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<br />200707602 <br /> <br />(H) "Loan" means the del)t evidenced by the Note, plus interest, any prepayment <:harges and late <:harges due under the <br />Note, and all SlnllS due under this Se<:urity Instnnneut, plus interest. <br /> <br />(I) "Riders" lIleans all Riders to this Security Instrument th:tl are exe<:uted by Borrower. The following Riders arc to be <br />exeniled by !3orrower Iche<:k box as applicable]: <br /> <br />D Adjust:,ble Rate Rider <br /> <br />D Condominium Rider <br /> <br />o Se<:ond I-Iome Rider <br /> <br />o Balloon Rickr <br /> <br />D Planned Unit Development Rider <br /> <br />D Other(s) [specify] <br /> <br />o 1-4 Family Rider <br /> <br />D Biweekly Payment Rider <br /> <br />(J) "Applicable Law" meaus all <:ontrolling applicable fcckral, state and local statutes, regulations, ordinances alld <br />administrative rules amI orders (that havt: the effect of law) as well as all applicable final, non-appealable judi<:ial opinions <br /> <br />(K) "Community Association Dues, Fees, and Assessments" lnt:ans all dues, fees, assessments aud other charges that an: <br />imposed on Borrower or the Property by a condominium associatiou, homeowners association or similar organization, <br /> <br />(L) "Electronic Funds Transfer" means any transfer of funds, other than a transaction originated by check, draft, or si mi lar <br />paper instrument, whi<:h is initiated through an electronic terminal, telephonic instrument, compult:r, or magnetic tape su as to <br />llrder, instl'll<:t, or authurize a rinancial institution to debit or nedit an accunnt. Such terIll includes, but is not limited to, point- <br />or-sale transrers, autumated teller ma<:hille transactions, transfers initiated by telephone, wire transfers, alld automated <br />cleari nghuuse tr:\ Ilsfcrs, <br /> <br />(M) "Escrow Items" means those items that arc described in Section 3, <br /> <br />(N) "Miscellaneolls Proceeds" means any compensation, settlement, award of damages, or proceeds paid by any third party <br />(other than insurance proceeds paid under the coverages deSClibed in Se<:tion 5) fur: (i) damage to, or destrnction or, tlie <br />Property; (ii) col\llelllnation or otht:r taking of all or any part of the Property; (iii) cunveyance in lien of col\llelllnalion; or <br />(iv) misrepreSClllnlions of, or omissions as to, the value and/or condition of the Property, <br /> <br />(0) "Mortgage Insurance" Ineans insurall<:e protecting Lender against the nonpltyment of, or default on, the LO<lI\, <br /> <br />(1') "Periodk Payment" mcans the regularly scheduled amount due for (i) principltl and interest under the Note, pins <br />(ii) any amonnts under Section 3 of this Security Instrument, <br /> <br />(0) "RESPA" nwallS t]le Real Eslnle Settlement Procedures Act (12 U,S,c, S2601 el. seq,) and its iluplementillg regulatiou, <br />Rq'.nlation X (2,1 (',F.R, Part 35(0), as they miglit be a111t:nded fromlinle to tillie, or any lldditional or snccessor Icgis!aliull'Jr <br />!e;'.lIlation that )2()V(;lIlS tlie sanle subject mailer. As nsed in this Secnrity Inslrulllent, "RESPA" refers to all requirements and <br />,'eslrietions th:n ill e iluposed iu regard (0 a "federally relatt:d mortgage loan" even if the Loan docs 1I0t qualiry as a "federally <br />related Inorttutgc loan" uuder RESPA, <br /> <br />(R) "Successor in Interest of Borrower" means any party that has taken title to the Property, whether or nol that parly has <br />assllllled Burrower's obligations uncleI' the Note ancl/or this Security Instrnment, <br /> <br />(5< (0 N-~ <br /> <br />NEtWASKA--Sill,"tc 1':11 II iI y-.-F'''llltc l\J"e/Fr~,I(lic Muc UNIFORM INSTRUMENT <br /> <br />Form J1I1ll IIIH <br /> <br />1"1 lM 12G981 ? (030B)--MERS <br /> <br />(l'<lge 2 oj'12Jhlges) <br /> <br />l,HLAILANI) II <br />'10 OHler Call: 1800-,,0-9393 [] "IX b1o-"l91-11:\1 <br />