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<br />200707310
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<br />PREAMBLE: This is a MILITARY POWER OF ATTORNEY prepared pursuant to Title 10, United States
<br />Code, ~ l044b, and executed by a person authorized to receive legal assistance from the military services.
<br />Federal law exempts this power of attorney from any requirement of form, substance, formality, or recording
<br />that is. prescribed for powers of attorney by the laws of a state, the District of Columbia, or a territory,
<br />commonwealth, or possession of the United States. Federal law specifies that this power of attorney shall be
<br />given the same legal effect as a power of attorney prepared and executed in accordance with the laws of the
<br />jurisdiction where it is presented.
<br />
<br />"Principal"), currently residing at 3820 HEADWIND LN, PORTSMOUTH, VA 23703, by this
<br />document do make and appoint JENNIFER JAZMIRA SALEENA ("Grantee", "Agent" or
<br />"Attorney-in-Fact"), whose address is 3820 HEADWIND LN, PORTSMOUTH, VA 23703, as
<br />my true and lawful Attorney-in.;Pact, GRANTING unto my said Attorney full power to do and
<br />perform all acts whatsoever concerning my property and personal affairs necessary as I might do
<br />or could do if personally present, including but not limited to:
<br />
<br />1. REAL PROPERTY TRANSACTIONS: (a) To buy, contract to buy, receive, lease or
<br />otherwise acquire real estate or any options therein or interest therein; (b) to sell, contract to sell,
<br />mortgage, lease, grant options to purchase or otherwise dispose of any or all real estate in which
<br />I now have or may hereafter acquire any right, title, or interest; (c) to sign, execute, acknowledge '
<br />and deliver any and all instruments as may be necessary or convenient; including such term and
<br />conditions and such warranties and convenience, if any, as my Attorney-in-Fact shall deem
<br />advisable; and (d) to arrange, repair,. alter or improve any real estate or structure therein owned
<br />by me in whole or in part, and to protect the same by action, proceeding or otherwise, including,
<br />but not limited to, the recovery of possession thereof and the removal of tenants or other persons,
<br />animals or objects therefrom.
<br />
<br />2. PERSONAL PROPERTY TRANSACTIONS: (a) To buy, sell, lease, contract for the
<br />repair of, and in any manner deal with any and all personal property, tangible or intangible,
<br />which I may own or which I now have or hereafter may acquire any right, title or interest; (b) to
<br />execute and deliver to the proper authority any and all documents necessary to effect the proper
<br />registration and licensing of any automobiles in which I now or may hereafter have an interest;
<br />and (c) to take possession and order the removal and shipment of any of my property from or to
<br />any warehouse or other place of storage, safekeeping, or use, and to execute and deliver any
<br />receipt of other instrument necessary or convenient for such purpose.
<br />
<br />3. BUSINESS TRANSACTIONS: (a) To demand, sue for, recover, receive, compromise,
<br />settle, adjust and pay all accounts, legacies, bequests, interest, dividends, annuities, de~ands,
<br />debts, taxes and any and all other obligations, which may now or hereafter be due,. OWIn~ or
<br />payable by or to me; (b) to carry on and transact every. kind of business o~ my behalf, ~ncludmg,
<br />but not limited to transactions concerning any and all Investments; (c) to Invest and reInvest and
<br />exchange inves~ents, and to execute and deliver good and suffi?ient instruments for the
<br />accomplishment thereof; and (d) t~ act as .my attorney or proxy WIth respect to any stocks,
<br />shares, bonds or other investments, nghts or Interests as I may now or hereafter hold.
<br />
<br />Naval Legal Services Office, Mid~Atlantic, Legal Assistance Office, 9620 Maryland Avenue, Norfolk, VA 23511
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