; <br />Ixnder shall have tllc rif!hl 10 hold the poliei<:s and renewal ccrlificates, If Lender rcqllires. Borrower shall promptly givc to <br />!'ellder all receipts of paid prcmiulJJs aud renewal notices. If Borrower obtaiJJs aJJY form of illsurance covcnl~~C, not otllc'lwisc <br />I\~qllirecl hy Lellcln. for danwgc 10, or destruction of, tlie Property, SIlCIt poli<:y shall illclude a standard mortg<lf!e (:Iausl' al1d <br />,ItHIlI1HI1IC Lcmkr as mortgagec and/or as an additional loss payee. <br />III Ihc event of loss, Borrower shall give prompt notice to the insurance carrier and Lender. Lender nHlY nlake prooe of <br />loss if not JJlaclc promptly by Borrower. Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agrec in writing, any insurance procccds, <br />whethcr or not the undcrlying insurance was requircd by Lender, shall be applied to resloration or repair or thc Property, if lhe <br />restoration or repair is economieillJy feasible and Lcnder's security is not lessened. Dllriug snch repair and restoralion pcriod, <br />Lendcr slt;lll Itaw thc right lO hold sncll insurancc proceeds nntil Lcnder lias had an opportunity to inspecI sucli Property 10 <br />enSlll'l~ lltc \Vork has been compleled to Lendcr's satisfaction, provided tliat su<:h inspection shall bc undertaken pr(mlptly <br />I KIHk'r milY dishlll'se proceeds ror the repairs and rcstoration in a single payment or in a series of progress paymenls as tlte <br /> <br />IT~M T269SL5 (0308)-MERS <br /> <br />(Puge 5 Ij I7l'l1ge.l') <br /> <br />Form JO:!!! 1/0 I <br /> <br />C;f1rATl.AND. <br />To Order Call: 1-800-530-9393 0 fox: 610-/91-1131 <br /> <br />NEBHASl:\A-Silli\k l':lI11ily --Fannie Mue/Fn~lIIic Mac UNIFORM INSTRUMENT <br /> <br />(j) <br />~ <br /> <br />N- ~ <br />